I rarely venture into system wars but there were no decent discussions in the PS3/360 or pc board so i thought i'd take a look.
And this was the first thread i opened, after reading around 10 pages(8-9 too many) it's quite clear why the gaming boards are dead with no decent deabtes/discussions.
99% of every comment was just a sony fan saying yes your right or a 360 fan saying your wrong or the occasional pc fan saying it has nothing on crysis.
It's a sad day when system wars has been dwarfing other boards in terms of comments for so long, hopefully when one console wins we can have another 2 years of peace.
And on topic, i find this guys(TC) comment's disturbing he keeps rambling on about the same thing over and over again, immersive,theater of war,blu-ray disc medium, t's clearly the work of a crazed fangirl.
Iagree to a certain extent killzone is LOOKING like it could be a great FPS, the keyword is looking, this guy is saying it will set benchmarks that will not be surpassed for years to come in the FPS genre, and only stating one thing to back up his argument well two immersive graphics and sound.
Killzone 2 is looking great and with a few fixes to major things namely AI it could be awesome, but so far it has showed nothing in terms of gameplay that has not been done before, years before.
It doesnt matter how great the graphics are if gameplay doesnt match it then theres next to no chance of amazing immersion unless you just stand still and look at the pretty lighting.
I'm as optimistic as the next sane person for killzone 2 but this guy is clearly been brainwashed by some sony E3 marketing, he keeps spitting out the same words the developers and publishers of killzone 2 have been and they are not impartial.
Nobody knows whether killzone will be the next greatest shooter,i will be over-joyed if KZ2 can match what games like gears of war,bioshock,cod4,hl2 have done, but i very much doubt it will sur-pass them in terms of excellent gameplay, those games are at the height of what great shooters can be and to match them is a great achievment,thats all i'm hoping for.
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