@MBirdy88: I've never seen that. Hilarious!
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There's two groups. Normal PC gamers and PCMR.
What's the difference? How can you tell? I'll wait for your answer.
You should be asking yourself this (even though the statement is wrong anyway).
"Those" people you refer to existed long before PCMR, and exist on ALL SYSTEMS, all mediums anything.
PCMR is pretty lighthearted, if you can't work out the answer to your own question then your sod out of luck.
600k people subbed to PCMR ... are they all arse-holes? ya... probably not even a fraction are.
Let me answer it for you. Admission to PCMR requires you to hate everything consoles, and love everything Steam. Go there and make a thread saying "I think Oculus has some cool games coming soon."
You'll be ripped to shreds in two minutes from gamers on their computers all day. Oculus Rift is for PC, but you still can't even say anything positive about it. There's that small circle again.
And that's PCMR for you. To upgrade from normal PC gamer to PCMR, you have to be ruthlessly pro high-end PC hardware, anti-console, anti-console games, anti-30fps, pro-Gaben, pro-Vive, anti-Oculus/Facebook. Many of the thieving shitbags in this group also pirate games, and are proud of it. This is not a part-time job. You must be persistently vocal about broadcasting PCMR ideology whenever you can (Youtube comments, forums, subReddits). If you fail to rouse, incite, convert and annoy, you have failed Lord Gaben (dumb, overused schtick)
Seriously, what a dumb, uesless group. Why not just post on a regular PC forum? Why does it have to be PCMR, where you check off every restrictive thing I mentioned above? You need to get some jollies off? The same games are available to regular PC gamers, but you chose to join the PCMR instead because it offered something extra.
You ain't selling me on them so just give it up. I could go on and on about this poisonous, obnoxious extremity that exists, and what they've said and how they behave.
Sony, Nintendo and MS have obnoxious and delusional fanboyz too. Anyone that refuses to admit any positives/accomplishments for other companies, and gives zero chance for every single current and future product, is delusional, and Pachter gives his big Wedbush finger to them all. Ask a normal PC gamer, Polygon reviewer, grown healthy adult or person on the street what they think of the upcoming Horizon, HoloLens, NX, PSVR....and you'll get back normal answers of varying anticipation/trepidation.
Ask a PCMR what they think of those things and "It all sucks. It will all fail. Anything that is not PCMR related should die off." PCMR, representing stunted adult males since 2009.
PCMR must have killed your dog or something. Damn, dude. Lighten up.
Well, they do refer to themselves as the Master Race so ya know, just sayin. :P
I thought you were a PC gamer... :P :P :P
nope , he's a corporate slave :P
Honestly though, I think he's an Xbone fanboy that's hiding behind PC.
Yes, old man.
You mad that I am not a console elitist?
I am sorry, grandpa.
I think he lost his cane. Some old men get kinda ornery when they have to limp around, ya know.
One thing I need to say something about Michael Pachter here. I've never taken Pachter's non-business comments particularly seriously. There's clearly something of *how do you do, fellow kids?* Thing is, when he tries to do anything more than analyze the business side of things. Pachter's not a gamer, doesn't really understand them, doesn't see how their position forms, isn't interested. He's an investment counselor and analyst. He doesn't need to understand gamer culture to do his job. It wouldn't surprise me if he thought the PC Master Race thing was dead serious cause at one point, he thought PC gaming was dead.
I don't know what humors me more: that the PC dweebs are acting like it's totally cool that their group act like a bunch of idiots, or you have console people who while bringing that part up are ignoring they are just as shitty about this shit when they are doing their plastic war nonsense.
Well, the PC gamers you see online don't exactly paint a convincing counter-point to the criticism Pachter is levelling. I'm not sure if that's simply representative of a majority of them or a very vocal minority, but it's a significant enough voice within the PC gaming community that it has effectively come to represent it.
I honestly find PC gaming sites to be the most toxic of all gaming sites out there, and that's REALLY saying something. They are so negative, about everything: A bad port comes out: Moan. A good port comes out: Moan about how often that isn't the case. A PC series goes to console: Moan. A PC series stays exclusive on PC: Moan about how that isn't the norm etc; etc; the glass is always half-empty and partially shattered to hand-slicing sharpness with them.
And I say this as someone with what I'd consider a decent PC (6700k/1070/16GB RAM/SSD's for both boot and bulk drives).
Wearing my PC Master Race shirt today..mad bra? I also own a Wii U. Jokestation 4 Prolapsed is destined to fail. No one cares. Thanks for milking and wasting people's money. The thing can't even do legitimate 4k even though its advertising itself like its a 4k machine. My 1080 is more powerful than what you'll be doing for the next who knows how many years. Shove it!
I've read everything said in that video right here in these forums by console fanboys. Patcher must be the consolites master and commander.
I've read everything said in that video right here in these forums by console fanboys. Patcher must be the consolites master and commander.
I think he gets his source material from here, it's almost word for word.
Yeah, It is totally not the fact that people are happy with their pc running games at higher settings. It's not that Pachter is a biased douchebag....
Wish I could get paid to troll.
I mean the dudes not wrong, but he's basically describing every brand of overzealous fanboys.
