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For me, it was definitely Deus Ex: Invisible War. Providing that it can be classified as RPG, that is.
Not that the game was that much worse than original Deus Ex, let alone actually bad, but given my personal (unrealistic, lel) expectations, I must have felt something similar to what some people are now feeling towards Mass Effect 3. :lol: :D :? :cry:
I was totally into original Deus Ex back then. For me, there were videogames and then, there was Deus "Motherfreakin" Ex >_<, so of course, when I heard, that my favourite game of all time will get a sequel, I was ecstatic.
Long story short, after I dunno, one or two years (since the first announcement) of waiting, fantasizing, discussing with friends and other useless activities typical for nerds with too much time on their hands, I had finally the chance to try the bad boy out and *BAM!*
And just like that. The magic was gone. (/Edi)
And I am not even sure why. It was probably a mixture of things of course - from different atmosphere (read: loss of basis in reality and modern conspiracies), through different approach to skills system (read: removing them completely), and different a approach to inventory and HUD (read: Damn you Ion Storm! Why did you take away my beloved grid inventory?!), to implementation of unified ammo for all (!) weapons (read: best weapon or GTFO) and generally smaller levels (read... nah, that one is damn accurate, but isn't any less sucky). And even the music wasn't so memorable. :x With few exceptions that is (menu theme, Trier).
Add to that young naivity of an obsessed fanboy and voilà , the recipe for one hell of a disappintment was perfect.
Only one person mentioned Diablo 3, impressive. Perhaps people are finally starting to realize that it's a fantastic game :o
You people are ALL WRONG!! :o
FF X is THE MOST disappointing RPG of all time.
And here are the reasons:
1. LAME story. It was a PILGRIMAGE to boredom.
2. LAME characters. Only Auron and Lulu were interesting. The rest were just whiny and forgettable.
3. Horrible leveling up system. Never got the hang on the power-up chart (or whatever it was called).
4. The worst part: A FORCED laughing scene.
Gothic 3. Gothic 1 was the most groundbreaking game of 2001, thats the year GTA 3 came out. Thats how good it was. Criminally underrated. Gothic 2 was an improvement of the original. Gothic 3 was a reboot of sorts thta failed on so many leves and is an abomination.
It's not, I had absolutely no expectations going in so there was nothing to be disappointed about. Doesn't make it any less of a mediocre action RPG.Only one person mentioned Diablo 3, impressive. Perhaps people are finally starting to realize that it's a fantastic game :o
It's not, I had absolutely no expectations going in so there was nothing to be disappointed about. Doesn't make it any less of a mediocre action RPG.[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
Only one person mentioned Diablo 3, impressive. Perhaps people are finally starting to realize that it's a fantastic game :o
I wish more action RPGs had the level of care and attention to detail that Diablo 3 had put into it.
It's not, I had absolutely no expectations going in so there was nothing to be disappointed about. Doesn't make it any less of a mediocre action RPG. LOL the kind of twisted sh*t that ActiBlizz fanboys come up with blows my mind. The game is beyond sucky, it's in it's own class of terribad, like Duke Nukem Forever. The combat system is good, but the items are totally boring, and the RMAH is probably the most game breaking feature I've ever seen in an RPG before. It turned the game into a market simulator. You spent more time buy/selling gear to get through Inferno than actually playing the damn thing, it made the whole game pointless. The Activision merge obviously ruined Blizzard.[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
Only one person mentioned Diablo 3, impressive. Perhaps people are finally starting to realize that it's a fantastic game :o
[QUOTE="Vaasman"]It's not, I had absolutely no expectations going in so there was nothing to be disappointed about. Doesn't make it any less of a mediocre action RPG. LOL the kind of twisted sh*t that ActiBlizz fanboys come up with blows my mind. The game is beyond sucky, it's in it's own class of terribad, like Duke Nukem Forever. The combat system is good, but the items are totally boring, and the RMAH is probably the most game breaking feature I've ever seen in an RPG before. It turned the game into a market simulator. You spent more time buy/selling gear to get through Inferno than actually playing the damn thing, it made the whole game pointless. The Activision merge obviously ruined Blizzard.[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
Only one person mentioned Diablo 3, impressive. Perhaps people are finally starting to realize that it's a fantastic game :o
Comments like these are why I can't take the D3 haters seriously. Half their complaints don't even make sense and could just as easily be applied to D2.
meh can only think of recent ones.
Fable games, kept on trying to give them another chance. Not bad games by any means but they just couldn't nail it.
Dragon Age 2. Solid game but far worse than Origins in every way.
Demons Souls. Disappointed after I bought it and didn't find it as awesome as everyone else I guess. Dark Souls is another story, and Demons Souls fan boys will hate me when I say that its better than it in every way.
