Me personally, I found Sprint and Armor Lock to be far more useful abilities. Flying in the jetpack in open skies like in Power Base could make you a sitting duck for DMR experts :lol:
How is it that you find Armor Lock useful? I love it when guys use it because I simply time it out and toss a nade at their feet and then unload on them. I promise you I will win that battle 8 out of 10 times easily! Sprint however is becoming more and more my favorite as I can get to the good weapons and to the flags quickly. On Powerhouse I always beat everyone to the Shotty or the RPG. On Sword Base I can usually get to the Shotty or Sniper quite quickly and it gives you an advantage. Personally, I find Sprint and Stalker to be my favs. I will use Airborne ocassionally though. You don't need to lock out the whole time. You can use it to make stuff bounce off and pop back up.. I like it a lot. I really like using it for a decoy, like going in with a cloaked teamate and he takes them out while they focus on me. Or they turn around to defend against him and I'll get the kill.
I'm a wreckless player though. Stats don't mean jack to me, so its saved me more times then it's messed me up.
It all depends on the timing. In many situations it only needs to be used just long enough to save you from a grenade volley, or other weapons that have single burst fire like rocket launcher or grenade launcher, or plasma launcher. And with those weapons having slow reloads, their wasted shot will cost them when you come out of lock and pour a full rifle clip into them. There's even a youtube video showing someone's rocket being bounced right back at them off an armor locked enemy, who ends up suiciding :lol:
When people love to throw grenades into rooms before entering, you can be ready and turn the tables on the opponent who'll think your dead or has your shields down. In team situations, it can give you the chance to recover your shields while your team mates take care of the enemy who also had their shields down in your fire fight. In objective games, it can let you survive protecting your base flag, again lots of people like to use grenades before entering the enemy flag base, before they run in for the steal.
Sure there are the times when you're on your own and the enemy simply has to wait for your lock to expire. Like I said, assess the situation and time it right. More often it's that ace in the hole that lets you surive surprise attacks from grenades and rockets.
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