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Previews and Videos
[spoiler]Dyack on 1up Yours "Why Forums Need Reform"
'Why Denis Dyack Never Gave Up On Too Human'
Dyack Playing Too Human Complexity Showcase'
Dyack on Story and Content in Games Part I
Dyack on Story and Content in Games Part II
Worth Playing Preview
The Goblin Man of Norway Videos
Character C1asses Overview
'Climbing the Skill Tree' Video
'Raven's Call' HD Video
'Beast Slayer' HD Video
'Storm the Gate' HD Video
'GRNDL-1' Boss Battle
World of Too Human Part I
World of Too Human Part II
Baldur's Arsenal Preview
'Serving It Up' Video
GameSpot Too Human Preview
[spoiler]Too Human opens during the twilight of a centuries long war against the Children of Ymir, a horde of unyielding machines programmed to wipe mankind from the world. ODIN, the leader of the resistance against the machines, has established Midgard, the last stronghold of mankind, and left the Aesir, genetically engineered and cybernetically enhanced gods, to protect this sanctuary. The last anti-matter bombs, dropped hundreds of years ago, failed to seal the soulless machines, and so the Aesir fight on, attempting to carve a home in the ice for what remains of mankind.
The Aesir are the heros of Too Human, the hand created God-like humans who are the last hope of mankind. The player will take control of Baldur, the youngest, and least cybernetically enhanced, of the Aesir. Baldur is beloved amongst mankind, and being the youngest and favorite child of ODIN, the least jaded towards humanity. Baldur is joined by Thor, an utterly fearless, heavily cybernetically-upgraded warrior who carries a sentient warhammer named Mjolnir. Tyr, a centuries-old smith, acts to craft and maintain weapons for Baldur and company, and is as skilled with armors as he is with weapons. Freya acts as the World Tree expert for the Aesir, spending most of her time in cyberspace, studying Yggdrasil (the world tree) - what little time she spends in real-time she spends aiding Baldur and her fellow Aesir. Over-seeing all of the operations of the gods is Heimdall, the watchman, who helps plan and supply each mission.
However, all is not well amongst the Aesir, Loki, a mostly cybernetic being, has defied ODIN and allied with the machines. Hel, Loki's daughter, and administrator of the necropolis Helheim, has joined his cause. Afflicted with a wasting disease, she and her rotting minions represent a great threat to the other Aesir, and mankind.
And what of the machine horde? An army of mechanical goblins, crawling, leaping minions that quickly outnumber the human armies, threaten what little can be eeked out of the ice. Even more threatening, the Dark Elves, wiser, more agile beings lead the goblins in valiant combat. Lumbering forth from the horizon, monstrous trolls, large, powerful, slow engines of war tear the battlefield asunder. These great iron beats must be broken apart before they can be destroyed. And what lies beyond, buried deeper in the wastes? Monstrous creatures even larger and more deadly, clockwork constructs so dangerous they are believed by many to be only legend... alas, if only this were true!
[/spoiler]Why Too Human?
[spoiler]He would fights monsters must take care not to become one himself
The advancing hordes of Ymir's monsters are harvesting human parts and limbs, attempting to become more human themselves by slapping flesh over their mechanical parts. At the same time, the Aesir are using cybernetic enhancements and sentient weaponry to become stronger, in order to fight the beasts. As the war wages on, Baldur is forced to choose between his own humanity, and the strength he needs to save mankind.
In this way, Baldur is "too human" to fight the beasts. Will Baldur become like Loki, nothing left of his humanity save a few scraps of tattered flesh clinging to metal bones? Who can say, of the events that have yet to pass?
[spoiler]Too Human features five c1asses at launch which the player may choose, with more c1asses to be added in the future as downloadable content.
Bioengineer - Bioengineers are capable healers and protectors, able to drop shields to protect the party, and use powerful healing abilities. However, don't be fooled by the passive role of other "priests" or "clerics" in other games, in Too Human the player must fight and build combos in order to unleash powers. In fact, Denis Dyack has stated this c1ass required the most tweaking, because of how powerful certain abilities could become in the right hands. An excellent choice for the first time player.
Commando - Commandos are skilled with explosives and long-range weapons, able to pick off dangerous foes from a distance. Capable of dual-wielding guns, and using the most powerful long-range weapons in the game, Commandos are an excellent choice for those who prefer the warm barrel of a gun to a cold-steel sword.
Champion - Champions favor aerial combat and "juggling", able to hit foes in the air with a combination of gunplay and sword slashes. Champions are the most balanced of the c1asses in combat, equally skilled in ranged and close combat.
Defender - Defenders are the tanks of the Aesir army, able to absorb even the most devastating blows without flinching. This makes them ideal party members in any group, as they wield their powerful hammer and valiantly protect their teammates from attack after attack.
Berserker - Berserkers are all-out close combat addicts. The only c1ass able to dual-wield close combat weapons, they fly from enemy to enemy, building up massive combos, and dealing crippling amounts of damage to their foes. They monstrous speed and combat prowess come at a price, however, as the fragile Berserker's spree can come to a painful halt. One misstep may place them squarely in the path of devastating machine brutality - a grim reminder that they are still, after all, all too human.
The Too Human demo is now available on Xbox LIVE. If you need it, there is a manual available online as well.
Video Footage - Too Human Demo - Defender Arena Battle
The Too Human demo takes the player through an hour long section of gameplay as the Champion c1ass. The experience showcases the fast-paced combat, enjoyable leveling system, cybernetic world puzzles, gear, and the seamless cutscenes. The demo maintains a brisk framerate, demonstrates the game's lack of loading (beyond the initial load) and gives players an opportunity to experiment with the unique controls.
The demo also demonstrates the epic scale of battle - with swarms of close combat eneimes, long ranged missile attacks, and larger "boss creatures" frequently dropping simultaneously to threaten Baldur. It should be noted that while the demo does not represent final gameplay, it serves as a solid indicator of the near-final product's quality
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