I'll say this again, PS3 games are held to higher standard than the original X360 games were when they were released. PS3 games were being rated at a time when X360 started releasing their best games (both 1st/2nd/3rd party games).
Now I know you've said before gamespot does not do that....meaning they wouldn't rate a PS3 game lower because it's being judged against 2nd generation X360 games. I ask this, why then did PS3 Oblivion actually score LOWER than the X360 version that was released a year earlier?
Reading the review of the PS3, it's stated quite clearly the PS3 version is better graphically and content wise than the original release of the X360 version. So why would it actually get a lower score? If what you have said previously was true and when a title is released doesnt' matter, why didn't PS3 version score higher or at the very least the same score?
 There were two different reviewers, Greg Kasavin and Greg Mueller. Their opinions will differ.
The games scored the same in terms of tilt, value, graphics, and gameplay. Only the PS3 version scored lower on sound.
Aslso Mueller also states (The PlayStation 3 version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is every bit as impressive as the Xbox 360 and PC versions. However, this isn't necessarily the best version of the game. This version does come with the Knights of the Nine add-on, which will add about 10 hours of gameplay to the already lengthy game, but it doesn't come with any of the other downloadable additions made available on the Xbox 360.)
There you have it, your claim of GS holding PS3 games to a higher standard just flew out the window.
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