For the love of God, Nintendo...
Okay, so remember the Nintendo Direct press conferences, where Nintendo President Saturo Iwata addresses gamers directly online and makes announcements about 3DS firmware updates, functionality expansions, upcoming games, first andthird party, and the eShop, along with its games and features?
Well, Nintendo has just announced that it will have another one of these, to be held on February 22, to deliver more '3DS and Wii news.'
EST: 6 am, 2/22
CST: 5 am, 2/22
PST: 3 am, 2/22
UTC: 11am, 2/22
Okay, so first off, what all can we expect from Nintendo Direct?
Here are some notable announcements that have been made in the past:
- Mario Kart 7's Online Mode
- Full 3DS November Firmware Update Detailed
- SwapNote, the 3DS Messaging App
- Pushmo
- Sakura Samurai
- Hulu Plus
- eShop Expansion and Features, such as game demos
- Trailers and focus on upcoming retail releases like Kid Icarus: Uprising, New Love Plus+, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D and Fire Emblem Awakening
So, it's nothing megaton worthy, but the announcements are always substantial.
This time, though, apparently, something more is planned. An old rumor has resurfaced, and it coincides with the new Nintendo Direct's timing perfectly:
The remake of the seventh game of a very popular JRPG series will hit the 3DS in 2012. It shall be announced at a conference that will celebrate the 3DS hitting X million sales. It shall hit half a year after a spin off in the same series hits the 3DS.Rumor
So, first off, let's narrow it down to the two possible JRPG series this could be referring to: Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. Both have spin off games hitting the 3DS this year, and both have highly revered seventh games in their series. A remake of Dragon Quest VII or Final Fantasy VII on the 3DS would be incredible news indeed.
Why put any stock in this rumor? Because this same rumoralso predicted Monster Hunter Tri G hitting the 3DS,and even its announcement at TGS.
We could also possibly expect Pokemon Grey being teased, especially after The Pokemon Company opened that can of worms earlier today.
In any case, expect some good announcements soon! Only ~24 hours to go!
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UPDAE: If you own a 3DS with SwapNote, switch it on. Reggie (yes, thatReggie) has just sent a SwapNote message saying that there will be some news shared on the 22nd of February and that we should all tune in.
Is there a major global announcement incoming?
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