“I think PC Gamers are like racists; they only like there own kind and they have no interest in venturing out and mixing with other races. PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do,”
"PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do," continued Pachter with his explanation of why PC gamers wouldn't be tempted by Sony's new PS4 Pro.
"However if you were an Xbox owner and you’ve always wondered what it's like to be a PlayStation owner, this is a great opportunity.
After all of the terrible predictions, this is what will finally end his career.
Note "master race" in "PC master race".
Pachter is also arrogant twits since gaming PCs with the right hardware level has technically better hardware than consoles.
Wish I could get paid to troll.
I mean the dudes not wrong, but he's basically describing every brand of overzealous fanboys.
But PC gamers are the worst.
It's all anecdotal I suppose, but for my money it's the PS fanboys that put on the greatest shit show.
Even with the PS1, PS2, and PS3 being my favorite platforms of their respective generations, I could never bring myself to join their camp in these silly online troll wars. Too embarrassing and I'd rather go cow tipping instead.
Still though, we're just measuring different levels stupid here so I don't see the point. All fanboys suck.
It's all anecdotal I suppose, but for my money it's the PS fanboys that put on the greatest shit show.
Even with the PS1, PS2, and PS3 being my favorite platforms of their respective generations, I could never bring myself to join their camp in these silly online troll wars. Too embarrassing and I'd rather go cow tipping instead.
Still though, we're just measuring different levels stupid here so I don't see the point. All fanboys suck.
This much is true. I don't know if all PS fanboys are as special as the ones here however, the ones that display the greatest shit show are just a handful but they are also the loudest.
This much is true. I don't know if all PS fanboys are as special as the ones here however, the ones that display the greatest shit show are just a handful but they are also the loudest.
These days I don't really know, it seems things have settled out. But for a large chunk of gen 7, PS fanboys everywhere were the laughing stock of the gaming community humanity.
Yea cause you have that loud minority who has pissy hardware yet have egos to the point where they would die if they jumped down to their iq. Just look at that knob - dynamitecop.
Although I wouldn't use the same specific language, I agree with him - but not just about PC gamers. I think that large groups of gamers - in general - are highly tribal in nature. You're a "PC Master Race" person, or you are a console-loving anti-PC person. Or, perhaps even worse, you love consoles but you *only* love PlayStation and you won't give Microsoft or Nintendo the time of day.
Tribalism is absolutely rife in the gaming community. The irony is that it's really only damaging to the people who are actually tribal - if you're a "PC Master Race" person who never touches consoles, then you aren't hurting anyone but yourself; you're cutting yourself off from some remarkable and enjoyable experiences. Your loss, really.
Trolls will be trolls. How many of the people online claiming to be part of the pc master race are actually pc gamers or fakeboys? Who knows? For someone who has a decent setup, it would be like beating a dead horse. With a decent build, a pc gamer will have the potential to have the best experience (library of games, better graphics, better performance, mods, free mp), there is really no need to flaunt it. I suppose it's useful to interrupt an argument and divert the conversation between console fanboys.
Mr Patchers has a spotty history with pc gamers. The video linked above (probably created by someone of incredible talent) is a good example of pc gamers taking issue, and highlighting clear ignorance outright bordering on corporate propaganda.
Aside from this, looking specifically at his profession, a job to serve the interests of Publisher, an entity who largely see pc gamers as detrimental pirates, actively wanting the consumer to be ignorant and thus ripe for exploitation, it becomes readily apparent where this contemptuous attitude stems from. Not a noble place, but one of self interest.
Due to annoying a corporate snake, pc gamers are arguably commendable.
All fanboys are dumbasses.
Why you would so undyingly pledge your allegiance to some corporation that you don't personally profit from is beyond me.
Wish I could get paid to troll.
I mean the dudes not wrong, but he's basically describing every brand of overzealous fanboys.
But PC gamers are the worst.
Funny you say that when we see how badly sony and MS fanbois treat each other every day on this forum for years. Just as equally bad and ridiculous. This kind of behaviour is rife anywhere else. Android vs Iphones and football clubs are just as notorious, even worst off i say.
The only real reason console fanbois hate PC gamers is basically because they almost always get owned by PC in every debate (which typically revolves around graphics). When that happens, they will of course revert to "exclusives!"(the list grow shorter every year/gen), "cheaper!"(debunked), "plug and play/reliable"(no longer true this gen) and whatever else.
Anyway this comes from a man IIRC who said PC gaming is dead years back. So yeah, I guess he probably regard it as a black mark on his career of shit predictions and have a personal beef against PC gamers who just wouldn't die as he said it would. Funny thing is, most pc gamers, at least the ones I know, are the ones who owned multiple systems but of course, we are "RACISTS" lol that word doesn't even make sense in a System Wars settings based on plastics and electronics.
I saw this and did some introspection. After some very, very brief introspection I completely agree with the aforementioned statement. It hurts walking amidst my console peasants *cough* I mean friends and pretending that I'm not better than them. I must be an arrogant twit.
Edit: Also, everybody is racist. People need to be more concise when throwing that word around.
He always looks like a man revelling in his own flatulence, like he wants everyone to get a good deep whiff and remember Pachter.
By PC gamers, does he mean "Personal Computer Gamers" are arrogant twits, or "Politically Correct Gamers"???
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