This guy needs to get off the internet maybe? Taking trolls seriously as though they represent actual people and their behavior, is simply idiotic.
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This guy needs to get off the internet maybe? Taking trolls seriously as though they represent actual people and their behavior, is simply idiotic.
Racism, like cop violence, is misconstrued and massively overestated.
You sound comfy and white
Racism goes in all directions
Shhh it clearly only applies to us white folks.
I remember Newegg sending me a message saying I'm a racist twit when they sent me my 970 graphics card.
Serves ya right! :P :P
Denounces stereotypes made by one group (a group that does not even represent the majority of people that like the PCMR fun... hell they even denounce people like that "Don't be this PCMR guy" etc.) ... then spouts out a bunch of assumptions ad stereotypes... suddenly the pedestal is gone.
IF you took 2 seconds and clicked my sig, you would see the majority of setups are mid-range modest... and people are not abusing them for it.
There's two groups. Normal PC gamers and PCMR.
What's the difference? How can you tell? I'll wait for your answer.
You do realize that the whole "PC Master Race" is just satire, right? It's literally satire. It was coined by Yahtzee on his Zero Punctuation show (Witcher 1 review if I'm not mistaken) as a parody of the PC gaming community, not a literal commentary.
It's a meme that took on a life of its own, but just as a joke, not a real statement of how PC gamers put themselves on a pedestal. Sure you see it used here, but that's all tongue-in-cheek, just for shits and giggles.
You could say that there's a division of friendly PC gamers and douchey fanboys (I can say I've seen some real bad apples here), but guess what? Same can be said of any platform user base. But damn dude, if you're taking the phrase that seriously, it's all on you, not the PC gaming community. You're a little too sensitive and need to get some perspective.
So what am I? I own a PS4 and Xbox One along side of a PC that is more powerful than both of them combined 5x.
but can you run Crysis?
This sounds like something Donald trump junior would say...
Go away with your underaged girl pictures. Its fucking creepy.
Agreed 100%. The way they hate any and all things Japanese proves his point even further. Proof of this is in the way they defend Microsoft consoles while bashing Sony and Nintendo.
It's because Japanese games are shit and little anime girls are disgusting.
If anything, pc gamers should be admired.
There's two groups. Normal PC gamers and PCMR.
What's the difference? How can you tell? I'll wait for your answer.
You should be asking yourself this (even though the statement is wrong anyway).
"Those" people you refer to existed long before PCMR, and exist on ALL SYSTEMS, all mediums anything.
PCMR is pretty lighthearted, if you can't work out the answer to your own question then your sod out of luck.
600k people subbed to PCMR ... are they all arse-holes? ya... probably not even a fraction are.
Let me answer it for you. Admission to PCMR requires you to hate everything consoles, and love everything Steam. Go there and make a thread saying "I think Oculus has some cool games coming soon."
You'll be ripped to shreds in two minutes from gamers on their computers all day. Oculus Rift is for PC, but you still can't even say anything positive about it. There's that small circle again.
And that's PCMR for you. To upgrade from normal PC gamer to PCMR, you have to be ruthlessly pro high-end PC hardware, anti-console, anti-console games, anti-30fps, pro-Gaben, pro-Vive, anti-Oculus/Facebook. Many of the thieving shitbags in this group also pirate games, and are proud of it. This is not a part-time job. You must be persistently vocal about broadcasting PCMR ideology whenever you can (Youtube comments, forums, subReddits). If you fail to rouse, incite, convert and annoy, you have failed Lord Gaben (dumb, overused schtick)
Seriously, what a dumb, uesless group. Why not just post on a regular PC forum? Why does it have to be PCMR, where you check off every restrictive thing I mentioned above? You need to get some jollies off? The same games are available to regular PC gamers, but you chose to join the PCMR instead because it offered something extra.
You ain't selling me on them so just give it up. I could go on and on about this poisonous, obnoxious extremity that exists, and what they've said and how they behave.
Sony, Nintendo and MS have obnoxious and delusional fanboyz too. Anyone that refuses to admit any positives/accomplishments for other companies, and gives zero chance for every single current and future product, is delusional, and Pachter gives his big Wedbush finger to them all. Ask a normal PC gamer, Polygon reviewer, grown healthy adult or person on the street what they think of the upcoming Horizon, HoloLens, NX, PSVR....and you'll get back normal answers of varying anticipation/trepidation.
Ask a PCMR what they think of those things and "It all sucks. It will all fail. Anything that is not PCMR related should die off." PCMR, representing stunted adult males since 2009.
