[QUOTE="excelR83"][QUOTE="jethrovegas"][QUOTE="Cbok"]Yep MS are scum. They really think that they can plug up the hole of their sinking ship by throwing money at it? MS are comparable to oil companies. Pure Scum.jethrovegas
Ahh yes, those evil oil companies, the bane of kind, loving, and generous people all over the world. How dare those bastards charge money for their goods when they should be giving them away, and operating indefintely at a loss!
Seriously people, what the hell is with all the anti-profit, anti-capitalist, bull **** in this thread? It's starting to piss me off a good bit, seeing tons of people here practically saying "that evil Microsoft, how dare they want to make money!"
WTH is wrong with this generation, man? When did so many ****ing people start acting like 'profit" is a dirty word?
It's past the point of making me sad; it makes me sick to my stomach.:|
Speaking of sick to my stomach...
It's the fact that profit is THE ONLY THING that makes me sick. Nothing wrong with making money. Buy for a penny, sell for two. What sickens me is the kind of greed we have in the world that allows 1% of people to control the vast majority of the money while most of the world still lives in inhumane conditions. I'm not some kind of drippy hippy but I'm tired of seeing society homogenized and roboticized year after year, and people like you facilitate it by buying into this "IT'S JUST BUSINESS LOL GOGO PROFIT" mentality.
If you can't see the difference between making a profit and completely ignoring all sense of what we as a society consider "values" and "morals" in exchange for a bigger house, an extra car, a new horizonless pool etc. then this discussion is dead in the water.
Don't even get me started on oil companies. I used to work for the biggest one out there (yep, that one).
Humanity is at its best when the indvidual is celebrated, and when individual achievement is placed as the primary goal in a society.
You say that 1% of people in the world control the vast majority of the money, and the rest live in inhumane conditions, but if that is indeed the case (and, pending your definition of "inhumane, I can nearly assure you that the statistics do not back you up) where do the other 99% of people in the world live? It certainly isn't in nations with free markets like the United States, a country that has an incredibly high level of its population living in comfort.
No, I would certainly say that the vast majority of people living in inhumane conditions today are living in nations in which the government is placed in charge of the market; in nations where man is not free to dream, nor to achieve those dreams in a free market.
You say the principles of capitalism (ie, greed) are evil, but the true evil is happening in nations that restrict the right of the average citizen to go, and to produce, and to profit.
You wish to find the most free of all men? Look for the man who is most willing and able to make for himself.
You wish to find the most enslaved of all men? Look for the man who bows to the needs of the many.
Capitalism isn't evil; rather, it is a bastion of good in a world of power hungry sycophants looking to manipulate and enslave humanity under the banner of generosity and brotherly love.
Heh. First off, READ AGAIN, I said most. I didn't say 99% of people live in inhumane conditions. 1% of people (and Jesus Christ it's not even a real number) control the vast majority of money, power, and influence, while most of the world is lucky to have a decent sewage system. There are still a lot of us yuppy raised on TV suburbanites that are neither very rich nor very poor. However, most of the world (and yeah statistics will back me up) doesn't have the same standard of living that we do.
You are really going out of your way to make this a BLACK and WHITE issue. It isn't. You don't need to be a communist or an extreme capitalist. There is a grey area which most of us live in. As I said, so, so, so many goddamned times in this thread, there is nothing wrong with profit. It's when you throw your mother in front of a train for profit that we cease to become humans and I think if that's what our society is coming to, bring on armageddon before my kids have to suffer any of this bull****.
Capitalism is good because it rewards the hardest workers, the smartest people, but it also rewards the most conniving and devious. I just don't know why enough is never enough. Money makes people revert to their most basic animal survival instincts. It strips us of all this "civility" we pretend that our environment, through nurture has instilled in us. Money can change us into animals in the blink of an eye. That's what I find depressing.
I guarantee you're a big fan of capitalism because it has worked out in your favor, and I'd be willing to bet you've never been poor.
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