1. It plays Uncharted better than PCs
2. It plays Super Mario Galaxy better than PCs
3. It plays Halo better than PCs
4. It plays Demon's Souls better than PCs
5. It plays Metal Gear Solid 4 better than PCs
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1. It plays Uncharted better than PCs
2. It plays Super Mario Galaxy better than PCs
3. It plays Halo better than PCs
4. It plays Demon's Souls better than PCs
5. It plays Metal Gear Solid 4 better than PCs
1. Install base for certain games like JRPG's, stylish hack n slash games (ala Devil May Cry), fighting games and racing games much higher on consoles with easier play on a controller.
2. More publisher love (with no fear of piracy, publishers tend to put a higher focus on console versions).
3. Local splitscreen multiplayer for wide variety of games.
4. Company behind consoles guarantees exclusive first party games, DLC and features (don't expect any PC exclusive DLC for multiplats guys).
5. Easy to use with no need to spend time going into menus just for installing games, instant patching, single online service as well as a (BONUS) single standard for games so you can expect not to have issues (where with PC's you have to deal with blue screens, individual components that don't all work together, games that work better with other GPU's).
I love both PC gaming and console gaming, but elitists need to stop pretending PC gaming is 100% better then consoles at everything, especially if I can come up with this list in 2 minutes. But I do love some TC pwnage though.
1. Install base for certain games like JRPG's, stylish hack n slash games (ala Devil May Cry), fighting games and racing games much higher on consoles with easier play on a controller.
2. More publisher love (with no fear of piracy, publishers tend to put a higher focus on console versions).
3. Local splitscreen multiplayer for wide variety of games.
4. Company behind consoles guarantees exclusive first party games, DLC and features (don't expect any PC exclusive DLC for multiplats guys).
5. Easy to use with no need to spend time going into menus just for installing games, instant patching, single online service as well as a (BONUS) single standard for games so you can expect not to have issues (where with PC's you have to deal with blue screens, individual components that don't all work together, games that work better with other GPU's).
I love both PC gaming and console gaming, but elitists need to stop pretending PC gaming is 100% better then consoles at everything, especially if I can come up with this list in 2 minutes. But I do love some TC pwnage though.
now take the list of things pc does better and subtract the amount of things consoles do better... pc still wins by a lot against 3 consoles.
1. You can throw it outside the window and nobody will notice.
2. You could choose to put it in a bag just because.
3. Wanna hug it? Well with a console it's easier I would assume.
4. Having a bad day and feel like something needs to die? You know PCs are way too tough for you in your weak state. Punch that console.
5. You could essentially use a console as a pillow. Man just thinking about the rounded shape of PS3 slim makes me wanna try it.
and the pc still wins gloriously
Yet I beat your little thread game, TC. Funny how you don't acknowledge the winners.
the point of the thread is to show that pc does a lot more stuff way better than consoles...
You posed a question. I answered it successfully. I win the game, no?
Yet I beat your little thread game, TC. Funny how you don't acknowledge the winners.
the point of the thread is to show that pc does a lot more stuff way better than consoles...
You posed a question. I answered it successfully. I win the game, no?
you win good sir.... but only two of those are substansial. pc wins everything else.
1. Easier to use, don't have to worry about comp specs and if its even gonna play the game 2. Co-op play is still amazing (though pcs with mmos are a little better but most of them require a monthly fee) 3. Better video game series (though I give pc props for having blizzard making games for pc) 4. Better gameplay (it feels so much better to use a controller sitting in my lovesac than sitting in a chair using a kb/m) 5. Cheaper Ballroompirate
yes no no no no no
[QUOTE="lundy86_4"]I also want to throw out the often under-appreciated and overlooked comfort and mobility. I don't know about you guys but I've never been able to comfortably play a game and maintain consistent ability lying down or standing up. In fact, with a keyboard and mouse, it's pretty much impossible to stand up and play a game unless the keyboard and mouse are sitting on, say, a desk. I can walk around, lie on my stomach, lie on my back, side, play from the bathroom and it really doesn't matter with these wonderful wireless gamepads. Really, I have superior options for comfort and mobility with a console than a computer.
- Ease of use
- Lower cost
- Full controller support
- Much simpler plug and play (simple updates)
- Play games exclusive to the consoles better :P
Hmmm,you mean a wireless controller like the 360 controller for windows that I have?
