Ahh, With this latest recanting of the quote, I am now sure what he meant to say is "further titles will be on both platforms"
Now, whether that means another version of MGS4 or not, i dunno, but I'm pretty sure, judging by MS's seemingly surprised responce to the rumor, they, too, were unaware of anything going on.
I just don't know anymore. I still stand by my statement about hoping it stays exclusive for SONY's sake. For cryin' out loud, it's their only big-budget 3rd party exclusive! (as far as I know..)
Don't take this as a diss, as people seem to be overly defensive here, but why would you defend a multibillion dollar corporation for the sake of their image rather than us, the consumer, who is losing a lot more from exclusives than companies (used to) realize.
They're getting smarter now. They see that the average consumer, the people they bank on to keep them alive (note, NOT the hardcore userbase) doesn't go out there and purchase 2 or 3 gaming consoles. They purchase one, and burdening them with that choice causes consumer confusion, something every company wants to avoid whether or not it's in favor of their product or not.
I'm no hardcore gamer. I have all three systems and have invested thousands into gaming with an HDTV, countless games, and countless sleepless nights, but if System Wars is anything to display the "hardcore gamer" attitude, than I'm straying away from that. I enjoy games, casually.
By the way, I really do hope MGS4 does come to the 360 (although I do doubt it) as I can see MGO having a lot of potential. I'd really like to play it with all my friends who own a 360 and I can see it doing much better on LIVE's unified service rather than the whole Konami ID and Game ID bull they pulled on the PS3. MGO itself needs some gameplay tweaks, however. In my opinion...
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