Oh well that sounds good then. I'm probably gonna start a story mode run tomorrow. I started one the other day at my friends house, but only got about 30 minutes in. How long was the story mode for you?
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It's 16 chapters long, it took me whole day to finish it. There's some brilliant cut-scenes and art-work invcluded in there. Nothing is recycled.Oh well that sounds good then. I'm probably gonna start a story mode run tomorrow. I started one the other day at my friends house, but only got about 30 minutes in. How long was the story mode for you?
It's 16 chapters long, it took me whole day to finish it. There's some brilliant cut-scenes and art-work invcluded in there. Nothing is recycled.[QUOTE="sandbox3d"]
Oh well that sounds good then. I'm probably gonna start a story mode run tomorrow. I started one the other day at my friends house, but only got about 30 minutes in. How long was the story mode for you?
Damn, I didn't think it would be that long. Good to know.
It's 16 chapters long, it took me whole day to finish it. There's some brilliant cut-scenes and art-work invcluded in there. Nothing is recycled.[QUOTE="Salt_The_Fries"]
Oh well that sounds good then. I'm probably gonna start a story mode run tomorrow. I started one the other day at my friends house, but only got about 30 minutes in. How long was the story mode for you?
Damn, I didn't think it would be that long. Good to know.
The story is pretty lengthy. I still haven't finished and I played almost all day yesterday. My thumbs were taking a beating :P[QUOTE="sandbox3d"][QUOTE="Salt_The_Fries"] It's 16 chapters long, it took me whole day to finish it. There's some brilliant cut-scenes and art-work invcluded in there. Nothing is recycled.
Damn, I didn't think it would be that long. Good to know.
The story is pretty lengthy. I still haven't finished and I played almost all day yesterday. My thumbs were taking a beating :PAwesome! Truth be told, I still don't own this game lol. I've just been hangin with some MK playing friends and mostly playing vs. mode, and dabbling in the other modes when they get burnt out, but I'm really ready to sit down and enjoy all the SP content for myself.
I'll probably go pick up a copy here in a few hours. I just cant hold out anymore! :x
Got the game three days ago(Greece.. don't ask)and it's a friggin masterpiece. What amazes me is that games like SF4 get a 9 and a game like MK9 gets 8.5.Words fail me, just wow gamespot.
Anyway, just rent the game and you'll see for yourself that this is one damn "Klassic" MK ;) back to the roots, baby!
His overall pros of the game were even more than some 9.5 games. Shao Khan mustve really pissed him off though.
If i was him i'd probably be the same way and i guess i better warn others who didn't faced him yet. (and no i do not approve of it being a con to reduce score)
Problem with Shao Kahn is, he's VERY very cheap. Unless you're a master of MK i personally don't recommend getting up close with him. One of Kahn's attack is him throwing his hammer at you, it cannot be blocked and when it hit you you get stunned for a few seconds, leaving you open to an attack and seeing its Kahn, each attack he does take a large chunk of your life bar.
Another attack he'll love to spam is his forward charge and believe me, he will do it two or three times in a row if need be and when he does it he gets way closer to you, leaving you open to other attack of his.
By far the most annoying aspect of Kahn (and any bosses characters) is when he attack and you attack him at the same time, he lose life but doesn't stagger, think of it as some sort of invincibility frame so what happen then? You take a hit in the face!
Say i use Raiden in a classic ladder mode, the only way i could beat Kahn is by becoming a spammer, sometime Kahn will taunt you, giving you 2 or 3 second to attack him, so what i'd need to do is using raiden teleport move, uppercut Kahn, re-teleport to gain distance, rinse and repeat till Kahn dies, its easier said than done though because sometime if your timing is off you'll hit Kahn and he'll get that invincibility frame i mentionned above.
Raiden is THE most limited character to EVER face Shao Kahn, see with Noob Saibot the fight's piece of cake, or even with Liu Kang, but Raiden is so limited it's not even funny. How could anyone like him after realizing how sucky vs Shao Kahn he is? So because of one battle we are supposed to not use Raiden anymore?[QUOTE="sandbox3d"]
Oh well that sounds good then. I'm probably gonna start a story mode run tomorrow. I started one the other day at my friends house, but only got about 30 minutes in. How long was the story mode for you?
