Again, it's weaker than X1. X1 is 4 years old and is down to $250, and as I said it'll likely reach $199 this holiday. I simply can't see past the fact that the extra cost is coming from something I don't want and won't use. That is the definition of wasted money.
If Nintendo wants me to buy this, then either the hybrid itself has to be the same price as X1, or offer a version with the same specs but without the handheld elements for a much cheaper price than the hybrid.
This isn't true. That's just a clearance sale for the old model. Once that's all gone, it'll be back to $300 and will be $250 for the holiday.
Does this not directly contradict what Iwata said about the NX? He specifically stated that it wont be some sort of hybrid device/console. Also why would this be something to hide because of an "idea" as Miyamoto put it? This is just a beefy handheld unless there is some feature that makes it unique.
Who am I kidding, though? I'm holding on to some thin hopes that NX will be something worthwile but it's looking more and more likely to not be the case.
Nintendo handhelds get an ample amount of 3rd party support. If we can assume that devs are free to announce their NX projects given Ubi has revealed Just Dance for NX then we can also assume that NX will have shit for support outside of Nintendo themselves. I just don't know how likely that is. Especially for Japanese devs.
Niintendo just needs to hurry up and tell us what this fucker is already.
It's not going to get ports. The entire idea behind this is that Nintendo has given up and realized that they'll need to support hardware without third-parties; as a result, they've gone down to a single platform so they can put out a lot more games. This will get stronger first-party support than any system ever made.
Unfortunately, it'll be lucky to sell 40 million units for that same reason.
I mean even if 1st party output doubles are the games going to be more appealing to gamers outside the Nintendo fan base? Will Nintendo have an answer to some of those big third party franchises that will be missing on the NX? Sorry, but Lego City Undercover didn't make up for not having GTA V on the Wii U.
I also agree with the 40 million estimate, which actually isn't all that great if its positioned as a single all-in-one platform.
That's a install base loss of at least 33 million when you combine 3DS and Wii U sales.
Depending on the price it will be fine as a hand held console, as a proper home console not so much.
It wont get any PC/PS4 ports, I'm guessing much like the Wii it will have it's own exclusive line up from third party devs if they manage to sell some, if not it will be WiiU 2.0.
Also why would this be something to hide because of an "idea" as Miyamoto put it?
Plug your handheld into your TV so the crap graphics look even worse when blown up on a big screen is their amazing new gimmick. And also play your handheld 'on the go' is a completely new thing as well.
There hasn't been news about the carts in the last 3 weeks as far as I know. 512GB SD cards exist. I think 256GB SD cards will do well enough for storing stuff on carts. Want a video?
"Considering NX's basis as a handheld first and foremost, the choice may not come as too much of a surprise - although we have heard the suggestion Nintendo recommends a 32GB cartridge, which is small when considering the size of many modern games."
There hasn't been news about the carts in the last 3 weeks as far as I know. 512GB SD cards exist. I think 256GB SD cards will do well enough for storing stuff on carts. Want a video?
You are thinking flash based SD cards. That is not what Nintendo uses. Nintendo uses MASK ROM modules which have just gotten up to 32GB recently.
"Considering NX's basis as a handheld first and foremost, the choice may not come as too much of a surprise - although we have heard the suggestion Nintendo recommends a 32GB cartridge, which is small when considering the size of many modern games."
@charizard1605: Mask Rom's just started to be made on 32nm process, so you won't see much higher than 32GB anytime soon. I think 32nm can go up to 64GB possibly, but not higher than that.
At 32nm 16GB would actually be the base rom module.
"Considering NX's basis as a handheld first and foremost, the choice may not come as too much of a surprise - although we have heard the suggestion Nintendo recommends a 32GB cartridge, which is small when considering the size of many modern games."
sounds like the base
Yeah, that's what I meant
I wonder how good the handheld is supposed to be. I think the largest on 3ds was 8 gb, but seems too small for a console game if they are going for ps4 and xbone type sizes
Yes. Those consoles are not in any way "traditional" but more like wanna be PCs. You already have two systems for that, and a PC that shares all those games.
