I just read all 15 pages of posts just because it was Starcraft related, that all pumped I am for this game. I am so excited, I can't bare it. I hope they make its Campaign/Map Editor like the one they did in Warcraft 3. Customed units, all kinds of trigger effects, and what not would be great. You do so much on eithr game, from Mass games to RPGs and Hero/Unit Wars. Starcraft is not only a RTS, the editor in the right hand could spawn so much more mini-types of genres..
New Sunken Defence and Tarpit Defence FTW! I remember back in the day I was actually working on a 3 mission campaign... I never got it done but I did do a few custom maps that I thought were pretty good. >_>
WCIII customizability for SCII units is going to freaking pwn.
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