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Didnt sound like a fan boy to me only seemed excited about a game he wants to play you sound like a 360 geek to me i have both consoles and no matter what anyone says games like killzone will show the PS3 is superior not just in graphics but in AI aswell i dont know if you are familiar with a Specific processing entity (SPE) or how it works but the ps3 has 7 the only reason why xbox games look as good IS BECAUSE THEY ARE GAMES MADE FOR THE 360 THEN PORTED OVER USING s*i*y SOFTWARE SO PROGRAMERS CAN SIT ON THEI ASS ALL DAY!!! WHICH WHY ANYONE COMPARING SCREENSHOTS SELECTS THOSE KIND OF GAMES
i have a 360 elite and a ps3 and strangely i have jericho on both systems (one was a gift) and i have played it back to back i prefer the 360 controler it is alot better than the six axis which is just a ps2 controler with a motion sensor which in turn is only a ps1 controler with analoge (i hope this trend will change) but in all other areas the ps3 is superior
Killzone will rock when its released and dont pass judgement unitil it is because geeky screenshots dont mean sh1t
Didnt sound like a fan boy to me only seemed excited about a game he wants to play you sound like a 360 geek to me i have both consoles and no matter what anyone says games like killzone will show the PS3 is superior not just in graphics but in AI aswell i dont know if you are familiar with a Specific processing entity (SPE) or how it works but the ps3 has 7 the only reason why xbox games look as good IS BECAUSE THEY ARE GAMES MADE FOR THE 360 THEN PORTED OVER USING s*i*y SOFTWARE SO PROGRAMERS CAN SIT ON THEI ASS ALL DAY!!! WHICH WHY ANYONE COMPARING SCREENSHOTS SELECTS THOSE KIND OF GAMES
i have a 360 elite and a ps3 and strangely i have jericho on both systems (one was a gift) and i have played it back to back i prefer the 360 controler it is alot better than the six axis which is just a ps2 controler with a motion sensor which in turn is only a ps1 controler with analoge (i hope this trend will change) but in all other areas the ps3 is superior
Killzone will rock when its released and dont pass judgement unitil it is because geeky screenshots dont mean sh1t
Easy on the pills there mister.
[QUOTE="neogeo419"][QUOTE="SergeantSnitch"][QUOTE="Titus_WoWplayer"]joke thread? lol its all about u remember lair? doesn't look that amazing anyways, its nice but its not revoltionary lol...SergeantSnitch
[QUOTE="maabus99"]Have you seen Crysis on the new settings modders just found? I hope this is a joke thread if you have.SergeantSnitch
No I haven't. Matter of fact, I don't even know what you're talking about. I'm talking consoles here buddy, Crysis doesn't count.
Basically if you are saying that, then the Xbox 360 has over 120 exclusives and the PS3 has a measely 40
You missed the point *watches as point goes right over SergeantSnitch's head*. Fail= your mindless drivel thread with 98% of posts in disagreement.neogeo419
Unless that's what he wanted. He knew Microsoft obsessives and insecure gamers would be baited to make massive amounts of negative posts and yet he posted the thread anyway. Seems more like he took everyone for a ride.
[QUOTE="ItalStallion777"]and i and the majority of others would say it isn't.Pariah_001
I didn't realize System Wars operated oficially under a majority mind set...
On that note: People should make threads with "KILLZONE 2" in the title more often so as to demonstrate the desperation and venom of Microsoft consumers with how quick they flood the threads with insults, one-liners, and "can't compare to Crysis" comments.
It would be interesting to see if posters would rush in to a thread with Killzone 2 in the topic line without reading the original post.
Still, this thread is a joke. Yes, Killzone 2 has fantastic graphics. Graphics do not make a game revolutionary by themselves. Plenty of games, going back to Medal of Honor on the PS1, have attempted to simulate a 'real war experience', using the best technology available to them at the time. Killzone 2 will use better technology, and will look and sound fantastic, but it's still working from a template that FPS games have been using for years.
Unless the game is doing something else that hasn't been mentioned before, it will not revolutionize the FPS genre.
