[QUOTE="shinrabanshou"]If Microsoft didn't have the funds to sustain the massive losses it incurred over the lifetime of the original XBOX, it would have been the next DreamCast.
Kinect could be the next 32X, your crystal ball doesn't work any better than mine i.e. not at all.
But was it the next Dreamcast? And your point? You think getting rip off competition is good for the gamers and the gaming industry? Do you really think Sony, MS or Nintendo will listen to you more, care more about you if neither of them controls the whole market? Sometimes I just scratch my head to find the answer for something you guys just posted on these forums. I really wonder you guys play video games for. Is it for fun or just to be territorial or System War warriors? Why do we have to limit ourselves and deny others to have the same gaming experiences like all gamers do? Why do we need to condemn one's console and hope it would fail and only embrace the only system you like? I am afraid gaming isn't like it used to be anymore.
The naysayers weren't entirely wrong. The difference is that Microsoft got a second chance with the 360, and even then the success of the 360 can also largely be attributed to the mistakes made by Sony.Hoping your competitor fails is not a business strategy.
None of the companies care about you or I. They care about profit margins, bottom lines and share prices.
If people want to buy Kinect, more power to them.
But I don't expect a mid-cycle peripheral to make much of an impact, especially based on the faulty premises that a) motion control was all that was necessary to attract non-traditional gamers into buying the Wii, and b) non-traditional gamers find controllers intimidating and would prefer to have HAL 9000 tracking their movements.
The Wii as a platform did more than just add motion control in order to achieve the success it has, and the Wiimote isn't intimidating for its 70+ million owners.
The assumption that non-traditional gamers will "eat this up" because it "looks cool" is tantamount to assuming they're all mindless drones with no concept of basing their purchases on the value and utility of the product in question.
Also the "Why can't we all get along and be friends with Kinect? Why do we have to bash systems?" preaching is incredibly disingenous from someone who made a thread about how much Move is a "joke."
That was not from my personal opinion. I made that remark after reading the impressions from the people who had demoed the game. Their reactions were that Fight: Light Out game needed to be calibrated before starting the game and he was advised not to move his legs or he would lose calibration. He said the inability to move felt a bit restrained. This is the boxing game we are talking about and the limitation of it not be able to move your legs is a joke.
Here is the link to the demo which I was talking about:
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