[QUOTE="Birdy09"] Average Story, Average Variety, Average Game+ System (compared to the likes of Diablo). Average Online experiance (if you can call it an online experiance meeting 1 player every few hours to fight with.) broken online system that forced you to play offline mode because it messes up your allignment. average production values. Great Feeling Combat, but bu abusable to make the game a joke (Aggro range Ring, use it. breaks the A.I.) and some quirky online features/allingment system features. YEs I say average, if online RPGs were actually existant in the firs tplace on consoles this would nt of got above an 8. Darksouls may change that, but like I said, what a console gamer hypes up often leads me to dissapointment.Birdy09
"...even Demon's Souls' traditional elements are incredible, revealing a startling attention to detail that draws you in. Boletaria is a menacing and hostile kingdom, unique and yet entirely believable. You cross stagnant swamps where three-headed monstrosities lie in wait, and you climb endless winding staircases while screeching gargoyles descend upon you. The tools you are given to defend yourself are top-notch, and combat carries an amazing feeling of weight and intensity. Further enhancing the tension is Demon's Souls' high level of difficulty. It isn't easy to slice your way through hordes of tumbling skeletons, but there's no greater feeling of triumph than finally getting your first peek at areas previously unexplored.
1) Entirely Believable? Oh cmon. it was an empty set of themed corridoors with nothing going on in them besides enemies roaming. and a bunch of dead knights, believable compared to what standards? not other RPGs thats for sure.
2) Tools Top Notch? you mean a standard array of weapons and spells? "top notch" ... yea this combat is great feeling but there was not alot of variety in a grind centric game.
Demon's Souls is no blast from the past, but rather it's a glimpse into the future. A stunning array of online communication features make Demon's Souls different from anything you've ever played. As you explore the game's five gloomy realms, you see the ghosts of other players as they traverse the same roads and cross the same bridges in their own copies of the same world. You find the bloodstains of slain players and can activate them to watch the last few moments of the poor souls' existence. You can leave messages for other players to find, warning them of dangers lurking ahead or precious treasures hidden below. These innovative features create an incredible web of unified worlds in which you silently and indirectly interact with your fellow adventurers. This player-directed hint system creates a sense of camaraderie between players and encourages those who provide assistance while discouraging miscreants who would mislead you. In the relentless world of Demon's Souls, players need each other to survive.
3) Stunning array of inline communication features. OMFG. Ghosts was intersting but barely game effecting. writing on the floor was useful yet tedious and impossible to communicate to other people specifcally with. that is the extent of its online communication. some cool little effects, neglecting every other online feature that is standard to this genre now.
You can help others more directly by joining them in their own worlds or summoning them to yours. And even this more traditional brand of cooperative play gives you a sense of company among strangers. You cannot choose whom you will join or who will appear to assist you; by offering your assistance, you make yourself available to anyone and everyone who might call for help. And yet it works, thanks to Demon's Souls' carefully constructed mechanics and extended community. Impressively, all these features are seamlessly integrated into the game, as are standard game conventions like saved games and multiplayer options. There are few arbitrary, game-like intrusions, like blinking menus or annoying save-game prompts, to disrupt your careful progress.
4) Fails to mentiuon how this "perfect seemless inclusion" breaks the allignment system forcing you to play offlie to get pure good or pure bad alot of the time.
5) You can jump in on anyways game on most other online RPGs... only in a much better way than completely random. half the time failing to connect to anyone. (dont care if that my experiance only, it still happened.)
Demon's Souls is an extraordinary blend of the old and the new, and the result is so distinctive that it's hard to even find games to compare it to. Yes, it's a hard game. It is ruthlessly, unforgivingly difficult. But it is also amazingly compelling and rewarding, because the tools you need to survive are built into the very fabric of the experience. Demon's Souls is innovative, immersive, and immensely entertaining--and the best game of 2009."
6) Sum of its parts made it an above average game, nothing more.
7) I can compare it to any hack n slash with rpg elements, it did it better mind you, but as an online RPG it lacked behind alot.
8) Demon Souls was difficult until you could level, same spawning enemies made each repeat predictable and easy, game+ mode offered little insentive beyond overall level.
Game of the Year, Demon's Souls
nope didn't hear average in any part of what they used to describe Demon's Souls.
Don't feel like arguing, just gonna say I disagree
I know you dont want to argue, but for gods sake they are reviewers, this is completely exagurated in most aspects. unless ofcourse its being treated byu platform standards that are not use to Online RPGs.
lol, so if Demon's Souls in your opinion is only above average because if the sumof it's partsthen I wonlder what you opinion of Mass Effect 1/2, Dragon Age, The Withcher and Oblivion are?
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