[QUOTE="neogeo419"]You missed the point *watches as point goes right over SergeantSnitch's head*. Fail= your mindless drivel thread with 98% of posts in disagreement.Pariah_001
Unless that's what he wanted. He knew Microsoft obsessives and insecure gamers would be baited to make massive amounts of negative posts and yet he posted the thread anyway. Seems more like he took everyone for a ride.
Yup, insecure over Killzone.
[QUOTE="SergeantSnitch"]I think it is safe to say the game will be a revolution
haha, sorry, i just had to quote that one bit... almost made me spit coke out my nose.
lol haha, It made me gag on my orange juice. This is the funniest joke of a topic ever. SegeantSnitch is the defines the word fanboyi love that you have the line 'lemmings are delusional' in your sig, it makes this thread all the more hilarious.
crysis destroys the muddines that is KZ2. and KZ lighting system is nowhere near as complex as Crysis, sorry.. at least not based on what i've seen.
THe funny thing is that you have to compare KZ2 to Crysis. No console game matches KZ2's impressive lighting.
Stop hyping the graphics, what we have seen so far of the game looks mediocre imo.kort-nilsen
Actually, I think the gameplay looks great and I like the first-person cover. Only problem with it is the linear style but one level doesn't always represent the whole game. Remember Halo 3? Bungie promised huge enviroments but the 1st,2nd, and 4th levels weren't.
I would rather wait until there's more info on the game (multiplayer, etc) and the previews a month before the game releases.
[QUOTE="ItalStallion777"]and i and the majority of others would say it isn't.Pariah_001
I didn't realize System Wars operated oficially under a majority mind set...
On that note: People should make threads with "KILLZONE 2" in the title more often so as to demonstrate the desperation and venom of Microsoft consumers with how quick they flood the threads with insults, one-liners, and "can't compare to Crysis" comments.
sw doesn't operate under a majority mind set, i was just stating that the majority, i believe, find this thread not a good read. it was full of fanboy "logic" and at best was a funny read. when someone says something is a good read i expect it to be well written, logical, and informative. this thread was lacking them all.
and about the desperation comment..... i hope your joking about that. why should i be desperate? if anything this thread was made out of desperation of the tc hoping for a great ps3 exclusive.
[QUOTE="Pariah_001"][QUOTE="ItalStallion777"]and i and the majority of others would say it isn't.Private_Vegas
I didn't realize System Wars operated oficially under a majority mind set...
On that note: People should make threads with "KILLZONE 2" in the title more often so as to demonstrate the desperation and venom of Microsoft consumers with how quick they flood the threads with insults, one-liners, and "can't compare to Crysis" comments.
On your note: Please don't subject the casual readers to that.
just wondering what you're referring to when you say "that"
[QUOTE="neogeo419"]You missed the point *watches as point goes right over SergeantSnitch's head*. Fail= your mindless drivel thread with 98% of posts in disagreement.Pariah_001
Unless that's what he wanted. He knew Microsoft obsessives and insecure gamers would be baited to make massive amounts of negative posts and yet he posted the thread anyway. Seems more like he took everyone for a ride.
killzone 2 will suck harder than 1krunkfu2
No, it won't. Killzone 1 was limited by the PS2 since the devs barely had any time to fix the glitches and it was ported from the PC to the PS2 and we all know how weak the PS2 was compared to the PC at that time.
Killzone 2 on the other hand has a lot more devs working on the game and have an unlimited amount of time so no rushing.
I love how you're hyping the killzone civer system as completely new and all when I've read it's almost an exact clone of Gears of War cover system.
Also, if you think that Killzone 2 is anywhere near as immersive as Crysis that is the biggest joke I've heard on system wars in months.
I love how you're hyping the killzone civer system as completely new and all when I've read it's almost an exact clone of Gears of War cover system.
Also, if you think that Killzone 2 is anywhere near as immersive as Crysis that is the biggest joke I've heard on system wars in months.
Because we all know how original Gears of War is. *cough*Kill-Switch*cough*
Plus, the cover system is in first-person where as Gear's is in third-person... Yeah, Killzone 2 is a copycat of Gears of War. :?
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]I love how you're hyping the killzone civer system as completely new and all when I've read it's almost an exact clone of Gears of War cover system.