3. Horrible leveling up system. Never got the hang on the power-up chart (or whatever it was called).dr_jashuganSo because you couldn't figure it out that makes it bad?
LOL the kind of twisted sh*t that ActiBlizz fanboys come up with blows my mind. The game is beyond sucky, it's in it's own class of terribad, like Duke Nukem Forever. The combat system is good, but the items are totally boring, and the RMAH is probably the most game breaking feature I've ever seen in an RPG before. It turned the game into a market simulator. You spent more time buy/selling gear to get through Inferno than actually playing the damn thing, it made the whole game pointless. The Activision merge obviously ruined Blizzard.[QUOTE="SKaREO"][QUOTE="Vaasman"]It's not, I had absolutely no expectations going in so there was nothing to be disappointed about. Doesn't make it any less of a mediocre action RPG.
Comments like these are why I can't take the D3 haters seriously. Half their complaints don't even make sense and could just as easily be applied to D2.
Reminds me exactly of how Duke Nukem Forever went down. Maybe you're too young to understand the metaphor?[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"][QUOTE="SKaREO"] LOL the kind of twisted sh*t that ActiBlizz fanboys come up with blows my mind. The game is beyond sucky, it's in it's own class of terribad, like Duke Nukem Forever. The combat system is good, but the items are totally boring, and the RMAH is probably the most game breaking feature I've ever seen in an RPG before. It turned the game into a market simulator. You spent more time buy/selling gear to get through Inferno than actually playing the damn thing, it made the whole game pointless. The Activision merge obviously ruined Blizzard.SKaREO
Comments like these are why I can't take the D3 haters seriously. Half their complaints don't even make sense and could just as easily be applied to D2.
Reminds me exactly of how Duke Nukem Forever went down. Maybe you're too young to understand the metaphor?Do you even know what a metaphor is?... cuz you're kind of acting like you don't know what a metaphor is.
Reminds me exactly of how Duke Nukem Forever went down. Maybe you're too young to understand the metaphor?[QUOTE="SKaREO"][QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
Comments like these are why I can't take the D3 haters seriously. Half their complaints don't even make sense and could just as easily be applied to D2.
Do you even know what a metaphor is?... cuz you're kind of acting like you don't know what a metaphor is.
Duke Nukem 3D vs. Diablo - Great games Duke Nukem Forever vs. Diablo 3 - Utter trash Similar problems to a certain degree, different games entirely[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"][QUOTE="SKaREO"] Reminds me exactly of how Duke Nukem Forever went down. Maybe you're too young to understand the metaphor?SKaREO
Do you even know what a metaphor is?... cuz you're kind of acting like you don't know what a metaphor is.
Duke Nukem 3D vs. Diablo - Great games Duke Nukem Forever vs. Diablo 3 - Utter trash Similar problems to a certain degree, different games entirelyThe big difference being that D3 is not a poorly made game. DNF is.
a small size please...this wont take long Pretentious little posts do not make system wars more entertaining anymore. Mass Effect 2 was easily the best game in the trilogy followed by three quarters of ME 3 and then 1. No, ME3 is the best, its the only game in the trilogy to have both character development and strong plot progression.[QUOTE="lawlessx"]
Would you like some popcorn while you wait...coz I know what you are waiting for:D
It's not, I had absolutely no expectations going in so there was nothing to be disappointed about. Doesn't make it any less of a mediocre action RPG.[QUOTE="Vaasman"]
Only one person mentioned Diablo 3, impressive. Perhaps people are finally starting to realize that it's a fantastic game :o
I wish more action RPGs had the level of care and attention to detail that Diablo 3 had put into it.
Attention to detail means nothing when they ruin the balance rpg elements and gear system right out of the gate.Duke Nukem 3D vs. Diablo - Great games Duke Nukem Forever vs. Diablo 3 - Utter trash Similar problems to a certain degree, different games entirely[QUOTE="SKaREO"][QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
Do you even know what a metaphor is?... cuz you're kind of acting like you don't know what a metaphor is.
The big difference being that D3 is not a poorly made game. DNF is.
How so? BTW I gave Diablo 3 a 5/10, while I gave DNF a 2.5/10. So I agree DNF is worse, but in terms of RPG, D3 is the worst I've ever seen.Please, you just didn't get it.... And the ending is now pretty great, and a huge subversion of the classic Deus Ex Machina. Sorry, but games like Ultima IX, Might and Magic IX, Lands of Lore III, Disciples III, and Return to Krondor are objectively more disappointing.Mass Effect 3. Anyone who disagrees is obviously a moron.