It's 16 chapters long, it took me whole day to finish it. There's some brilliant cut-scenes and art-work invcluded in there. Nothing is recycled. The story had a lot done in it. But many parts of it was really lol worthy.Raiden is THE most limited character to EVER face Shao Kahn, see with Noob Saibot the fight's piece of cake, or even with Liu Kang, but Raiden is so limited it's not even funny. How could anyone like him after realizing how sucky vs Shao Kahn he is?Salt_The_Fries
So because of one battle we are supposed to not use Raiden anymore?gaming25
Lol, no, but it was the biggest turn-off for me.
[QUOTE="Salt_The_Fries"]It's 16 chapters long, it took me whole day to finish it. There's some brilliant cut-scenes and art-work invcluded in there. Nothing is recycled. The story had a lot done in it. But many parts of it was really lol worthy. Yeah, it was goofy, cheesy and corny, but it also had that first MK movie feel, and it was presented with really nice graphical flair. I enjoyed it for what it was, I didn't expect it to have Wim Wenders psychological depth :P.[QUOTE="sandbox3d"]
Oh well that sounds good then. I'm probably gonna start a story mode run tomorrow. I started one the other day at my friends house, but only got about 30 minutes in. How long was the story mode for you?
MK is well and truly back with a VICTORY, not quite a flawless one but 8.5 is a fantastic score none-the-less. The last 2 entries in the franchise; Armageddon and MKvsDC got a 7 and a 7.5 respectively. So as you can see MK9 is definitely the title the series needed for quite some time. But most of you guys have played it and already know that, can't wait to get my hands on the game soon.
Did they put as a bad thing Shao Kahn being cheap? really? kind of lame actually, every boss has his trick, and i don't know but, i don't think he is harder than Hazama in BB CS: Arcade Mode, now that's a hard boss.
"Shao Khan is cheap" Has Mark NOT played the older MK games? :P Unfair bosses is what it's all about in MK. :DtagyhagAnd any other fighter :P Been having a blast with this game. :D
[QUOTE="tagyhag"]"Shao Khan is cheap" Has Mark NOT played the older MK games? :P Unfair bosses is what it's all about in MK. :Dlbjkurono23And any other fighter :P True, Yami in TvsC was a ****!
Ar Tonelico qoga is epic!
woops wrong thread... Mortal Kombat i will wait for a bit but i want it more because everyone i know have it already and cuz Kratos
Can people tell me if the game is worth a buy or a rent? Also is there any differences between the PS3 and 360 version?
Personally it's worth every penny, it's loaded with content. As for the difference , the only worth mentioning is the extra character on the ps3(Kratos)Can people tell me if the game is worth a buy or a rent? Also is there any differences between the PS3 and 360 version?
[QUOTE="Da_lil_PimP"]Personally it's worth every penny, it's loaded with content. As for the difference , the only worth mentioning is the extra character on the ps3(Kratos) The fatalities are actually the reason for me considering getting this game. They look so awesome :P I guess the deciding factor to which system to buy the game on is the controller of each. Does the game use the d-pad at all? If so I would go with the PS3 copy.Can people tell me if the game is worth a buy or a rent? Also is there any differences between the PS3 and 360 version?
So I have a tip for people who are having trouble beating Shao Khan with Raiden. Keep teleporting and keep your distance. Most of Shao Khan's attacks are slow. You can teleport behind him while he's attacking and pull off a combo or use X-ray.mrmusicman247
Can always try to pull his back + A, X, Y dash X, X, B back forward A combo after teleporting.
[QUOTE="lbjkurono23"][QUOTE="Da_lil_PimP"]Personally it's worth every penny, it's loaded with content. As for the difference , the only worth mentioning is the extra character on the ps3(Kratos) The fatalities are actually the reason for me considering getting this game. They look so awesome :P I guess the deciding factor to which system to buy the game on is the controller of each. Does the game use the d-pad at all? If so I would go with the PS3 copy. Don't have the full game but I played the demo and I used the d-pad, if that helps.Can people tell me if the game is worth a buy or a rent? Also is there any differences between the PS3 and 360 version?
