Every day I see people saying that the "PS3 just came out. Give it time. The 360 took a year to get its first good game."
If this is the case, then the PS3 truly has nothing. The PS3's highest rated game is Resistance with an 8.6 score. The 360 launched with three exclusives that scored higher. Do you still even want to compare what the PS3 has now against what the 360 had seven months into its lifespan? Are you really willing to say that your own system has nothing in order to say that the system you oppose took a year to get something worthy?
This argument didn't work for the original Xbox ("The PS2 had a one year head start. That's why its game library is better. /cry) and it's not working now for the PS3. The PS2 had a better lineup in its first year than the Xbox did. The 360 had a better first seven months than the PS3 did.
First off, I mean come on Kameo, Project 0 and Call of Duty 2. Resistance beats every single one of them hands down, the fact GS didn't rate it higher, might make room for a discussion wether you should have more than 1 reviewer, because this guy obviously didn't get the greatness of this game. Resistance IS the best console-FPS period.
Second, the PS3 has great titles out right now, with games like Resistance, Motorstorm, Oblivion(yes it's on both platforms, but that doesn't detract), MLB The Show and a bunch more multi-platform titles, which unless your one of those people who only likes on type of game, should keep you playing 'till the second wave of great games.
3rd, it did take the 360 a year before the release games actually ran without any problems, it was "glitchville", not to mention the unreliabillity of the 360 itself(mine died on me twice), and with Sony just reporting 1.000.000 consoles beeing sold in the PAL region alone, they're of to a great start, and things are only getting better, the PS2 gamers will upgrade to the PS3 soon enough, more and more studio's support the Blu-Ray over HD-DVD, so the PS3 is winning, and with MS's terrible trackrecord at actually outclassing the competition(usually they have to buy the competition to actually win a costumer base battle), THE PS3 WILL CRUSH THE 360!!!!
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