Also, if you think that Killzone 2 is anywhere near as immersive as Crysis that is the biggest joke I've heard on system wars in months.
Because we all know how original Gears of War is. *cough*Kill-Switch*cough*
Plus, the cover system is in first-person where as Gear's is in third-person... Yeah, Killzone 2 is a copycat of Gears of War. :?
Oh wow, first person instead of third person? Yeah, that's real revolutionary stuff!
[QUOTE="leviathan91"][QUOTE="BumFluff122"]I love how you're hyping the killzone civer system as completely new and all when I've read it's almost an exact clone of Gears of War cover system.
Also, if you think that Killzone 2 is anywhere near as immersive as Crysis that is the biggest joke I've heard on system wars in months.
Because we all know how original Gears of War is. *cough*Kill-Switch*cough*
Plus, the cover system is in first-person where as Gear's is in third-person... Yeah, Killzone 2 is a copycat of Gears of War. :?
Oh wow, first person instead of third person? Yeah, that's real revolutionary stuff!
I said first-person cover was revolutionary? :? It's cover just like in a lot of games with a cover-based system only this time Killzone 2's cover is in first person.
Yea.. Dream on Cow... KZ 2 may have good textures... but it looks like crap... the only thing that has colours is the freaking gun shots and hellgaust masks.... Grey and Red.. how dumb.. Besides... If its ANYTHING like the first one.. that was horrible. It wore out not even halfway through. They did a horrid job on it. when does constantly killin get fun ? theres not tactics except shoot, and throw grenades.... Its depressing that people actually like it.
So that E3 level that's also in pre-alpha represents the entire game?:?
"They did a horrid job on it. when does constantly killin get fun ? theres not tactics except shoot, and throw grenades.... Its depressing that people actually like it."
...that's what you do in almost everyFPS. By your logic, you're saying Halo 3 is crappy shooter, same with Crysis and MP3.:|
[QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"][QUOTE="leviathan91"][QUOTE="BumFluff122"]I love how you're hyping the killzone civer system as completely new and all when I've read it's almost an exact clone of Gears of War cover system.
Also, if you think that Killzone 2 is anywhere near as immersive as Crysis that is the biggest joke I've heard on system wars in months.
Because we all know how original Gears of War is. *cough*Kill-Switch*cough*
Plus, the cover system is in first-person where as Gear's is in third-person... Yeah, Killzone 2 is a copycat of Gears of War. :?
Oh wow, first person instead of third person? Yeah, that's real revolutionary stuff!
I said first-person cover was revolutionary? :? It's cover just like in a lot of games with a cover-based system only this time Killzone 2's cover is in first person.
No, but the topic creator sure seems to think so.Pufft...revolutionize. Yeah, okay buddy, Halo 3, Crysis, and COD4 did all the revolutionizing this gen.
Killzone 2 will be cut and pasting at this point.
I can see it now.
GS: Was it your intention to attempt saved films from the beginning?
Gorilla: Yes, we had the idea before Halo 3 was in development.
GS: Your lighting system uses a lot of tricks, how did you pull it off?
Gorilla: It's a mix of pre-rendered and real time. The Cell really allows us the freedom to make the best lighting on the planet.
GS: Your matchmaking system resembles Halo 3 and Call Of Duty 4, where did you come up with the idea?
Gorilla:It does? Hmmm...weird, it's neat toseesomebody else using our system. We're flatered.
GS:One last question.Halo 3 has large scale battles and vast open environments. Killzone 2 features a lot ofcrampt settings. Was this a design choice, or did the PS3and Blue-ray limit yourcreative vision?
Gorilla: A little of both,really. Sony got ahead of themselves with Blue-ray and Cell. What we really needed was a mutlticored processor and a bit more memory to get the job done.Don't you think it's interesting that Crysis is being ported to the 360,and not the PS3?
GS: Yes. "laughs" Thanks for your time.
[QUOTE="leviathan91"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"][QUOTE="leviathan91"][QUOTE="BumFluff122"]I love how you're hyping the killzone civer system as completely new and all when I've read it's almost an exact clone of Gears of War cover system.
Also, if you think that Killzone 2 is anywhere near as immersive as Crysis that is the biggest joke I've heard on system wars in months.
