You mean XBOX 1.1, right? :lol:"So guys the Xbox One was a total flop so we are introducing...
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You mean XBOX 1.1, right? :lol:"So guys the Xbox One was a total flop so we are introducing...
sweet irony difference is im called a "fanboy" but i provide links and actual statements/ and back up my claims, THEY just straight troll and are delusional... and if i give my OPINION on something that is negative to XB1 or Microsoft, im called a fanboy automatically for my OPINION... if i state something negative thats true about MSoft/xb1/ anything else i back it up with facts, not these mongrels...[QUOTE="MonsieurX"][QUOTE="XBOunity"]
him and xboxiphoneandriod are the worst fanboys here i think...
anyway its actually great Microsoft is doing a reintroduction of the XB1, alot of people still have that bad taste left from the original reveal and people probably still think they have their terrible DRM policies in place/misconceptions still about XB1 and MSoft, so its great that they are going to clear everything up. and first of all i absolutely dont hate Microsoft or XB1 at all, i loved the first two xbox's and i actually DO think that X360 is better then PS3... i just want Msoft to succeed and be competitive with the competition... which they are on the path too now of being more competitive since the DRM reversals and other stuff
you troll and misinform dat 1.1 vs 1,84.. get the facts before you start comparing, others have told you do so and you continue to it "buddy"
Sony has some information they were intentionally holding back to be revealed at Gamescon:
"There's a lot coming," Ryan told us at E3. "I'm sure you heard from Shu [Yoshida] that he has, just his studios, he has 30 games in development. 20 are going to ship within the console's first year of life, and of those 12 are new IPs... There's a lot going on, it's just we need to keep stuff back. We've Gamescom for us Europeans, and we need to have something to show at Gamescom don't we?!"
So think about it - if Microsoft's big revelation at Gamescon was to REMOVE a console-selling feature to save people $100, while Sony is showing off more NEW games for it's already impressive hardware... I mean, need I continue?
Microsoft needs to show off some Exclusives that are actually new and impressive.
Microsoft E3 for gaming was far superior than Sonys... I think Sony has to do that. Driveclub :lol:
More RAM wont make a difference with that GPU.
It needs a better GPU. The RAM is more than enough.
Who said the purpose would be to actually better the competition's hardware?
They'd do that because it'd cause the impression that they're ahead of the PS4. Just for marketing purposes. 12 GB vs. 8. Equal price. And we give you a Kinect in the bundle.
The hardware is good enough for gaming and it's other features, they don't need to invest more in that, so why spend more on another GPU? This seems a lot more coherent to recent MS' business practices.
So, Microsoft should treat the average consumer like an idiot?
Not saying they should, just that it's what I'm expecting from them, given the recent fiasco.
MEANWHILE...Sony has some information they were intentionally holding back to be revealed at Gamescon:
"There's a lot coming," Ryan told us at E3. "I'm sure you heard from Shu [Yoshida] that he has, just his studios, he has 30 games in development. 20 are going to ship within the console's first year of life, and of those 12 are new IPs... There's a lot going on, it's just we need to keep stuff back. We've Gamescom for us Europeans, and we need to have something to show at Gamescom don't we?!"
So think about it - if Microsoft's big revelation at Gamescon was to REMOVE a console-selling feature to save people $100, while Sony is showing off more NEW games for it's already impressive hardware... I mean, need I continue?
Microsoft needs to show off some Exclusives that are actually new and impressive.Netherscourge
I doubt that they'll have much to show off in the exclusive category, since they've already shown off most of the Xbone's gaming library at E3 this year.
Xbox ONE at launch:
i don't think it's going to start making sense no matter how many times you post that.
Sure it does.You're just of the opinion that MS is backpedalling to what the 360 was, not what the PS4 is.Either way you slice it, it's turning into a weaker PS4 ;)
Just so you guys know, they arent' reintroducing it and there isn't going to be a formal conference. Nelson confirmed on his reddit account. This was all a false rumor from a website looking for hits.
Just so you guys know, they arent' reintroducing it and there isn't going to be a formal conference. Nelson confirmed on his reddit account. This was all a false rumor from a website looking for hits.
Should the mods lock this thread?
