You PS3 fans just don't get it do you?? The Generation is ending. Sony lost 70% market share and just posted a 2 billion dollar loss in their gaming division. On the flip side not only did Microsoft gain market share this generation, it outsold the PS3 last year and has increased the gap to 4 million now. And on another humiliating note, Xbox revenues in the last quarter were bigger than the Playstation family revenues. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=461642&page=4 The entire Playstation line………
Which company do you feel is going to be in better shape next year to launch a new console and have new IP's as well as mutliplates?? You think Sony can continue to create "new IP's" with its business bleeding like this?? You keep cheering Sony's exclusives...you need to go buy them instead to help them out.
PS3 has more high selling franchises, don't know what your'e getting at.You're just another typical 360 fanboy thinking on 360 games sell.PS3 exclusives that sold over 2 million all include Little Big Planet (4.8 mil) LBP2(2.5 mil) Killzone 2 (2.8 mil) KZ3(2.1 mil) MGS4(5.5 mil) GT5(8.0 mil) GT5P(4 mil) Uncharted (4.12 mil) Uncharted 2 (5.44 mil) Uncharted 3(3.5 mil to date) GOW3 (4.4 mil) Resistance (4 mil) Resistance 2 (2.2 mil) Motorstorm (3.7 mil) Ratchet and Clank TOD(2.34 mil) Infamous (2.1 mil) Heavy Rain(2 mil)
Top selling 360 exclusives2 mil and overinclude Halo 3(11.4 mil) Halo Reach (8.8 mil) Gears 2(6.1 mil) Halo ODST(6 mil) GeOW(5.9 mil) Gears 3(5.2 mil) Forza 3(5 mil) Fable 3 (4.6 mil) Fable 2(4 mil) Halo Wars(2.1 mil)
Hmm, way more variety and franchises in the Playstation front. Do more researc Lem before talkiing out of your ass.
Top 360
You know whats really funny about your post?? The fact that you actually think you made some type of point and told me off.....hallarious. Dude did you even read what I posted or did you get caught up in your own rehtoric about individual game sales??? You PS3 fans and your lists. Here is a sobering pill for you to swallow. Even with all the games you posted, and all the sales those games did, Sony still posted a 2 billion dollar loss last year, they still got outsold worldwide in 2011, the 360's gaming revenues still outsold the entire playstation family's gaming revenues last year, and the 360 still increased its lead to 4 million last year. I'm not sure whatresearch you are talking about, but my info is coming from Sony's own report released today and arguing about individual game sales has absolutly nothing to do with my previous post or anyone else's post for that matter. Perhaps its youwho needs to learn to"read" before you talk out of your ass. Clown
You seem to be a little confused. The playstation division wasnt the one that posted the 2 billion dollar loss that was Sony as a whole. The gaming division was actually profitable. Its the TV market thats killing them . And I have yet to see any numbers that showed hte 360 beat the PS3 last year. And even if it did why would that be a good thing? You want fat soccer moms dictating where the gaming industry needs to go, If so keep supporting Microsoft. I own both consoles feel free to check my achievements in my profile and the Xbox was beyond disapointing last year.
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