Because we all know how original Gears of War is. *cough*Kill-Switch*cough*
Plus, the cover system is in first-person where as Gear's is in third-person... Yeah, Killzone 2 is a copycat of Gears of War. :?
Oh wow, first person instead of third person? Yeah, that's real revolutionary stuff!
I said first-person cover was revolutionary? :? It's cover just like in a lot of games with a cover-based system only this time Killzone 2's cover is in first person.
No, but the topic creator sure seems to think so.This is System Wars, what do you expect?The topic creator could be a huge fakeboy for all we know.
Pufft...revolutionize. Yeah, okay buddy, Halo 3, Crysis, and COD4 did all the revolutionizing this gen.
Killzone 2 will be cut and pasting at this point.
I can see it now.
GS: Was it your intention to attempt saved films from the beginning?
Gorilla: Yes, we had the idea before Halo 3 was in development.
GS: Your lighting system uses a lot of tricks, how did you pull it off?
Gorilla: It's a mix of pre-rendered and real time. The Cell really allows us the freedom to make the best lighting on the planet.
GS: Your matchmaking system resembles Halo 3 and Call Of Duty 4, where did you come up with the idea?
Gorilla:It does? Hmmm...weird, it's neat toseesomebody else using our system. We're flatered.
GS:One last question.Halo 3 has large scale battles and vast open environments. Killzone 2 features a lot ofcrampt settings. Was this a design choice, or did the PS3and Blue-ray limit yourcreative vision?
Gorilla: A little of both,really. Sony got ahead of themselves with Blue-ray and Cell. What we really needed was a mutlticored processor and a bit more memory to get the job done.Don't you think it's interesting that Crysis is being ported to the 360,and not the PS3?
GS: Yes. "laughs" Thanks for your time.
Thank God Guirrilla Games is making the game. :)
Are cows literally blind? There are some really good looking games on ps3 like heavenly sword, but no, guerrilla said that killzone was going to look like the pre-rendered trailer and has the most advanced lighting system ever in a game, so even when screens of the game were released looking like this^^^^^^ cows still hype it as the best looking game ever, its like they don't even look at the screenshot, they just believe what they are told and stick to it, even when its clearly not true.
while killzone 2 does look pretty good....i fail to see why so many people have faith in it
killzone 1 sucked, who said we wanted more?
while killzone 2 does look pretty good....i fail to see why so many people have faith in it
killzone 1 sucked, who said we wanted more?
Appearently the Killzone fans. Yeah, people have opinions. Then again, Killzone: Liberation was a solid AA title and GG didn't have the time to fix all the problems in Killzone 1 since they had to release it on schedule. Not only that, it was ported from the PC to the PS2.
I don't think Killzone 2 will be revolutionary (unless GG does something very revolutionary) but I do believe that GG can improve Killzone 2 since they have an unlimited amount of time this time.
I absolutely love reading all the hate, pessimism, and negative comments being thrown at KILLZONE 2 here in SW. I thought all the haters were silenced after E3 2007 when KILLZONE 2 delivered on their promise? I guess denying the inevitable (KILLZONE 2 owning when it drops) is your way of coping with reality.SergeantSnitch
are you seriously willing to bet that this game will own when its release before even playing atleast a demo first? this is the very same trap cows lend themselfs in when killzone was hyped.
as much as i do believe that KZ2 will be an excellent game and it will and does look amazing, it is nothing but pure fanboyism to say that it will make all other FPS's obsolete and that it will be a revolution. just because the game has good graphics doesn't mean that it's a revolution. it's hard for anyone to really make this claim about KZ2 yet considering we haven't even played a demoTOTAL_DEFENSE_0
Finally, a Sony fan with some common sense.
as much as i do believe that KZ2 will be an excellent game and it will and does look amazing, it is nothing but pure fanboyism to say that it will make all other FPS's obsolete and that it will be a revolution. just because the game has good graphics doesn't mean that it's a revolution. it's hard for anyone to really make this claim about KZ2 yet considering we haven't even played a demoTOTAL_DEFENSE_0
I agree whole heartedly. I still think crysis will make all FPS's obsolete though lol.
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