Did you even read your link, Sony drone? Out of court settlement doesn't mean dismissed. Sony did end up paying to that lie one way or another but definitely lot less in case the case proceeds and Sony would have lost. :P
Oh and Killzone is subHD, keep up the DC. 1080i is less than 720p. Suck that. lol again you can't defend your overlord Sony so back to bashing MS and in a matter of two post I become a lemming again. tsk tsk tsk, the flipflopping.
PC is kicking the shit out of 900pStation but that's to be expected since it's made up of cheap ass tablet CPU and GPU that barely matches a 570 from 2010.
Yes i did dismiss here is a free PS4 game and a controller and you pay your own lawyers,the settlement comes not from sony admitting it did wrong,but from the fact that is cost effective to give them a small sume or gift instead of paying lawyer millions..lol
NO is not you don't know what sub HD mean fool,unless you want to claim now that 1080i is sub HD...hahahaa
No 1080i is not less than 720p fool in fact the pixel density is over 1 million pixels higher than 720p.
The problem with 1080i stride on the fact that people last gen use to upscale 720p or even lower resolutions to 1080i creating a problem so if you have a 720p game is better to run it in 720p than in 1080i,but if you have a true 1080i is better to render it at that resolution.
Killzone SF is 960x1080 which still is over 1 million pixels and higher than 720p fool,but but but Killzone is sub HD..hahahaa
lol GPU more powerful than the PS4 since 2009,yet the majority don't own a GPU as powerful as the PS4,damn peasants inside the master race..hahaha
I guess than when you really want to play DOTA 2 or Counter Strike you don't need anything more than a toaster call me when the majority of steam is over 1080p,and when that 20+ % drops 768p...lol
Why aren't you banned for spreading BS? KZ's campaign is 1920 x 1080 native and EVERYBODY knows that by now, just gtfo already.
He has to convince him self that he did the right choice every way,while he begs that PS4 games land on PC,...hahaaa
I call him the master begger...lol
Proof for anything that Sony only paid for free game? Oh and that's bullshit since the case did passed the preliminary hearing and approved for proceedings until Sony managed to get it settled out of the court to save face. :P
HD standard needs to be 720p minimum with at least a ratio of 16:9 => 720 progressive vertical lines and 1280 horizontal lines. Crapzone runs in 960x1080, missing the standard for horizontal lines. lel. Now that you reminded me, Crapzone is not even 1080i because 1080i means 540 vertical lines interlaced to 1080. lol Crapzone doesn't fall under any standards of HD. It's a crap of its kind.
lol subHDStation and Garbage Sony first party, but hey that's to be expected since it's made up of a cheap ass tablet CPU and GPU barely matching a 570 from 2010, what's worse is teh creme de le creme devs Naughty Duds couldn't get the last gen TLOU to run at constant 60.
As for the bold lines my fried @CloudImperium already owned your ass multiple times on it. So again no points for you.
Oh and I again become part of the master race? top kek. In a spam of three posts I went from PCMR -> lemming and back to PCMR. It's fun to see how I turned you into a bitch that doesn't even know what should it write or say in a spam of 2.5 years.
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