-PSN will be more secure then live in a week, and no CC was taken and it was about as secure as livemomentum_godIt's really, really depressing that you would believe this. This wasn't the first time it's happened to sony, won't be the last.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
-PSN will be more secure then live in a week, and no CC was taken and it was about as secure as livemomentum_godIt's really, really depressing that you would believe this. This wasn't the first time it's happened to sony, won't be the last.
[QUOTE="eboyishere"]I've noticed it's annoying when everyone disagrees but no1 even addresses one point you've made loli read your stuff TC, most people read the headline and just type:roll:
MS is ok, the lack of exclusives and kinect will affect them in a big way
Maybe because they aren't really good points.
[QUOTE="momentum_god"]-PSN will be more secure then live in a week, and no CC was taken and it was about as secure as liveAndrew_XavierIt's really, really depressing that you would believe this. This wasn't the first time it's happened to sony, won't be the last. Up until this incident live had more serious and numerous breaches then psn, the fact that you believe live is so much better is what is depressing
[QUOTE="momentum_god"][QUOTE="AncientDozer"]No it won't. For the simple reason that the unreliability hasn't significantly hurt the 360 here now. Unless, of course, in reality the 360 would've dominated even the Wii had it been more reliable. Arguing around this is dangerous because we don't have alternate timelines to look at.AncientDozer360=/=next xbox people get MS finally got it to work, like MS finally gets a new version of windows to work after years, and the next one is just as buggy on launch as the previous was, so you are wrong You can't go " 360's unreliability effects future 360" but then in the same breath say "360 isn't the next xbox". That's ridiculous. It's not about the 360, its about MSes track record with getting stuff right the first time, every new version of windows is buggy as hell on launch
I've noticed it's annoying when everyone disagrees but no1 even addresses one point you've made lol[QUOTE="momentum_god"][QUOTE="eboyishere"]
i read your stuff TC, most people read the headline and just type:roll:
MS is ok, the lack of exclusives and kinect will affect them in a big way
Maybe because they aren't really good points.
Nope if that were true one person would have been able to use logic to show how one might be wrong, that hasn't happened[QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"][QUOTE="momentum_god"]-PSN will be more secure then live in a week, and no CC was taken and it was about as secure as livemomentum_godIt's really, really depressing that you would believe this. This wasn't the first time it's happened to sony, won't be the last. Up until this incident live had more serious and numerous breaches then psn, the fact that you believe live is so much better is what is depressing Could you please cite and link to these breaches?
[QUOTE="AncientDozer"][QUOTE="momentum_god"] 360=/=next xbox people get MS finally got it to work, like MS finally gets a new version of windows to work after years, and the next one is just as buggy on launch as the previous was, so you are wrong momentum_godYou can't go " 360's unreliability effects future 360" but then in the same breath say "360 isn't the next xbox". That's ridiculous. It's not about the 360, its about MSes track record with getting stuff right the first time, every new version of windows is buggy as hell on launch Just like the psx, ps2, and psn :P People don't care about hardware track records mmmkay. People sued *successfully* over the crap hardware ps2 had, but bought it anyway. I did too, bought a ps3 this gen, don't like MS at all, so I'll likely skip next gen.
[QUOTE="Recarnator"]Some people just don't like getting ripped off, but since you do, if you pay me 5 bucks a month I'll give you higher quality air that follows you around so you always breath it, and ps3 has like 20+ 3rd party exclusives currently being made (counting psn games) MS was winning but not anymoreIMO the new exclusive is 3rd party exclusive and MS is winning in this front, and are ppl still F*ing crying about $5,- a month? SRSLY i just bought a value meal for 4.99 and ill probably will buy another this weekend. shheees .....
How is 5 dollars a month a rip off? If your not lazy you can find deals around 3 dollars a month.
Btw some ppl would kill for higher quality of air...... Down town LA ever been there? :P
Some people just don't like getting ripped off, but since you do, if you pay me 5 bucks a month I'll give you higher quality air that follows you around so you always breath it, and ps3 has like 20+ 3rd party exclusives currently being made (counting psn games) MS was winning but not anymore[QUOTE="momentum_god"][QUOTE="Recarnator"]
IMO the new exclusive is 3rd party exclusive and MS is winning in this front, and are ppl still F*ing crying about $5,- a month? SRSLY i just bought a value meal for 4.99 and ill probably will buy another this weekend. shheees .....
How is 5 dollars a month a rip off? If your not lazy you can find deals around 3 dollars a month.
