How can the loyal nintendo fan even associate with such a company anymore?
Im not even going to get started on the Wii, so lets look at the failing 3DS. An underpowered, overpriced handheld with barely any support.
As if all the cancelled games wasn't enough, Nintendo were forced to cease their greedy tactics and reduce the price. A real kick in the nuts for early adopters .... oh wait no, nintendo are offered free crappy games that people would have never bought anyway. Reputation saved.
You can really tell Nintendo put barely any effort into the 3DS. Its a DS with 3D capabilities, woopdy doo. Wheres the innovation? Are Nintendo even trying? Its not often I say this, but at least Sony is trying something original with their next handheld.
I mean really Nintendo? You're going to release a fisher-price add on for your rushed handheld and expect people to snap it up? How such an impractical, cheap looking, ugly add-on was even be allowed past the planning stage is beyond me.
Its beyond ridiculous. What annoys me is that because its Nintendo, they get away with it. The fact that people are even remotely excited about the WiiU proves this.
The WiiU :-
- A 2012 console with outdated tech that barely surpasses current consoles that are nearing 6 years old
- It comes with a huge Leapfrog controller with unsatisfactory circle pads instead of analogue sticks and a screen destined for gimmicky features
- Only supports one WiiU controller, take it in turns kids
- Has **** all dev support, like all nintendo home consoles
- Has been giving what devs who are actually supporting it all kinds of issues as its a complete RUSHJOB of a console
Oh but its okay, its got the nintendo logo on it. More zelda and more mario. Yayy.
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