Everyone keeps saying that it needs a $200 price drop, not a $100. I agree however it might be impossible. This is a case (I think) where their attempt to win the highdef format war is banging it's head with their attempt to win the console war (PS3).
I've read a lot of articles and it seems Sony is making deals with multiple manufactures to produce Blu-Ray players (stand alone, not PS3). This is one reason why Blu-Ray is ata higher pricepoint than HD right now, in effect Sony is letting these manufactures get into the business without having to deal with a super reduced Blu-Ray player from Sony where Toshiba just released this super reduced rebated HD player to $299....no manufacture has a shot to compete with that pricepoint so more than likely they'll go to Blu-Ray.
Now just recently the cost for the Blu-Raytechnology has reduced in price so they released a new $500 Blu-Ray player. This is the cheapest standalone player for Blu-Ray. Now imagine if Sony suddenly reduces the price of their PS3 to $450 or $400? That is undercutting their partners making Blu-Ray players because the PS3 price would FORCE them to reduce the price of the standalone player, thus losing money.
No one is willing to lose money on standalone players, unless they are the ones who stand to gain royalties (which is Toshiba for HD and Sony for Blu-Ray). Sony seems to think it's better to let other manufactures compete so they win more support (which is just one reason why anyalsts say they are going to win the format war). What does this mean for the PS3....it means the price drop is dependent on how fast the price drops for standalone players. Right now we are hearing a $100 price drop....do you think it's any coincidence the lowest cost Blu-Ray player out there is now $500? I don't think so.....if you are looking for a giant price drop for PS3 I honesty don't think it's going to happen this year. Sony is willing to risk their gaming market to win their format it seems, to me that is crazy but we'll see how it all works out.
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