Btw some ppl would kill for higher quality of air...... Down town LA ever been there? :P
Because it's free everywhere else for the same service or better even (pc)Some people just don't like getting ripped off, but since you do, if you pay me 5 bucks a month I'll give you higher quality air that follows you around so you always breath it, and ps3 has like 20+ 3rd party exclusives currently being made (counting psn games) MS was winning but not anymore[QUOTE="momentum_god"][QUOTE="Recarnator"]
IMO the new exclusive is 3rd party exclusive and MS is winning in this front, and are ppl still F*ing crying about $5,- a month? SRSLY i just bought a value meal for 4.99 and ill probably will buy another this weekend. shheees .....
How is 5 dollars a month a rip off? If your not lazy you can find deals around 3 dollars a month.
Btw some ppl would kill for higher quality of air...... Down town LA ever been there? :P
I bought my last LIVE subscription for $30. Beat that. 8) lol Anyway, you go Momo! You keep telling these 360 fanboys how it is, buddy! Woo! Momoooo! Wooo! :P Just picking with ya, man.[QUOTE="Recarnator"][QUOTE="momentum_god"] Some people just don't like getting ripped off, but since you do, if you pay me 5 bucks a month I'll give you higher quality air that follows you around so you always breath it, and ps3 has like 20+ 3rd party exclusives currently being made (counting psn games) MS was winning but not anymore MrSelf-Destruct
How is 5 dollars a month a rip off? If your not lazy you can find deals around 3 dollars a month.
Btw some ppl would kill for higher quality of air...... Down town LA ever been there? :P
I bought my last LIVE subscription for $30. Beat that. 8) lol Anyway, you go Momo! You keep telling these 360 fanboys how it is, buddy! Woo! Momoooo! Wooo! :P Just picking with ya, man. I got psn and pc online gaming for $0 beatenFor alot of reasons I'll bullet point them for coinvinence and readability
-Lack of quality exclusives: It's no secret that MSes 1st party is the weakest of the 3 and add to that the fact that they pretty much destroyed (rare), sold off (bioware) or failed to secure (epic/bungie) next gen they will be in the weakest position launch lineup wise, and even if they commision games to be made people will be skepticial if they will retain exclusivity will all the timed exclusive deals MS has done in the past
I hate to be the one to break this to you but the vast majority of the gaming public does not care about exclusives anywhere near as much as you seem to think they do.
-Reliability concerns: although it's doubtful that MS will repeat the horrible mistakes of the 360s reliability it will still have many people concerend
The Playstation 1 and 2 both had rampant hardware problems and Sony was successfully sued over the PS2's Disc Read Error issues. That didn't stop people from buying the PS3 this generation so it is highly doubtful that it will affect Microsoft next generation.
-It will be stuck between the ps3, nintendos next console and ps4: Nintendos console will launch ealier and have the headstart and core games this time as well as third party support, ps3 will be selling to everyone who wants a reliable system and low price point and it will have the highest install base so devs will cater to it over the next xbox (360 will have died off or lost almost all suport it's already starting to dwindle) and ps4 will come out a little later and probably beat it in raw power, so 360 really won't have much of a market looking at it ps3 and nintendos system will both have higher install base, lower price point, more and better games, and ps4 will come out a little later with more power and probably a better launch line up (unless Sony tries to pull a double gen for ps3)
Excuse me? The Xbox 360 is selling incredibly well and is showing no signs of dwindling third party support. And what makes you think developers won't support the next Xbox? The PS2's ubiquity didn't stop developers from supporting the Xbox 360 when it was released and I highly doubt the PS3 and Xbox 360's continued existence (yes, the Xbox 360 will continue to exist. It is still a very profitable and high selling system. It won't be killed off early.) will stop developers from supporting the next Xbox.
-Charging for online: alot of people were ignorant to it or thought they wouldn't care about online when they bought a 360 (just went with the one with lower prince point) or in some cases weren't aware that no1 else charged so yeah people won't be too eager to do that again, especially if Nintendo makes a respectable online service and Sony improves psn significantly before bringing it back up
It didn't stop people from buying the 360 this generation and it won't stop people from buying the next generation Xbox. In fact, it's probably more likely that Sony and Nintendo will start charging for their online services than MS to be hurt by charging for theirs.
so yeah I'm sure some people will buy the next xbox but I just don't see it appealing to that many people the biggest snag will be the games unless MS gets their act in gear I just don't see them selling much at all next gen, maybe even end up giving up the console buisness
MS already has their act in gear. People made these same doom and gloom claims about the 360 at one point and it turned out to be the second best selling system this generation, placing Sony, a favorite to lead this generation as they had generations past, soundly in third place. Everything you've said is based on largely baseless assumptions about Microsoft's position next generation that hasn't been backed up by any sort of factual evidence.
