[QUOTE="XBOunity"][QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"] LOL YOU SEE THIS GUY? i guess he liked the 24 hour online check in and the terrible DRM policies they had in place... ignorant ass lemming... and ill be more then glad to play 5 bucks a month for PS Plus, ...and i guess enjoy paying for more expensive Xbox live? LOL...:lol: :roll: Sony saved the console game industry, and you cant admit it... what a shame
what am i saying thats misinforming or incorrect LOL? yeah thats right you cant even list it because your talking out your ass again... cant even admit when your blatantly wrong just stop it bro its ridicolous what your doing.. grow up :roll:
you have misinformed before with your fanboy antics, and stop getting so angry at the truth :roll: I will not read your 5 paragraph responses. Keep it down and I might read. dat 1.1 tflop to 1.84 tflops.
oh, but i thought i was just misinforming before? what happened to that? cant prove i was misinforming? and thats exactly what the tflop rating is right now because we know for a fact that 10% of GPU power is reserved for Xbox OS, so 10% of 1.24 is 1.1 teraflops... as of now we heard absolutely nothing on the PS4 gpu reserving GPU power for its OS, when that information comes out i will be more then glad to adjust the tflop ratings verses each console. but this is what we know thats concrete right now. and okay bro ignore the truth once again... that damage control... i posted links and facts and you say its fanboy antics. OK BRO, FANBOY ANTICS... dont take a plastic box that plays games too seriously ... step outside and catch some fresh airlol call me bro again bro, lol anyway yes you are stupid and misinforming. try harder 'bro', maybe someone will actually believe you. Also :lol: casey has a vendetta against SONY? more misinforming, get a clue and shut up with the 5 paragraph responses, and Stop calling me BRO
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