[QUOTE="Vaasman"]Please, you just didn't get it.... And the ending is now pretty great, and a huge subversion of the classic Deus Ex Machina. Sorry, but games like Ultima IX, Might and Magic IX, Lands of Lore III, Disciples III, and Return to Krondor are objectively more disappointing.Mass Effect 3. Anyone who disagrees is obviously a moron.
That doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense. A game cannot be objectively disappointing.
I've never even heard of Lands of Lore III, how could I have been disappointed by it?
I agree mostly, though I honestly don't think I can call DA2 a good game. It's not bad, just to me a solid example of everything that can go wrong when smart people make bad decisions developing a game; generally I think it's pretty mediocre. Tons of games worse than it out there though, not bad by any stretch of the imagination (even if there are some terrible things in it). Honestly I think ME2 is actually really good, I'm surprised it cops so much flack. It's not the glorious sequel that does everything better than the first, but it sure as hell was tons more focused and tighter. I'm still baffled Ultima 9 actually hit shelves in its current state, when you consider how atrocious it is Bioware fans out crying over Mass Effect 3's ending or DA2's gross changes seems like something utterly trivial compared to that mess of a game.[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="Lucianu"]
Yeah, he got it right on the mark. Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 2 may be bad as RPGs, but they are good games, more so applied to ME2. Though i hear DA2 with all the DLC is great aswell.
Ultima 9 is a attrocious game all around. A actual insult, with no exageration, towards the fans. A broken mess of a 'game' with a broken story.
I played Dragon Age 2 in its vanilla state some time ago, and i wouldn't call it a good game either. But friends of mine, that agreed with me on this vanilla version, told me that the game is actually good with all that downloadable content added. I haven't checked myself because i'm really burned out on Bioware games.. But it's curious to me anyhow.
DA2 Legacy is a must....it fills in many of the character development of the family. Mark of the Assassin is the DA version of Kasumi Stolen Memory. Its good but not essential. DA2 was just not finished, but DA2 is a masterpiece if you compare it to Ultima IX.Please, you just didn't get it.... And the ending is now pretty great, and a huge subversion of the classic Deus Ex Machina. Sorry, but games like Ultima IX, Might and Magic IX, Lands of Lore III, Disciples III, and Return to Krondor are objectively more disappointing.[QUOTE="texasgoldrush"][QUOTE="Vaasman"]
Mass Effect 3. Anyone who disagrees is obviously a moron.
That doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense. A game cannot be objectively disappointing.
I've never even heard of Lands of Lore III, how could I have been disappointed by it?
Yes it can...it can underperform in sales and critically. Ultima IX basically killed the Ultima series, Richard Garriot's career, and Origin systems. Four of the five games I listed killed their series.I'm not sure about "all time" but my personal most disappointing RPG would have to be SaGa Frontier... after playing FF7 by Square, I picked up this... also a Square game but not the same caliber, from what I remember, too many random encounters.
[QUOTE="Vaasman"][QUOTE="texasgoldrush"] Please, you just didn't get it.... And the ending is now pretty great, and a huge subversion of the classic Deus Ex Machina. Sorry, but games like Ultima IX, Might and Magic IX, Lands of Lore III, Disciples III, and Return to Krondor are objectively more disappointing.texasgoldrush
That doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense. A game cannot be objectively disappointing.
I've never even heard of Lands of Lore III, how could I have been disappointed by it?
Yes it can...it can underperform in sales and critically. Ultima IX basically killed the Ultima series, Richard Garriot's career, and Origin systems. Four of the five games I listed killed their series.That's not what disappointing means, that's what underperforming means. You cannot be disappointed by a game you've never had any interest in, no matter how poorly it sells or is reviewed.Would you really consider something like Street Cleaning Simulator a disappointing game, simply because it didn't sell and got abysmal reviews?
I initially mentioned Mass Effect 2 and Fallout 3.
I need to mention two others: Fable III and Diablo III.
Fable II I found to be a solid RPG. Really intriguing, silly and lighthearted fun. Fable III was a dumbed down piece of crap that I stopped playing after 2 hours. No worries though, I hear the game was only like 4 hours long anyway.
Diablo III might just take the cake as the most disappointing of all time. Diablo, Diablo II, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction and Torchlight are four of the best action RPGs I have ever played and all made by basically the same guys. Diablo III spits on that legacy. I got four hours in before I quit playing, half-cursing, half-anticipating Torchlight II for a real action-RPG.
Arcania: Gothic 4. What a POS.
Most recently Dark Souls. Just got it on the PC, after all the praise it gets I'm not too impressed, especially with the wonky lock on and bad camera during boss fights.
I loved Mass Effect 2 and 3 but I guess as RPG's they were rather lacking.
Alpha Protocol was also a bit of a letdown due to its extreme jankiness, even by Obsidian standards.
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