The 360 was one of the major factors involved in robbing Sony of the market dominance they've had for the last two console generations. I think Microsoft will be okay.
[QUOTE="Recarnator"][QUOTE="momentum_god"] Some people just don't like getting ripped off, but since you do, if you pay me 5 bucks a month I'll give you higher quality air that follows you around so you always breath it, and ps3 has like 20+ 3rd party exclusives currently being made (counting psn games) MS was winning but not anymore momentum_god
How is 5 dollars a month a rip off? If your not lazy you can find deals around 3 dollars a month.
Btw some ppl would kill for higher quality of air...... Down town LA ever been there? :P
Because it's free everywhere else for the same service or better even (pc)Yeah and for how long will PSN be free after this fiasco, hint not forever sooner or later they have to do something.
I'm active user of Steam over 40 games on it. I love it to death. Butt PC is a different platform if Valve decides to charge for Steam people will switch to another platform like D2D, GFWL or Play.com or Gamefly or what not. I know I would.
Oh and..... Steam,D2D,GFWL =/= Xbox live
Because it's free everywhere else for the same service or better even (pc)[QUOTE="momentum_god"][QUOTE="Recarnator"]
How is 5 dollars a month a rip off? If your not lazy you can find deals around 3 dollars a month.
Btw some ppl would kill for higher quality of air...... Down town LA ever been there? :P
Yeah and for how long will PSN be free after this fiasco, hint not forever sooner or later they have to do something.
I'm active user of Steam over 40 games on it. I love it to death. Butt PC is a different platform if Valve decides to charge for Steam people will switch to another platform like D2D, GFWL or Play.com or Gamefly or what not. I know I would.
Oh and..... Steam,D2D,GFWL =/= Xbox live
Yes they are going to start charging after getting breached, that will keep people coming back, rolls eyes, Sony isn't going to charge for psn on the ps3 everps3 is going to be any better? we might have exposed your credit card information, definitly your personal! as for exclusives most people don't care, new system, better multiplats so sony better release at the same time or savagetwinkieAgain people only buy a console for multiplats if it's cheaper, so Nintendo has got MS beat there next gen, and they didn't expose anything they got hacked and CC info is safe and most people put more info on facebook then what psn had
[QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"][QUOTE="momentum_god"] -You base that on nothing, in the entire history of online gaming MS is the only one who has ever charged for it, why do you expect that to change?momentum_godNo. Atari, Intellivision, and Sega all had pay online services. The Sega Channel cost $12.95 a month, and extra per game, Intellivion Online cost 4.95 a month, and I have no idea what the atari 2600 game line cost. Dreamcast online gaming was free, Atari and intellivision didn't even have online capabilities... I think you are mistaking other services as online gaming http://www.revrob.com/sci-a-tech-topmenu-52/38-a-complete-history-of-online-console-gaming-in-the-united-states
In the 1980's the Internet was not in every household, and phone lines were no means of sending data; cable was needed to send even small bits of data at reasonable speeds. Mattel cultivated their relationship with General Instrument and by 1982 they were ready to launch their game download service: PlayCable.
PlayCable was a service that was provided by local cable companies. The cable company would rent the subscriber the PlayCable modem. This unit was modeled after the Intellivision unit and attached to the cartridge slot. The service had available 20 games to download per month. This was saved on the PlayCable unit's 4K of memory until the system was powered off. The monthly subscription fee for the service is reported to have been $4.95.
Sega Channel was on Sega Genesis.
[QUOTE="Recarnator"][QUOTE="momentum_god"] Because it's free everywhere else for the same service or better even (pc)momentum_god
Yeah and for how long will PSN be free after this fiasco, hint not forever sooner or later they have to do something.
I'm active user of Steam over 40 games on it. I love it to death. Butt PC is a different platform if Valve decides to charge for Steam people will switch to another platform like D2D, GFWL or Play.com or Gamefly or what not. I know I would.
Oh and..... Steam,D2D,GFWL =/= Xbox live
Yes they are going to start charging after getting breached, that will keep people coming back, rolls eyes, Sony isn't going to charge for psn on the ps3 everIt does make sense business wise. They are losing millions of dollars everyday PSN being down. Who is going to pay for this? Sony? Yeah that would make stock holders really happy……..
