I hate to be the one to break this to you but the vast majority of the gaming public does not care about exclusives anywhere near as much as you seem to think they do.
Exclusives are one of the main reasons why people buy a system, if they get it for multiplats it's based on price point which Nintendo will have MS beaten in, and the fact that ps3 is outselling both wii and 360 this years seems to prove people do care aout eclusives
You obviously don't know as much as you think you do about this subject. Tell me, why is it that the majority of multi-million sellers on the PS3 and Xbox 360 are multiplatform titles? Why is it that sales spike during the launch of games such as Call of Duty: Insert subtitle here, Grand Theft Auto IV, Madden, popular sports titles and so on? Exclusives are not the main reason people purchase consoles. Casual gamers do not pay much attention to what's exclusive and what isn't and they are the vast majority of the gaming population.
The Playstation 1 and 2 both had rampant hardware problems and Sony was successfully sued over the PS2's Disc Read Error issues. That didn't stop people from buying the PS3 this generation so it is highly doubtful that it will affect Microsoft next generation.
Rampant lol, ps1 and ps2 had issues but no where near 360, the original xbox was worse then either of those and no retailer ever increased the price for warrenty on xbox or ps2 only 360, the 360s failrate was insanely higher then either the ps1 or ps2
Yes, the PS2's issues were only slightly worse than the 360's RROD. The original Xbox had issues but it truly was nowhere near as faulty as the PS2, whose issues were publicized in the mass media for years. Again, Sony was successfully sued over the PS2's DREs, which means that the problem was quite significant, as was the RROD. Your assumption that people will be more aware this time around of the 360's problems and that people shyed away from buying the PS3 because of the PS2's issues are just that, assumptions. Unless you can prove them, you don't have a leg to stand on here.
Excuse me? The Xbox 360 is selling incredibly well and is showing no signs of dwindling third party support. And what makes you think developers won't support the next Xbox? The PS2's ubiquity didn't stop developers from supporting the Xbox 360 when it was released and I highly doubt the PS3 and Xbox 360's continued existence (yes, the Xbox 360 will continue to exist. It is still a very profitable and high selling system. It won't be killed off early.) will stop developers from supporting the next Xbox.
No signs of dwindling third party support lol really, 3rd party 360 excluisves have stopped except for kinect shovelware and ones MS commison pretty much and MS is even having trouble getting third parties to sign on, not to mention losing bungie and epic, and well 360 might be selling well for the moment it's userbase isn't as healthy as the ps3s and with the lack of exclusives all 360 has going for it is kinect which frankly won't last, it will continue to exist but it will slow down more then the wii has in the next few years
And how many third party exclusives does Sony have, again? Third party exclusives are dying out pretty much across the board, not just for Microsoft and the 360 is seeing just as much developer support as Sony is these days. Microsoft did not lose Epic because they never had them in the first place. The 360's userbase is just as healthy (if not more so) as the PS3s. I really don't know where you're getting the idea that the PS3's userbase is somehow better than the 360s. And...yet again, you're making baseless assumptions about where the 360 will be in a few years when the sales of the console have not been declining in recent months...right. Good luck with that.
It didn't stop people from buying the 360 this generation and it won't stop people from buying the next generation Xbox. In fact, it's probably more likely that Sony and Nintendo will start charging for their online services than MS to be hurt by charging for theirs.
Wrong, it stopped a ton of people who weren't ignorant about it from buying it this gen, and it's going to stop even more next gen due to less ignorance esepcially on launch when no ones friends own it
And I assume you can prove that to be true using actual facts and not more assumptions? I'd really like to see some of that.
MS already has their act in gear. People made these same doom and gloom claims about the 360 at one point and it turned out to be the second best selling system this generation, placing Sony, a favorite to lead this generation as they had generations past, soundly in third place. Everything you've said is based on largely baseless assumptions about Microsoft's position next generation that hasn't been backed up by any sort of factual evidence.
Actually it's going to turn out to be the third best selling so last, and ps3s userbase is already surpassed it, as soon as kinect dies, the 360 dies, unless MS starts making more games which they don't even have the devs for
The PS3's userbase has not surpassed the 360's. Sure, it is gaining on the 360 but it has not surpassed it yet. Kinect will not die. It is selling very well and is seeing a great deal of developer support from MS and third parties. Again, your assumptions are baseless.
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