Says you the delusional paid Microsoft shill who was spreading nothing but anti-Sony propoganda and misinformation about the PS4 ram in the PS4 ram thread, where you were going off of "rumors" which were DESYROYED and debunkedThe reveal went good :lol:[QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]
Microsoft Xb1: 3rd times the charm ;)
:lol: GravityX
Just so you guys know, they arent' reintroducing it and there isn't going to be a formal conference. Nelson confirmed on his reddit account. This was all a false rumor from a website looking for hits.
Should the mods lock this thread?
Says you the delusional paid Microsoft shill who was spreading nothing but anti-Sony propoganda and misinformation about the PS4 ram in the PS4 ram thread, where you were going off of "rumors" which were DESYROYED and debunkeddestroyed and debunked by who? thuway?? as it stands i bet leadbetter was correct. Stop being a delusional fanboy yourself, and shut up already..
[QUOTE="ShaineTheNerd"]I notice a lot of people saying they will buy an Xbox One once the Kinect is dropped. Seems like the PS4 is just a place holder for the better console?Kaz_Son:cool: In your dreams. Microsoft's vision of the future of XB1....
difference is im called a "fanboy" but i provide links and actual statements/ and back up my claims, THEY just straight troll and are delusional... and if i give my OPINION on something that is negative to XB1 or Microsoft, im called a fanboy automatically for my OPINION... if i state something negative thats true about MSoft/xb1/ anything else i back it up with facts, not these mongrels...[QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"]
[QUOTE="MonsieurX"] sweet ironyXBOunity
anyway its actually great Microsoft is doing a reintroduction of the XB1, alot of people still have that bad taste left from the original reveal and people probably still think they have their terrible DRM policies in place/misconceptions still about XB1 and MSoft, so its great that they are going to clear everything up. and first of all i absolutely dont hate Microsoft or XB1 at all, i loved the first two xbox's and i actually DO think that X360 is better then PS3... i just want Msoft to succeed and be competitive with the competition... which they are on the path too now of being more competitive since the DRM reversals and other stuff
you troll and misinform dat 1.1 vs 1,84.. get the facts before you start comparing, others have told you do so and you continue to it "buddy"
and i clearly stated in my posts that 1.1 teraflops is for GAMES...kinda hurts seeing that number out there so loosely though right? it is a little low...on microsoft defense they realized what a joke xbone was and how terrible their presentation was (although some dumb people would still defend it) so now they are just trying to copy ps4 in every way, too bad is too late :(
They should stop catering to the publics' whims. They know what they are doing, and they know better than almost all of their stupid customers. A benovolent dictator is the best type of government.
Oh just disregard my post, I entered too late and there's so much bashing going on the topic might cave in.
More like because they went first with all their announcements instead of letting Sony go first and get all the negative press. lol!! It's not going to matter much in the end. If they drop the price to $399 (with the Kinect still in the box) that will be huge. They are suppose to show more exclusives at Gamescom as well, so that should be a plus. Whatever the case, the system is still going to sell millions as long as Microsoft keep churning out exclusive after exclusive and buys some very important gaming companies.guys we present to you the microsoft xbox 180! because they caught us with our pants down when ps4 was presented.
All they needed was to build a powerful enough console to run core games at graphical fidelity better than PS4. They don't seem capable of understanding that (like many MS supporters here).Mystery_WriterI'm a MS supporter and my game box with Radeon HD 7970 (with the option for 7950-900Mhz CrossFire**) murders PS4's GCN. **I'll do that after I buy Radeon HD 9950 or 9970 sometime this year.
Don't think it's too late. Apparently Sony would have done the same thing if everything had turned out positive with all those policies. Sony just let M$ go first, which was stupid on M$ part. In any case, it's all about the games and what the system is capable of doing to provide entertainment and enjoyment to games and social media junkies.on microsoft defense they realized what a joke xbone was and how terrible their presentation was (although some dumb people would still defend it) so now they are just trying to copy ps4 in every way, too bad is too late :(
Lmao how many times does MS needs to introduce the x1?shinko28As many times as they fired their department heads.
Lol. I dont think there was this much damage control in the entire industry for all 7 years of last-gen
Yet the amount coming out of M$ since May is laughable.