[QUOTE="MrSelf-Destruct"][QUOTE="Recarnator"]I bought my last LIVE subscription for $30. Beat that. 8) lol Anyway, you go Momo! You keep telling these 360 fanboys how it is, buddy! Woo! Momoooo! Wooo! :P Just picking with ya, man. I got psn and pc online gaming for $0 beaten Xbox LIVE is up and running as we speak. Beat that! :lol:How is 5 dollars a month a rip off? If your not lazy you can find deals around 3 dollars a month.
Btw some ppl would kill for higher quality of air...... Down town LA ever been there? :P
I hate to be the one to break this to you but the vast majority of the gaming public does not care about exclusives anywhere near as much as you seem to think they do.
Exclusives are one of the main reasons why people buy a system, if they get it for multiplats it's based on price point which Nintendo will have MS beaten in, and the fact that ps3 is outselling both wii and 360 this years seems to prove people do care aout eclusives
The Playstation 1 and 2 both had rampant hardware problems and Sony was successfully sued over the PS2's Disc Read Error issues. That didn't stop people from buying the PS3 this generation so it is highly doubtful that it will affect Microsoft next generation.
Rampant lol, ps1 and ps2 had issues but no where near 360, the original xbox was worse then either of those and no retailer ever increased the price for warrenty on xbox or ps2 only 360, the 360s failrate was insanely higher then either the ps1 or ps2
Excuse me? The Xbox 360 is selling incredibly well and is showing no signs of dwindling third party support. And what makes you think developers won't support the next Xbox? The PS2's ubiquity didn't stop developers from supporting the Xbox 360 when it was released and I highly doubt the PS3 and Xbox 360's continued existence (yes, the Xbox 360 will continue to exist. It is still a very profitable and high selling system. It won't be killed off early.) will stop developers from supporting the next Xbox.
No signs of dwindling third party support lol really, 3rd party 360 excluisves have stopped except for kinect shovelware and ones MS commison pretty much and MS is even having trouble getting third parties to sign on, not to mention losing bungie and epic, and well 360 might be selling well for the moment it's userbase isn't as healthy as the ps3s and with the lack of exclusives all 360 has going for it is kinect which frankly won't last, it will continue to exist but it will slow down more then the wii has in the next few years
It didn't stop people from buying the 360 this generation and it won't stop people from buying the next generation Xbox. In fact, it's probably more likely that Sony and Nintendo will start charging for their online services than MS to be hurt by charging for theirs.
Wrong, it stopped a ton of people who weren't ignorant about it from buying it this gen, and it's going to stop even more next gen due to less ignorance esepcially on launch when no ones friends own it
MS already has their act in gear. People made these same doom and gloom claims about the 360 at one point and it turned out to be the second best selling system this generation, placing Sony, a favorite to lead this generation as they had generations past, soundly in third place. Everything you've said is based on largely baseless assumptions about Microsoft's position next generation that hasn't been backed up by any sort of factual evidence.
Actually it's going to turn out to be the third best selling so last, and ps3s userbase is already surpassed it, as soon as kinect dies, the 360 dies, unless MS starts making more games which they don't even have the devs forThe_Game21x
Dreamcast online gaming was free, Atari and intellivision didn't even have online capabilities... I think you are mistaking other services as online gaming http://www.revrob.com/sci-a-tech-topmenu-52/38-a-complete-history-of-online-console-gaming-in-the-united-states[QUOTE="momentum_god"][QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"] No. Atari, Intellivision, and Sega all had pay online services. The Sega Channel cost $12.95 a month, and extra per game, Intellivion Online cost 4.95 a month, and I have no idea what the atari 2600 game line cost.Andrew_Xavier
In the 1980's the Internet was not in every household, and phone lines were no means of sending data; cable was needed to send even small bits of data at reasonable speeds. Mattel cultivated their relationship with General Instrument and by 1982 they were ready to launch their game download service: PlayCable.
PlayCable was a service that was provided by local cable companies. The cable company would rent the subscriber the PlayCable modem. This unit was modeled after the Intellivision unit and attached to the cartridge slot. The service had available 20 games to download per month. This was saved on the PlayCable unit's 4K of memory until the system was powered off. The monthly subscription fee for the service is reported to have been $4.95.
Sega Channel was on Sega Genesis.
Yes they are going to start charging after getting breached, that will keep people coming back, rolls eyes, Sony isn't going to charge for psn on the ps3 ever[QUOTE="momentum_god"][QUOTE="Recarnator"]
Yeah and for how long will PSN be free after this fiasco, hint not forever sooner or later they have to do something.