I also want to throw out the often under-appreciated and overlooked comfort and mobility. I don't know about you guys but I've never been able to comfortably play a game and maintain consistent ability lying down or standing up. In fact, with a keyboard and mouse, it's pretty much impossible to stand up and play a game unless the keyboard and mouse are sitting on, say, a desk. I can walk around, lie on my stomach, lie on my back, side, play from the bathroom and it really doesn't matter with these wonderful wireless gamepads. Really, I have superior options for comfort and mobility with a console than a computer.AncientDozer
I do much prefer controllers myself. I just wish more PC devs would include full controller support in games, as third-party software isn't that great.
I can play PC relatively comfortably not being at a desk, but a controller is much more preferable :P
Zelda, Metroid and Super Smash Bros?[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="Nike_Air"]
- God of War
- Uncharted
- uhhhhhhhh
- ummmmm
- ?
Portal 2. You get the ps3 verison and the PC version. That's right, a multiplat valve game better on a console.
....? Portal 2 on PS3 is 60 bucks. Portal 2 on PC is 30 bucks. (and 50 bucks at the time of release) Besides, if you are going to play it on PC anyway, why get it on PS3, and why do you even need the PC version when you are going to play it on PS3?1) Localized multiplayer
Far more supported on consoles compared to PC, even though the Wii seems to be the only one keeping the trend going outside of a few games. From personal experience, it seems consoles get more co-op/ splitscreen games.
2) A developed rental/used game industry
By passing whatever arguments for or against either industry, their presence on consoles is much more developed than that of PC. They are still very much in their infancy on PC.
3) Simply easier
Simply easier. There's no freedom - so there's less room for end user error. Update needed? Mash A until the start up screen appears. NO fiddling with drivers, no working around some config file to enable something like multiplayer
4) Unified online
ON PC, people can be fragmented across several different programs. Origin, Steam, Xfire, BattleNet - there's alot of choice, which is good in its own right. But it also leads to fragmentation, whereas everyone that games on a 360/PS3 must use Xbox Live and PSN respectively.
5) Japanese developer support
I dunno how to explain this one. For some reason, consoles simply have it.
1: controllers
The PC has a ton of them and the 360 controller for windows especially works on most games that need it,and you have tons of other controllers to use.
2: lots of games
Lots of games? Do you realize the PC has more games alone than all consoles combined?
3: PS2 Slim(so slim)
I´ll give you that but if you´re gaming on a gaming laptop then that point is completely void.
4: put disc on and play
You mean,before you have to install and have some updates? This isn´t the 90´s where consoles were actually "plug & play" like you´re saying,far from it,these days they use many of the PC functionalities and in some cases,instalations are even longer than most PC games.
5: sitting on the couch or bed or floor etc
Just like I do with my PC? I do sit on my couch to play PC games if I want to,and obviously I can connect it to my TV,so nope,that old(but extremely amusing)talk about couches is void(one of these days in those price threads I may start using the price of the couch to add to the console price,so exclusive they seem to be for some console gamers and apparently impossible for PC gaming...)
Get better games.
I don't think I need another reason.
Absolutely. Maybe it's the fact that PC only games are usually PC only due to a low budget, but I find PC only games to be sub par. My most recent attempt to get into one was Witcher 2, and I don't think it's gonna click for me anytime soon.
Even multiplat games I've played on PC were inherently worse because of M/KB. I did try using my ps3 controller on a few games, but if that's the only way to enjoy the games I might as well play them on my ps3.
[QUOTE="Arach666"]Gotta admit,I lol´d. :lol: It'spretty much true though.[QUOTE="slipknot0129"]
Pretty much everything except graphics.
PC has more AAA-AA exclusives than all the consoles combined atm.
Most multiplats are better on PC.
The online is superior, the deals are better, you get mods, more control options.
You trollin?
ok TC name 5 top things that pc can do better than consoles and don't say graphics cause that is so obvious that is is better :p
ok TC name 5 top things that pc can do better than consoles and don't say graphics cause that is so obvious that is is better :p
Console games are developed on PC's. Did I win anything?
hmmm an imaginary cookie :p
ok TC name 5 top things that pc can do better than consoles and don't say graphics cause that is so obvious that is is better :p
Console games are developed on PC's. Did I win anything?
hmmm an imaginary cookie :p
Aww thank you. :) nom nom nom
1. Consoles are better at being cheap (as in costing money).
2. Consoles are better at breaking (as in RROD).
3. Consoles are better at not being able to render great graphics..
4. Consoles are better at not having games I want to play.
5. Consoles are better in case a burglar enters your house and you need something quick to hurl.
Ease of use.
