Just because the PS2 has worse graphics that the XBOX did that mean you throw out you PS2
Exactly. It's all about the games & the library, & not the hardware. If the hardware with better graphics were the case, then the Xbox would've easily won against both the GC & PS2 last gen. And honestly, most PC games in the book look much better than the exclusives on PS3, anyway.
But you're arguing sales. Of course graphics don't necessarily make a console SELL more, but that's not the issue. (btw Xbox did win against the GC). If graphics don't matter, would you have been happy playing Halo 1 and 2 on the PS2 instead of the Xbox? Would you have accepted the smaller levels, fewer enemies, worse physics, and worse textures? What about Stranger's Wrath? Or what about Splinter Cell? EVERYONE knew those games are better on Xbox, not PS2. What about Ninja Gaiden or Dead or Alive 3? Would those have been better on PS2 with worse physics, worse textures, fewer enemies, etc.? And I'm SURE that people would have LOVED to play Jade Empire, KotOR, and KotOR 2 with downgraded graphics, right?I know that & I know what you're saying, but Cows always tend to act superior whenever a certain great looking game comes around, & then says some gibberish like "LOL, 360 is weaker than the PS3!", etc., even though the specs for both systems prove to be just about the same with each other. It's just that Sony's developers push out greater graphics for their games because they have the talent & experience much more than the developers for MS has.
It's annoying, & it gets very old, very fast.
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