A hybrid console/handheld sounds like a terrific idea. A true Nintendo fan would NEVER want them to be just like Sony or Microsoft. PERIOD
People keep saying that I already have systems that already do what I want from Nintendo to do.
Do you even think that I'm a Nintendo fan that wants a Nintendo Console that can get everything that the Other Two Consoles get too?
I'm not asking for a "PC wannabe". I'm asking for an End All Be All Nintendo System. A Nintendo System that can get Resident Evil 7, Final Fantasy XV, Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, Dark Souls 3, Fallout 4, The Witcher 3, etc. But also have Zelda Breath of the Wild, Pokken Tournament, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Mario.
Why do I own a PS4? Because I sure as hell can't play Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator on a damn WiiU.
If this is true... it will be disastrous. It will effectively destroy Nintendo's home console business.
And why would something that extreme happen?
It doesn't solve the problem they currently face; they need a competitive home console. How is it going to be competitive? That's beyond me. A "blue ocean" approach like the Wii, accompanied by the infrastructure and support similar to that of Nintendo's rivals would be my suggestion.
I do not see a portable console being the answer to the living room - it's that simple. Will a handheld based on the aforementioned information be great? I have no doubt it will be great - just like every Nintendo handheld before it. Nintendo does amazing things with those handhelds.
But Nintendo is not going to revitalize their home console market share with a handheld device that hooks up to your TV like iPad's, Surface Tablets, phones, etc. already do.
They need a dedicated home console, at least in my opinion. Having a [proposed] underpowered console is not going to help the situation either. Given that, if this were to fail, that would be two colossal failures in a row - the Wii U being the first.
At that point, Nintendo would have to, say in 5 years (standard life span), either (a) introduce a new home console or (b) forego the home console market and (cringe) go third party.
Well, at this point we enter speculative territory. I argue that a system with Nintendo's first party games from handhelds, Nintendo's first party games from consoles, Nintendo's third party games from handhelds, Japanese third party games, and a few western third party games, will be a compelling enough proposition to be able to appeal to a larger market.
We'll see how this thing goes.
It's not that I don't agree with that in theory, this isn't a home console becoming a handheld, it's the reverse. I feel like so much will be sacrificed in terms of power to accommodate the portability...
@LegatoSkyheart: but for good or for bad, you're not getting that. This is th best thing you could be getting within those constraints.
Yeah, I guess I'm expecting too much from Nintendo. Yet another Generation of Poor Third Party support and Generic Niche Anime from Low Tier Japanese Development teams.
For the Record, I'm going to be there. I'm going to get an NX because I do want the new Nintendo games. I'm just voicing my strong opinion that I am VERY disappointed in the route that Nintendo is Reportedly taking.
For those that are wondering WHY Nintendo home consoles have been degrading since N64 in 3rd party here's why.
N64 - Staying on Cartridges which had less space and were expensive to make instead of cheaper option of Optical Discs.
Gamecube - 1.5 gb discs vs 4.8 gb discs. The System was capable, but the 1.5 gb Discs hurt it.
Wii - The HD era showed up and the Wii was stuck in Gamecube era.
WiiU - Got into the HD era, but porting was hell and Nintendo showed no interest in helping 3rd parties.
Now we're getting NX which Nintendo CLAIMED it's gonna be easier to port to now. It's probably gonna get nothing cause it's too weak to handle the games that the others are getting. Just once I would have LOVED for there to be a Nintendo console that just gets it. A Nintendo console that is just as good as the others, that gets the same great games that the others are getting along with the great Nintendo games it comes with it. That's all I ask for Nintendo and apparently that's too much to ask for.
I understand why Nintendo went this route. Still feels like a slap to the face though. All I can do is wait and pray that a console happens. NX as it stands now doesn't appeal to me.
Great, because the Wii U tablet was so successful.
You could also sarcastically say that about a lot of consoles. Most notably, the NES: "Great, because all the other previous consoles were so successful".