They are either actually trying to turn things around, or getting really, really desperate. It takes a really long time to repair a damaged reputation.
Funny how Sony 'won' E3 this year, when in fact they didnt really do anything but M$ did all the work for them.
[QUOTE="Krelian-co"]More like because they went first with all their announcements instead of letting Sony go first and get all the negative press. lol!! It's not going to matter much in the end. If they drop the price to $399 (with the Kinect still in the box) that will be huge. They are suppose to show more exclusives at Gamescom as well, so that should be a plus. Whatever the case, the system is still going to sell millions as long as Microsoft keep churning out exclusive after exclusive and buys some very important gaming companies.guys we present to you the microsoft xbox 180! because they caught us with our pants down when ps4 was presented.
and then you woke up, but at least you got a cool story to tell.
still cant prove im misinforming... no factual backup/information has been provided to prove my "misinforming" ...k dude, go step outside catch some fresh air, maybe play frisbee with your dog or something.. dont take a plastic box that plays games too seriously. relax your self... :roll:[QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"][QUOTE="XBOunity"]
lol call me bro again bro, lol anyway yes you are stupid and misinforming. try harder 'bro', maybe someone will actually believe you. Also :lol: casey has a vendetta against SONY? more misinforming, get a clue and shut up with the 5 paragraph responses, and Stop calling me BRO
sure dat 1.1 tflops.
Where's the PS4's secondary GPU info?More like because they went first with all their announcements instead of letting Sony go first and get all the negative press. lol!! It's not going to matter much in the end. If they drop the price to $399 (with the Kinect still in the box) that will be huge. They are suppose to show more exclusives at Gamescom as well, so that should be a plus. Whatever the case, the system is still going to sell millions as long as Microsoft keep churning out exclusive after exclusive and buys some very important gaming companies.[QUOTE="blackace"][QUOTE="Krelian-co"]
guys we present to you the microsoft xbox 180! because they caught us with our pants down when ps4 was presented.
and then you woke up, but at least you got a cool story to tell.
I'm always awake. lol!! This so called reintroduction of the XBox One seems bogus. Only event M$ is doing next is the Gamescom. Of course the XBox One will be there. The only thing I can see Microsoft doing is reiterating the new policies and features of the XBox One, along with addition exclusive games and new IP's.Has a console ever needed a re-introduction before?! LOL
This is hilarity to the power of schadenfraude times infinity!
"Thank you all for being here today!
As you all know my role in the next-generation development started 5 months ago, at that time we began to look on how console architecture works to restrict developers of hardware freedom and enable them to create gaming experiences they never asked for, We've also looked at the whole Xbox ecosystem if it could be evolved as well to take the player to the most static driven paths through the world of content.
So when we started this process it was in the early days of the Xbox One in February in a time when great transition and new discoveries in technology and how we use it changed, for the whole history of gaming we used to put on the discs or cartridges and play, you could also lend, trade and sell your games, it was the world we lived in then. But at the time of the pre-introduction of the Xbox One all of that was in flux, the world was becoming familiar with a new next-gen console and that single device is expected to provide a range of services and applications that provided plenty of excitements to the gamers, Now the Xbox One has done great in these respects, it's the top platform for cable TV, Skype and 24 hours check-ins and gaming mockery but...
As a console design before this revolution hit there are limits to the functionality that it can provide to this new world, in addition, since the introduction of the Xbox One we've seen a proliferation in the number and variety of games, features, hardware specifications and announcements that people can relate to with so many indie developers to support for that new console. Much less value is found today in exotic policies such as 24 hours check-ins, no headsets, no game sharing, Kinect and turning your console to become the next water-cooler. Im proud of what we've accomplished with our policy on Xbox One but at the same time the need to radically restrict technology can interfere with innovation that is so central to the gaming communities.
So for the Xbox One. While we knew the core idea of the E3 performance was a failure, we also knew the state of a successful gaming console was the PS4, so, we've assembled a team together that had several additional goals.
