Ok, yes, the title is crazy, and no, you're not hallucinating, DarkLink is making an anti-Nintendo thread. But before your head explodes, came down, grab a drink, and hear me out.
Remember back in 1983, when there was this really bad game called E.T.? I mean, it was s***. You were E.T., and you had to go down holes or some s*** to find the pieces of a telephone to call your spaceship. Anyway, it was areallybad game. Like, a .45 going off in your pants bad. "Worst Game Ever"bad.
'Course it was made in like six weeks, but that's not important. Anyway, since the movie was super popular, Atari figured it would sell a f****** of copies, so... they made a f****** of copies.
Unfortunately, it didn't. In fact the game was so bad, Atari had to bury most of the copies in a hole somewhere. That's what you call ironic.
Anyway, the E.T. failure plus a few other issues (Too many game consoles, too many games) basically made it impossible for any gaming company to make enough money to stay afloat. Stores considered the video game fad over, and no one would stock them anymore. So the whole industry went belly up, until Nintendo released the NES and made games "cool" again. Everyone could play the NES. And everyone did. But the casuals couldn't keep up with the change in tech and all the fancy new buttons that accompanied subsequent console releases, and they gradually exited the industry. Until recently.
Nintendo is directly going to be responsible for a second video game crash. With theWii and the DS, they have set us down on a path of destruction.
"HOW?" I hear you gasp, hand flying to your mouth like some woman on a sitcom in the 1950s.
Ironically, they're going to do it by doing the same thing they did to save the video game industry with the NES. By making games for everyone.
Like it or not, traditional console and handheld gaming as we know it is over.Handheldsare being knocked out by smartphones (see the 3DSand the inevitable failure of the Vita), and consoles by multipurpose tablets and streaming devices like Apple TV andOnLive. Or at least, they will be in the near future. Point being, gaming as we knew it is on the way out.
See, this is all Nintendo's fault. With the Wii and the DS, they made gaming accessible and made the masses comfortable with the idea. You ever seen those creepy as all f*** pictures with a bunch of old people who are smiling like vicious cannibals playing a Wiior a DS? Yeah, that s*** actually happened.With the DS and Wii, everyone could play. Including your senile old great-aunt Martha. And shedid. Nintendogs,WiiSports, the whole nine yards. And even worse, she liked it.
So people got comfortable with gaming.
Companies like Apple saw this, and made it easy for their smartphones and tablets to play the same kinds of casual games for next to nothing. Problem is, when you pay jack s*** for something... it's probably not all that great. The games were basically the equivalentof the stuff small children pick out of their noses, but they were cheap to make, and they made a TON of money, because everyone and their hamster can play them, no brain required.
This leads to a glut of cheap cash-ins (see all the clones on iOS), and people begin to start thinking that all games should be this cheap.
But see, this is a fad. Casuals aren't in it for the long haul. They're like magpies. They see a new shiny thing, and they go get it, and they abandon it when there's a slightly shinnier, slightly newer thing. This market ain't gonna keep growing forever. It's gonna peak, like all things do, and regress.
As the "fad" dies out, all the companies that had invested in this s*** (which will basically be everyone so they can stay afloat, see Kinect, the Vita marketplace, etc) to begin are going to find themselves with a disturbing lack of capital. This duplicates the Crash of 1983. Nintendo has started us on the path of another video game crash by doing the same thing it did when it saved us from the crash.
Way to break it, hero.
Agree, disagree? Am I spouting nonsense? Are you a fan of the garba-, I mean games, that get released on the iOS? Speak out, System Warriors.
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