@bunchanumbers: I wouldnt put too much faith in the rumor. Expect a home console. I dont think Nintendo will release Pokemon Sun/Moon, then a new portable couple months later. I would expect a home console and a phone tablet thing. Then games that run on both. Remember Nintendo said they arent doing a hybrid. So im still expecting two devices.
There hasn't been news about the carts in the last 3 weeks as far as I know. 512GB SD cards exist. I think 256GB SD cards will do well enough for storing stuff on carts. Want a video?
You are thinking flash based SD cards. That is not what Nintendo uses. Nintendo uses MASK ROM modules which have just gotten up to 32GB recently.
What's wrong with flash based SD cards? They probably should use them.
Great, because the Wii U tablet was so successful.
You could also sarcastically say that about a lot of consoles. Most notably, the NES: "Great, because all the other previous consoles were so successful".
@bunchanumbers: I wouldnt put too much faith in the rumor. Expect a home console. I dont think Nintendo will release Pokemon Sun/Moon, then a new portable couple months later. I would expect a home console and a phone tablet thing. Then games that run on both. Remember Nintendo said they arent doing a hybrid. So im still expecting two devices.
Do you guys really want ANOTHER weak-assed system, no Western third party support, behind the times online, a slow trickle of games, etc?
@bunchanumbers: I wouldnt put too much faith in the rumor. Expect a home console. I dont think Nintendo will release Pokemon Sun/Moon, then a new portable couple months later. I would expect a home console and a phone tablet thing. Then games that run on both. Remember Nintendo said they arent doing a hybrid. So im still expecting two devices.
Do you guys really want ANOTHER weak-assed system, no Western third party support, behind the times online, a slow trickle of games, etc?
I want them to unify their development environment so that one game works on 2 platforms. A hybrid is like saying that they don't have the chops to pull it off. Plus if they ditch consoles they will never go back.
@bunchanumbers: I wouldnt put too much faith in the rumor. Expect a home console. I dont think Nintendo will release Pokemon Sun/Moon, then a new portable couple months later. I would expect a home console and a phone tablet thing. Then games that run on both. Remember Nintendo said they arent doing a hybrid. So im still expecting two devices.
Do you guys really want ANOTHER weak-assed system, no Western third party support, behind the times online, a slow trickle of games, etc?
I want them to unify their development environment so that one game works on 2 platforms. A hybrid is like saying that they don't have the chops to pull it off. Plus if they ditch consoles they will never go back.
Sony and Microsoft aren't far behind brah. They aren't going to continue to put out console upgrades every 24-36 months like some think. The future will be streaming services with no need for physical hardware.
@bunchanumbers: I wouldnt put too much faith in the rumor. Expect a home console. I dont think Nintendo will release Pokemon Sun/Moon, then a new portable couple months later. I would expect a home console and a phone tablet thing. Then games that run on both. Remember Nintendo said they arent doing a hybrid. So im still expecting two devices.
Do you guys really want ANOTHER weak-assed system, no Western third party support, behind the times online, a slow trickle of games, etc?
I want them to unify their development environment so that one game works on 2 platforms. A hybrid is like saying that they don't have the chops to pull it off. Plus if they ditch consoles they will never go back.
Sony and Microsoft aren't far behind brah. They aren't going to continue to put out console upgrades every 24-36 months like some think. The future will be streaming services with no need for physical hardware.
Thats the point though. Nintendo would be the last console maker. If they stick it out they would be the only game in town like they are with handhelds.
A KICKAZZZZZ ........... 3DS XXL cuz apparently you gonna be able to hook it to your screen, LOL ! So much for all that speculation and ..... OOOOOPS, busted your dreams bubble ! ROFLMAO !!!
Or to make it more interesting, hook it to your WiiEEEEWWW ! ROFLMAO ad infinitum.