For one, we wanted to make sure nothing would be different between the PS4 and Xbox One at all, I remember back in the day when there was no one to review our Xbox One and how we also forgot how the message supossed to be gaming is fun; We also wanted to be sure the system is exactly like the PS4 by fluidly and accurately do everything the PS4 does to make up for our E3 showing.
And finally after months of begging, we've decided to hear from gamers. We wanted to know what is important to them, we wanted to make them happy.
I am proud to re-introduce to you, the Xbox Four. the console may look similar but we had some changes, we have no Kinect with this console and it's smaller in size, you could self-publish, you could bring your old headsets to the Xbox 4 and it's the same price as PS4.
Thank you all again, have a good day!"
Karm Recny lead system archetict of Xbox 4
Microsoft will reintroduce the Xbox One in a live press event that is intended as a fresh start in their relationship with the media and consumers. They will directly address the concerns about the Xbox One and start generating positive momentum in time for the November launch.
According to an inside source after the E3 conference there was a massive and frantic internal review of every aspect of the Xbox One compared to Sonys direction with PlayStation.
The 24 hour check-in and disc-DRM policy was reversed to prevent the negative press becoming so widespread that it damaged the Xbox brand. Every other criticism has also been examined to see if it can be improved. Multiple changes have been made and Microsoft feel confident in a product they know the public will respond well to.
There have been discussions about creating price parity between Xbox One and PlayStation 4 by reducing the Xbox One price to $399/399. Conversation has centred on bigger losses per unit sold versus loss of sales traction.
Microsoft will make public their plans for Gamescom later this week. Its expected they will be hosting a press event presented by Phil Spencer, the vice president of Microsoft Game Studios and Phil Harrison, the corporate vice president of Interactive Entertainment.
Nothing screams "f__up" more than having to do it all over again. smhI'm not basing launch games on my decision to buy PS4. I like the Sony's exclusives more then Microsoft's. BUT I have noticed something and im kind of subject to it myself. I think the main console purchasing decisions most people make is what consoles their friends and family are also purchasing.they can easily destroy ps4 by making the price the same xbox one has better launch games.
Yeah, this blog is spouting nonsense. While Major Nelson has already gone ahead and said its totally untrue, lets just start with the obvious; what "reintroduction" does the Xbox One need? or can afford even? If you keep messing with the messaging of your product, you're bound to just turn off everyone. MS needs to identify 1 or 2 major audiences and focus on marketting to them, and believe me they understand this. Redeveloping their narrative would just set them back even further.
A price cut without the removal of Kinect is highly, highly unlikely. And I know for a fact there won't ever be a sku without it (unless the console sells REALLY poorly, then all bets are off).
@blackace - just an fyi, MS doesn't really have anymore exclusives in the pipe to show. The point of E3 was to parade around as many exclusives as they could to see if it would entice people to pre-order/purchase the system. They literally paraded every deal (with the exception of 1 game) that is an Xbox One exclusive back then. This was a similar tactic that Sony employed at E3 in '06 and '07 (showing off games that were nowhere near completion just to build buzz for the console). MS' major focuses at Gamescom is going to be to further sell their launch lineup with new trailers/demos, focus on their indie shakeup/XBLA offerings, and announce their release date.
360 couldn't destroy the PS3 and it was much cheaper.they can easily destroy ps4 by making the price the same xbox one has better launch games.
The X1 was so great Microsoft keeps revamping it over and over and over and over and over. Only this time it's fake
Lemmings, just get a PS4
lmao they changed the drm back to how it was on the 360 while creating a great new way to get indies back on the xbox one. i don't know why tf u people keep exaggerating :lol:The X1 was so great Microsoft keeps revamping it over and over and over and over and over. Only this time it's fake
Lemmings, just get a PS4
[QUOTE="Mystery_Writer"]All they needed was to build a powerful enough console to run core games at graphical fidelity better than PS4. They don't seem capable of understanding that (like many MS supporters here).ronvalenciaI'm a MS supporter and my game box with Radeon HD 7970 (with the option for 7950-900Mhz CrossFire**) murders PS4's GCN. **I'll do that after I buy Radeon HD 9950 or 9970 sometime this year. Radeon 9xxx series coming out this year?!
got destroyed so bad that now they have to beg for a second chance, lol. Already failed before being released.
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