The fatalities are actually the reason for me considering getting this game. They look so awesome :P I guess the deciding factor to which system to buy the game on is the controller of each. Does the game use the d-pad at all? If so I would go with the PS3 copy. Don't have the full game but I played the demo and I used the d-pad, if that helps.[QUOTE="Da_lil_PimP"][QUOTE="lbjkurono23"] Personally it's worth every penny, it's loaded with content. As for the difference , the only worth mentioning is the extra character on the ps3(Kratos)Drakan11
I was actually surpirsed how well I adjusted to the 360 dpad. I dl the demo on my friends ps3 and played it a while before getting it for 360. I HATED the dpad for 360 when playing oblivion a while back and thought it would be horrible for a game whos main control is using the dpad. But it works really well...I really cant say I have had any problems with it. I believe it is actually easier to "roll" the fingers to pull of moves whereas on the ps3 d pad i feel like i have to input each forward back move etc. Dont know if that makes sense but its the best i could explain it.
Unlocked Kratos but having problems mastering the God of War ? Have no fear, this should help.
But slightly disappointed that he only has 2 fatalities, should have been 3; one for each GOW title on the consoles.
Eastiest way to beat Shao Khan is to spam teleports and when you come out of your teleport do a basic combo...my friend did it with scorpion no problem. I guess thats my biggest dissapointment with the game so far is during Story mode and the final bosses you need to spam cheap moves...You cant play them like you would play someone online or a friend.
What if you can't teleport? I beat him with Baraka.Eastiest way to beat Shao Khan is to spam teleports and when you come out of your teleport do a basic combo...my friend did it with scorpion no problem. I guess thats my biggest dissapointment with the game so far is during Story mode and the final bosses you need to spam cheap moves...You cant play them like you would play someone online or a friend.
I got my first victory online! Liu Kang seems to be my main character at the moment - loving the game, just flows so well.Ravensmash
are you getting lag at all. i find any game i play has at least some to a great amount of lag. at best it feels sluggish but then there are times when it is completley unplayable. I have never had a game where it was like playing offline. and i have a great connection.
The easiest way to beta Shao Kahn is:
Thats what I did. :P *feels weak*
The easiest way to beta Shao Kahn is:
Thats what I did. :P *feels weak*
:lol: his cockiness was his own undoing :PJust got it and wow the timing is vastly different from the demo. ALso is anyone elses psn acting werid. I cant redeem my code.
Redeem my codes fine. Any one get scared on the krypt ? :PJust got it and wow the timing is vastly different from the demo. ALso is anyone elses psn acting werid. I cant redeem my code.
The timing is different? How so, faster or slower?Just got it and wow the timing is vastly different from the demo. ALso is anyone elses psn acting werid. I cant redeem my code.
[QUOTE="finalfantasy94"]The timing is different? How so, faster or slower?Just got it and wow the timing is vastly different from the demo. ALso is anyone elses psn acting werid. I cant redeem my code.
Its really hard to explain best example is doing that 10 hit combo with sub in the demo then the final product and you can notice the difference.
Any one get scared on the krypt ? :P Yup. I realize that Boon did this to be funny, but I can no longer unlock my extra content in peace. :( I spent a lot of time in the krypt before it happened to me. I've been back once and I was scared the whole time :(. I'm ruined![QUOTE="lbjkurono23"][QUOTE="finalfantasy94"]
[QUOTE="Grovilis"]Yup. I realize that Boon did this to be funny, but I can no longer unlock my extra content in peace. :( I spent a lot of time in the krypt before it happened to me. I've been back once and I was scared the whole time :(. I'm ruined! Any time I hear foot steps, my blood level rises :cry:[QUOTE="lbjkurono23"] Any one get scared on the krypt ? :Pjubino
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