I hope this rumor is true, I think it'll solve a couple of Nintendo problems. One big thing I think will really help is Nintendo will only have one device with which to make games for, so their efforts won't be split like when they had to make games for both the Wii and DS, or Wii U and 3DS. Also, they won't be entering a market already dominated by MS and Sony, but rather they'll be expanding their own unique market. For instance, with Sony having no plans to a Vita successor, the next Nintendo handheld is going to get an avalanche of third party Japanese support. That will help them develop their own library of unique third party exclusives. If it really is a hybrid, I can see it being a big success.
Mod Edit: Edited the title a bit to have all the relevant information right there in the title.
This is an article taken from
Eurogamer has a new report on NX – the first concrete rumors about the system since its announcement last year.
The site claims that “NX will be a portable, handheld console with detachable controllers”. That information comes from “a number of sources” speaking with the site.
Eurogamer goes on to say that “NX will function as a high-powered handheld console with its own display.” What makes it more unique is that “the screen is bookended by two controller sections on either side, which can be attached or detached as required.” The system will then be able to connect to the television when at home. There’s also a base unit/dock station “used to connect the brain of the NX – within the controller – to display on your TV.”
As for technology, Nvidia’s powerful Tegra mobile processor is rumored to be behind NX.
Aside from that, Eurogamer also mentions cartridges as physical media. The site has “heard the suggestion Nintendo recommends a 32GB cartridge, which is small when considering the size of many modern games.” Nintendo supposedly making a system which supported digital downloads only, but decided against that.
-Source: Eurogamer
Current NVIDIA Shield tablet is powered by Tegra K1.
20 nm Tegra TX is not quite a handheld SoC i.e. 20 watts for local gaming.
TSMC's 16 nm FinFET could move Tegra TX into handheld form factors.
On performance, Radeon HD R7-360 (similar to XBO's IGP) smashes this NVIDIA TX and Geforce 920MX, 920M, 930M and 940M. NVIDIA TX's IGP is similar Geforce 920MX.
@LegatoSkyheart: but for good or for bad, you're not getting that. This is th best thing you could be getting within those constraints.
Yeah, I guess I'm expecting too much from Nintendo. Yet another Generation of Poor Third Party support and Generic Niche Anime from Low Tier Japanese Development teams.
For the Record, I'm going to be there. I'm going to get an NX because I do want the new Nintendo games. I'm just voicing my strong opinion that I am VERY disappointed in the route that Nintendo is Reportedly taking.
For those that are wondering WHY Nintendo home consoles have been degrading since N64 in 3rd party here's why.
N64 - Staying on Cartridges which had less space and were expensive to make instead of cheaper option of Optical Discs.
Gamecube - 1.5 gb discs vs 4.8 gb discs. The System was capable, but the 1.5 gb Discs hurt it.
Wii - The HD era showed up and the Wii was stuck in Gamecube era.
WiiU - Got into the HD era, but porting was hell and Nintendo showed no interest in helping 3rd parties.
Now we're getting NX which Nintendo CLAIMED it's gonna be easier to port to now. It's probably gonna get nothing cause it's too weak to handle the games that the others are getting. Just once I would have LOVED for there to be a Nintendo console that just gets it. A Nintendo console that is just as good as the others, that gets the same great games that the others are getting along with the great Nintendo games it comes with it. That's all I ask for Nintendo and apparently that's too much to ask for.
Tegra X1's Geforce 920M level GPU should be powerful enough to run current XBO games at reduce graphics details.
Using NVIDIA Gameworks optimized Rainbow Six Siege game example on NVIDIA Geforce 920M.
There hasn't been news about the carts in the last 3 weeks as far as I know. 512GB SD cards exist. I think 256GB SD cards will do well enough for storing stuff on carts. Want a video?
You are thinking flash based SD cards. That is not what Nintendo uses. Nintendo uses MASK ROM modules which have just gotten up to 32GB recently.
What's wrong with flash based SD cards? They probably should use them.
@ronvalencia: Looks like AMD were talking about XboxOneS, Neo, and Scorpio when they referenced 3 semi-custom chip wins. Or is there another twits to this console cycle lol. We can now put Nintendo out of that picture.
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