What is the most annoying JRPG cliche?
While WRPGs are guilty of Choice 1, JRPGs are far more guilty. Most of them have saving the world from destruction as its main plotline. Almost every FF and DQ game has this plotline, as well as many many JRPGs. Why can't they tell more personal stories, like Suikoden II, where the goal is to save your friendship with your best friend rather than saving a kingdom or world? Or [spoiler] create a world for evil [/spoiler] like Terranigma? Or have a plotline like the Golden Sun series, in which [spoiler] the antagonist's mission in the first becomes the real goal in the second [/spoiler] . Mostly we have these same generic plots, over and over again.
Choice 2....I liked it when it was called Final Fantasy VI. From Suikoden I to Baten Kaitos...JRPGs common use evil or aggressive empires as antagonists while the "rebels" are the protagonists, mostly the good guys. While FFII and Secret of Mana had this apsect before FFVI, it was FFVI that perfected this story aspect in JRPGs, then done away with it in the second half as the fallout from their crimes destroyed them. Now we have many games that attempt to copy FFVI's effective use of this plotline in either part of their plots or all of it...to much lesser and tiring effect.
Choice 3....one of the first games to use God or religion as an antagonist is Final Fantasy legend for the gameboy in which you fight the "Creator" at the end. Many JRPGs have relgious elements but no real comment on religion, like DQ...but when religious themes are present or characters, they are viewed negatively and as antagonists. I have yet to see a JRPG that has something good to say on the nature of religion, just the same gnostic crap over and over. Breath of Fire II, Final Fantasy Tactics, FFX,and even Vagrant Story are some examples. WRPGs criticize religion as well, but also point out its positives like Dragon Age and The Witcher. The Ultima series uses religion better in its plots than any other RPG series, saying that many religious teaching sbaout living virtous lives are great, but religion can be used as a tool and twisted to furthe rones power...Ultima V for example. And why do JRPG developers target Christianity? Where is a game that targets Eastern religion? Its just as valid of a target to criticize.
Choice 4...(I vote this one)...same cliched characters, most JRPGs reuse the same old character designs....either the brooding or upbeat protagonist who may have amnesia, his female damsel in distress or Genki Girl sidekick that becomes either the love interest for the main or the mains best friend. Then you have a loudmouth rebel character, a jerk with a heart of gold, the other female party member that may or may not contrast with the leading female (she may also want to be a stough as the boys), an annoying child party member...and have a wierd character in the party as well. As for antagonists, either have a cleric or templar knight, a nihilist who wants to destroy everything (but cannot match Kefka's level of psychoticness, Kuja for example), and evil dark lord, an evil emperor or king, or a god like or demon like being.Where are interesting and unique characters like Terra, or antagonists that break the mold like Jowy Atriedes? Why can't JRPG's make character casts nowdays as unique and interesting as Planescape Torments?
Choice 5...there are many more jRPG cliches I haven't listed....
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