For alot of reasons I'll bullet point them for coinvinence and readability
-Lack of quality exclusives: It's no secret that MSes 1st party is the weakest of the 3 and add to that the fact that they pretty much destroyed (rare), sold off (bioware) or failed to secure (epic/bungie) next gen they will be in the weakest position launch lineup wise, and even if they commision games to be made people will be skepticial if they will retain exclusivity will all the timed exclusive deals MS has done in the past
-Reliability concerns: although it's doubtful that MS will repeat the horrible mistakes of the 360s reliability it will still have many people concerend
-It will be stuck between the ps3, nintendos next console and ps4: Nintendos console will launch ealier and have the headstart and core games this time as well as third party support, ps3 will be selling to everyone who wants a reliable system and low price point and it will have the highest install base so devs will cater to it over the next xbox (360 will have died off or lost almost all suport it's already starting to dwindle) and ps4 will come out a little later and probably beat it in raw power, so 360 really won't have much of a market looking at it ps3 and nintendos system will both have higher install base, lower price point, more and better games, and ps4 will come out a little later with more power and probably a better launch line up (unless Sony tries to pull a double gen for ps3)
-Charging for online: alot of people were ignorant to it or thought they wouldn't care about online when they bought a 360 (just went with the one with lower prince point) or in some cases weren't aware that no1 else charged so yeah people won't be too eager to do that again, especially if Nintendo makes a respectable online service and Sony improves psn significantly before bringing it back up
so yeah I'm sure some people will buy the next xbox but I just don't see it appealing to that many people the biggest snag will be the games unless MS gets their act in gear I just don't see them selling much at all next gen, maybe even end up giving up the console buisness
Lol, nice. .. er nice try i mean.-Lack of exclusives doesn't have much sway, so you lose on 5 games, all the important ones are multiplatform anyways. Plus Sony won't have their next generation console out for a few more years after that, so they will all look outdated and not be GK anymore.
-Since the xbox slim is wokring flawlessly without RROD, quality concerns are done.
-They charge for online now.. and its a sucess. So how is this any different?
-No1 buys a system for multiplats unless it's cheaper and Nintendos console and ps3 will beat it in price
-for the 360 not for a new system
-last gen was single player heavy alot of people didn't think they'd need multiplayer or didn't realize they charged or thought the others charged and by the time those facts became known to the average joe all their friends already had a 360, without the install base already in the new console it will fail, and it will make people not want to get it especially if Nintendos console is cheaper and has comparable online
See, you have no idea what MS has up their sleeves. This is the very first year they've only had a 'few' exclusives released, and you're acting like they will never have another exclusive ever again. Shame on you!Also, considering the fact that SOny has removed features, and suffers from YLOD, it's just as likely that their next console will suffer some major problem. Also, gamers who buy consoles on release don't often care about that issue, they only see "new console, new games, new graphics" and just go and buy it.
Pay for online will not fail, and in fact it is booming for MS. I would not be surprised if Sony starts to charge soon, especially with how unstable their 'free' online is.
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