[QUOTE="AzatiS"][QUOTE="-ArchAngeL-777-"]1. Cheaper price 2. Standardized hardware and software...no drivers or incompatibility issues to worry about 3. Easier access and more relaxing...just plop down on the couch, relax with controller, and game 4. Integrated online services making all multi-media needs much easier to get to as well as access to friends. 5. Everything is contained in one small box which is much more portable as well as easier to get serviced. I'll throw in one more for good measure: 6. The latest game experiences from series like Uncharted, Gran Turismo, Little Big Planet, Mario, Infamous, Forza, Motorstorm, MAG, Ratchet and Clank, Zelda, etc. that are exclusive to consoles and have no real comparison on PC.razgriz_101
1) Cheaper hardware price , way more expensive on software. I wonder what is cheaper when you end up buy 20 titles or more x69.99euros each. Do the math and tell me which is cheaper in the long run ( 5 years gen or more )
Console gamers can be just as thrifty as a PC gamer, i dont ever buy at RRP, yesterday i got driver for £32 in Asda shocking i know its only £2 more than the precious PC you gloat on bout being cheaper, another good example of being thrifty is wait a couple weeks after launch and you get doozy's of deals on games providing you dont shop in retailers like Game,Gamestation and HMV.Also much like the PC amazon's your best friend picking up Fo3 GOTY for as little as £14 cause you could hold off on pays dividends.
A console gamer can play that game just as cheap if he has the mind and isnt all that bothered bout the newest releases or is just a bit savvy when it comes to getting a good deal.
2) Im gaming since 2001 , im currently playing all games withalmost 2 years old drivers. I never had any incompatibility. This is not 386 or pentium 1 era.
Incompatabilities still exist in drivers you've just not had them
3) In my house i got couch too , i also relax with my X360 PC pad while playing game, exactly like you. The difference is that i take full advantage of my TV and playing on true HD
Thats true in a way but the really hi-res's will just be bumped to the TV's highest native res.
. 4) So now its easier to lick on intergrated online services PS3 for example provides that click the same amounts of clicks on steam?? wow....
Not all games use steam.
5) I agree on that.
6) I agree with that but in the end , you just mentioned all 3 consoles exclusives vs PC!! Is that fair? Tell me a console cheaper than PC that plays all exclusives from all platforms. So you need all 3 which make price not that cheap in the end !! Thank
Unless your going into emulation and trying to pull that card im gonna whoop your ass before you pull that because the BIOS end of the emulation systems is actually guess what ILLEGAL.
I agree with your responses fully: 1) The only games I buy at full retail are the "must haves". Starcraft 2 for instance was not cheaper at retail than console games. If you wait for sales and such, you can get great deals on console games as well as PC. Steam is the only thing that consoles cant touch in that regard. 2) Definitely just lucky. I have had all kinds of incompatibility issues with drivers and game versions. Updated your machine and try to play an older game. Steam is often incompatible with disk based versions of the same game...different version numbers cause mismatches on servers. 3) I prefer to be in front of my 42" LED relaxing on the couch. Yes I could probably hook my PC up if I wanted to, but it's still not as easy or convenient as a console. 4) Agreed, not all PC games are on Steam lol. Steam is definitely a big plus for PC gaming though. Still, no Blizzard games, EA is holding out titles, etc. So you still have a mixed bag for an online community. You also often need 3rd party chat programs for in-game chat which is yet another buddy list to keep track of. 5) Everyone agrees!!! 6) I wasnt intending to imply there was one console that plays all games. Fine, pick a console then. I own a PS3...Uncharted, GT5, Ratchet and Clank, MAG, Infamous, Motorstorm, etc. A 360 or Wii owner will have his/her own list of titles as well.
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