I'm active user of Steam over 40 games on it. I love it to death. Butt PC is a different platform if Valve decides to charge for Steam people will switch to another platform like D2D, GFWL or Play.com or Gamefly or what not. I know I would.
Oh and..... Steam,D2D,GFWL =/= Xbox live
It does make sense business wise. They are losing millions of dollars everyday PSN being down. Who is going to pay for this? Sony? Yeah that would make stock holders really happy……..
Of course Sony is going to pay, charging for online now would be suicide, just like if MS didn't pay for the RROD the 360 wouldn't still be aliveI got psn and pc online gaming for $0 beaten Xbox LIVE is up and running as we speak. Beat that! :lol: Millions of dedicated servers are up on pc, beaten[QUOTE="momentum_god"][QUOTE="MrSelf-Destruct"] I bought my last LIVE subscription for $30. Beat that. 8) lol Anyway, you go Momo! You keep telling these 360 fanboys how it is, buddy! Woo! Momoooo! Wooo! :P Just picking with ya, man. MrSelf-Destruct
[QUOTE="MrSelf-Destruct"]Xbox LIVE is up and running as we speak. Beat that! :lol: Millions of dedicated servers are up on pc, beaten Ah, so PS3 still loses.... Good job sticking up for your team. ;) lol[QUOTE="momentum_god"] I got psn and pc online gaming for $0 beatenmomentum_god
[QUOTE="momentum_god"][QUOTE="MrSelf-Destruct"] Xbox LIVE is up and running as we speak. Beat that! :lol:Millions of dedicated servers are up on pc, beaten Ah, so PS3 still loses.... Good job sticking up for your team. ;) lol At this second yes, psn is down no arguing that, not like live has never been down, not to mention that 2 weeks where it was unstable and hardly anyone could get onlineMrSelf-Destruct
Ah, so PS3 still loses.... Good job sticking up for your team. ;) lol At this second yes, psn is down no arguing that, not like live has never been down, not to mention that 2 weeks where it was unstable and hardly anyone could get online[QUOTE="MrSelf-Destruct"][QUOTE="momentum_god"] Millions of dedicated servers are up on pc, beaten momentum_god
Hardly anyone? I remember that most people could get online no problem. Plus MS compensated us for that.
so ur basically saying the same BS the cows and others have been blowing out of proportion all gen that hasnt slowed the 360 down at all, will ruin it next gen:| uh...riigghhttt:roll:
lol how do you know, if someone said ps3 is going to have problems in launch back in 2004 how many people would say they were wrong?You're wrong TC. That all that really need to be said. :/
MS won't have the advantages they had at 360s launch next gen thats a factso ur basically saying the same BS the cows and others have been blowing out of proportion all gen that hasnt slowed the 360 down at all, will ruin it next gen:| uh...riigghhttt:roll:
so ur basically saying the same BS the cows and others have been blowing out of proportion all gen that hasnt slowed the 360 down at all, will ruin it next gen:| uh...riigghhttt:roll:
MS won't have the advantages they had at 360s launch next gen thats a fact Actually they will have some of the advantages they do now, Xbox Live, Powerful hardware, Kinect etc. They will also have new ones....So your wrong, thats a fact :PAll right, I started to think you were doing this with a " I live under a bridge" kind of reason, but it seems that you trul believe this nonsens...PLEASE show me some FACTS, that OTHER PRESTIGIOUS editors/sites/ANYONE ELSE has stated where it will be like this...Doesn't mean people are happy with windows just means they don't have a choice and there is no CC fraud and the possible identify thief is only if you are dense enough to tell someone who mails something to you your SSN, you seem to be the clueless oneYou are so CLUELESS and contradict yourself constantly...Windows 7 already has 32% of the entire WOS share, which something up anywhere from 65%-85% of the entire market! The 360 is in 2ND PLACE, PS3 is in LAST PLACE....
As for the "AVERAGE" consumer, possible Identity theft, CC Fraud is a WAAAAAAAY bigger deal than the RROD fiasco...
I can only assume that you are young and naive....Either way most of what you say is pure speculation, most of which will never happen...