You mean, PC enthusiasts are denouncing a platform that is trying to wall itself off and split a new emerging market into its own system war? whoa... I mean, god forbid.
Most of it is rational and level headed, not taking bulls*it from companies. but ofcourse you would spin that. Oculus is out of favour with PC gamers in general. I guess you have one and now think the world is against you or something? sheesh.
again, what a load of s*it.
Agreed 100%. The way they hate any and all things Japanese proves his point even further. Proof of this is in the way they defend Microsoft consoles while bashing Sony and Nintendo.
It's because Japanese games are shit and little anime girls are disgusting.
If anything, pc gamers should be admired.
They're only disgusting if YOU are the one who is trying to sexualize them. Your own words do you harm good sir.
@CleanB: I never actually mentioned anything about sexualizing them, you, inherently interpreted as so.
It appears the donkey has kissed it's own ass.
@CleanB: I never actually mentioned anything about sexualizing them, you, inherently interpreted as so.
It appears the donkey has kissed it's own ass.
It was YOU who made the correlation between Sony and Nintendo to "little anime girls" and YOU used the word "disgusting" my friend, that's entirely on YOU for having such thoughts to begin with.
Clearly your own words betray you and shows the rest of us how your dirty mind works. ;)
@CleanB: Unfortantly I won that argument and no attempted circumventing will change reality.
Which is great.
@thepclovingguy: Nah bro, 18.
More like 15, dude. Seriously, you are even more creepier than those system wars anime lovers with their little girl profil pictures. Go and get a real women.
Michael Patcher had always been a Sony fanboy and this shows how much of a fraud he is as a game analyst.
@CleanB: LOL. Funny part is the sig was less suggestive before I censored it. XD
Anyway, Ive already approved this model with mods in the past, so yea.. If anyone wants to discuss her further, make it through pm as this isnt the place.
High-end racist PC gamer here. I have a BBPC, black PS3 and black Wii U.
Only thing stopping me from buying a PS4 Pro is 30fps exclusives. If that makes me like a racist then I'm racist and proud of it.
He must have never met cows then, I believe.
He should change it to "PCMR." Regular PC gamers are healthy. PCMR are neckbeards/4chan social rejects.
While Cows are the only species to have sent death threats to devs over losing exclusivity and thier cultist worship of Sony isn't hidden from anyone. Have a look in the mirror first, you disgusting Sony drone.
Agreed 100%. The way they hate any and all things Japanese proves his point even further. Proof of this is in the way they defend Microsoft consoles while bashing Sony and Nintendo.
It's because Japanese games are shit and little anime girls are disgusting.
If anything, pc gamers should be admired.
totally relevant right now:
Well new breed PC Gamers tend to be arrogant snobby annoying self righteous elitist. Not all but definitely the new breed.
Sure, you are not talking about console elitist like yourself.
I primarily game on the PC and have been gaming on the PC possibly longer than most have been alive on the forum. Try again.
Agreed 100%. The way they hate any and all things Japanese proves his point even further. Proof of this is in the way they defend Microsoft consoles while bashing Sony and Nintendo.
It's because Japanese games are shit and little anime girls are disgusting.
If anything, pc gamers should be admired.
Well, they do refer to themselves as the Master Race so ya know, just sayin. :P
I thought you were a PC gamer... :P :P :P
nope , he's a corporate slave :P
He kinda has a point... just could have said it abit better.
He does not have a point. How is being a PC fanboy any different from Sony or Microsoft?
The only reason people get so butt-hurt about "PC Master Race" Memes and PC fanboys is because objectively it is harder to disagree, so they focus on the fanboys instead of the message.
Sony / MS comparisons are boring... there is barely a difference, so both sides get less emotional about it.
Well, he's right
and I don't even like Patcher but everyone that isn't a PC fanboy in denial knows that to be true, so he's not even saying something new here
@CleanB: LOL. Funny part is the sig was less suggestive before I censored it. XD
Anyway, Ive already approved this model with mods in the past, so yea.. If anyone wants to discuss her further, make it through pm as this isnt the place.
Please accept my apology! Ahh, I feel much better already.
Well new breed PC Gamers tend to be arrogant snobby annoying self righteous elitist. Not all but definitely the new breed.
Sure, you are not talking about console elitist like yourself.
I primarily game on the PC and have been gaming on the PC possibly longer than most have been alive on the forum. Try again.
Yes, old man.
Yes, old man.
You mad that I am not a console elitist?
I am sorry, grandpa.
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