More social gaming experience
Join an online community in a game like TF2 or CS:S or BF and try again
When you a buy a game you know it will run perfectly
not always the case
Last longer
Not always a good thing
Are easy to use media hubs
So is my PC
Have more casual games
Browse the casual and free to play section on Steam sometime
Better racing games
Um I am a Pc gamer by the way. I mean social as in I can just invite mates over and we can pick a controlelr and play, it's much easier than a LAN (though a LAN is way better.)
Buying a game on a console is more reliable as you know it will perform well (unless it is poorly optimised)
Ease of use isn't even a possibiliy, it's a fact. Thats the main reason people buy consoles.
Better racing games, that really for me is a definite one. Project Gotham series, Mario Kart, Gran Turismo, Forza etc are awesome, so is GTR but I prefer the console racers
Streamlining, motion controls, peripheral input devices, Japanese developer support, local multiplayer (easier, but I do acknowledge the greatness of the ol LAN party).
[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="Arach666"] Gotta admit,I lol´d. :lol:
It'spretty much true though.PC has more AAA-AA exclusives than all the consoles combined atm.
Most multiplats are better on PC.
The online is superior, the deals are better, you get mods, more control options.
You trollin?
Lol no it hasn't, not even close. Yes the multiplats are better (graphics). Yeah better deals but that ony leads you to buy more crap, everyone complains how their steam library is full of crap lol. Mods? Mods are overrated, it's really an expense, cost alot of time and effort. Basically is you get more content but at a higher cost, not only monetary.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="Jankarcop"]
PC has more AAA-AA exclusives than all the consoles combined atm.
Most multiplats are better on PC.
The online is superior, the deals are better, you get mods, more control options.
You trollin?
Lol no it hasn't, not even close. Yes the multiplats are better (graphics). Yeah better deals but that ony leads you to buy more crap, everyone complains how their steam library is full of crap lol. Mods? Mods are overrated, it's really an expense, cost alot of time and effort. Basically is you get more content but at a higher cost, not only monetary.Cool story bro.
U see I win1.you dont have to upgrade them
2.its less of a hassle (im a pc gamer but even i can admit that it can be a hassle when certain games dont run on your rig because this dev didnt support this set of drivers or some other dumb reason)
3. the gamepad is better for driving games and action adventure titles. (even though you can plug in any manner of controllers to your pc)
4. i was gonna say no install, but thats not true anymore now is it,
5. Teh consoles has bettur Unchartedz? :P (its an awesome series)
..... really all of these differences boil down to a trade off of power, flexibility, visuals, cheap games and huge options for reduced hassle and smaller intial hardware cost, which for some people thats great
[QUOTE="Jankarcop"][QUOTE="Cow4ever"] Lol no it hasn't, not even close. Yes the multiplats are better (graphics). Yeah better deals but that ony leads you to buy more crap, everyone complains how their steam library is full of crap lol. Mods? Mods are overrated, it's really an expense, cost alot of time and effort. Basically is you get more content but at a higher cost, not only monetary. Cow4ever
Cool story bro.
U see I winMODS ARE NOT OVERRATED, mods are awesome, mods made oblivion good and STalker playable. Mods gave us dota, CS, Team fortress and DoD. HAve you ever played any of the awesome HL2 singleplayer mods? try "Research and Developement" or "Minerva:Metastasis" and then tell me mods are overrated.Also i think your argument about steams sales not being a good thing is silly. You dont have to buy games that you arent going to play, thats your choice you cant call it a con. I once saw over 50 games for 50 dollars in a bundle on sale once on steam. TELL ME THAT ISNT AMAZING.
Also i would argue PCs exclusives are better (we definately have 10X more of them) but who has the best exclusives is really about personal taste.
U see I winMODS ARE NOT OVERRATED, mods are awesome, mods made oblivion good and STalker playable. Mods gave us dota, CS, Team fortress and DoD. HAve you ever played any of the awesome HL2 singleplayer mods? try "Research and Developement" or "Minerva:Metastasis" and then tell me mods are overrated.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="Jankarcop"]
Cool story bro.
Also i think your argument about steams sales not being a good thing is silly. You dont have to buy games that you arent going to play, thats your choice you cant call it a con. I bought
i agree mods are awesome sometimes it is better than the DLC the devoloper gives us
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