Anyways, please leaveImportBMWRacer
I dout Microsofts Xbox is going anywhere. Its been doing great this gen and will also be doing just as good next gen.
so ur basically saying the same BS the cows and others have been blowing out of proportion all gen that hasnt slowed the 360 down at all, will ruin it next gen:| uh...riigghhttt:roll:
MS won't have the advantages they had at 360s launch next gen thats a fact Actually they will have some of the advantages they do now, Xbox Live, Powerful hardware, Kinect etc. They will also have new ones....So your wrong, thats a fact :PXBL is a disadvantage more then it is an advantage, they will probably be in the same spot power wise (above nintendo below sony), Kinect won't last that long, they won't have the headstart, they won't have the loser price point, and Sony isn't going to make 20 mistakes on launch so no I'm notThe 360 is my favourite console since the SNES but its going to take a miracle for them to wow me next time. They'll support the worthless Kinect more than the gamers that welcomed them into this industry and any exclusive will likely go multiplat.tomarlynExactly you are exactly the kind of person I'm talking about in regards to this there are more of you then MS fanboys who will buy it no matter what, and it's been proven that current install base doesn't translate to next gen sales, most recently with the ps3
[QUOTE="Recarnator"][QUOTE="momentum_god"] Yes they are going to start charging after getting breached, that will keep people coming back, rolls eyes, Sony isn't going to charge for psn on the ps3 evermomentum_god
It does make sense business wise. They are losing millions of dollars everyday PSN being down. Who is going to pay for this? Sony? Yeah that would make stock holders really happy……..
Of course Sony is going to pay, charging for online now would be suicide, just like if MS didn't pay for the RROD the 360 wouldn't still be aliveMS didn't actually pay for the RROD, they slowly fixed the problem.
Phasing out the old models slowly butt steady. It wasn't a total loss.
At the end of the day we have the new SEXY XBOX 360 Model.
Now shut up and go and buy one.
[QUOTE="ImportBMWRacer"]All right, I started to think you were doing this with a " I live under a bridge" kind of reason, but it seems that you trul believe this nonsens...PLEASE show me some FACTS, that OTHER PRESTIGIOUS editors/sites/ANYONE ELSE has stated where it will be like this...
You are so CLUELESS and contradict yourself constantly...Windows 7 already has 32% of the entire WOS share, which something up anywhere from 65%-85% of the entire market! The 360 is in 2ND PLACE, PS3 is in LAST PLACE....
As for the "AVERAGE" consumer, possible Identity theft, CC Fraud is a WAAAAAAAY bigger deal than the RROD fiasco...
I can only assume that you are young and naive....Either way most of what you say is pure speculation, most of which will never happen...
Anyways, please leave
Doesn't mean people are happy with windows just means they don't have a choice and there is no CC fraud and the possible identify thief is only if you are dense enough to tell someone who mails something to you your SSN, you seem to be the clueless one Actually there is CC fraud is a possibility, and ONCE the average consumer has it in their head the damage has been done...As for "Identity theft" there are plenty of forms in taking someones identity without using their SS...You are obviously clueless, you dodged most of my post, as you have no rebute for it. People have plenty of choices as far as what OS to use....Hence the different OS systems being used by millions of people....So are you sure you have any idea what your talking about? You can hate a company all you want, but realize unless you have an actual reason for that hatred you will basically be by yourself in your views...So like I said leave:)[QUOTE="tomarlyn"]The 360 is my favourite console since the SNES but its going to take a miracle for them to wow me next time. They'll support the worthless Kinect more than the gamers that welcomed them into this industry and any exclusive will likely go multiplat.momentum_godExactly you are exactly the kind of person I'm talking about in regards to this there are more of you then MS fanboys who will buy it no matter what, and it's been proven that current install base doesn't translate to next gen sales, most recently with the ps3 There's always hoping for a miracle :P Its not like I want it to do badly or anything, but based on the last year or so I don't have any confidence in it already. It could be an awesome platform if it has great multiplats, but I'm a manticore so there has to be stellar features and/or exclusives to make it worthwhile. Kinect can go to the center of a black hole.
Of course Sony is going to pay, charging for online now would be suicide, just like if MS didn't pay for the RROD the 360 wouldn't still be alive[QUOTE="momentum_god"][QUOTE="Recarnator"]
It does make sense business wise. They are losing millions of dollars everyday PSN being down. Who is going to pay for this? Sony? Yeah that would make stock holders really happy……..
MS didn't actually pay for the RROD, they slowly fixed the problem.
Phasing out the old models slowly butt steady. It wasn't a total loss.
At the end of the day we have the new SEXY XBOX 360 Model.
Now shut up and go and buy one.
They paid for replacement/repairs of the RROD just like Sony will pay for repairs/upgrades for psnPlease Log In to post.
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