PC Gamers are cocky little shits
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Anyone crying about PCMR is a tool and a hypocrit, especially ANYONE who goes onto a forum called SYSTEM WARS.
I just can't grasp the stupidity of it all.
Really? You take a racist term that was used to justify mass genocide and start a world war costing millions their lives and you put it in your sig as a badge of honor. Now you can't understand why this would cause some anger? It's not hypocrisy to react negatively towards racism on a board designed for arguing for and against the merits of different gaming systems. That term has no more place here than any of the banned racial slurs. But, perhaps I misjudged you and being viewed as a pathetic, bottom feeding troll is truly the best you can aspire to.
Civilisations have been calling themselves one form of "Master Race" long before the Nazi's ... if someone takes it that way then its their own fault, it's a satirical joke from Yahtzee... nothing more, nothing less, standard British humour, don't like it? cry to someone else.... fed up of tip toe-ing around people that look for the most offensive attachment for a phrase.. its not like there is a friggin swastika on it.
It's no more offensive than the basement dwelling stereotype, or the bro gamers stereotype or anything. people like you need to get a grip on reality. Probably the same kinda moron that thinks criticising religion is "racist".
My sig is not a badge of honour, it's intentionally provocative because its System Wars related. And, in the world of Science/Biology ... there can actually be a race that is OBJECTIVELY superior to another, this is not racist...
As if the phrase being used to justify slavery and servitude is any better. It is a toxic phrase based on racial degradation. The English language has plenty of words that have been co-opted from their original meanings to become such. The N word use to refer to someone that was stingy or cheap, yet now it's a racial slur. Your ignorance doesn't change it. Yahtzee used it in parody, to make fun of PC gamers, you use it as a source of pride, no different than the Nazis. This is what it means and this is the meaning burned into the world consciousness, your willful ignorance doesn't change that. It's more than the basement dwelling or bro-gamer stereotypes, it's allying yourself with the committers of atrocities and spitting on the graves of the millions that gave their lives to stop it. What you want it to mean doesn't matter. Grow up.
Anyone crying about PCMR is a tool and a hypocrit, especially ANYONE who goes onto a forum called SYSTEM WARS.
I just can't grasp the stupidity of it all.
Really? You take a racist term that was used to justify mass genocide and start a world war costing millions their lives and you put it in your sig as a badge of honor. Now you can't understand why this would cause some anger? It's not hypocrisy to react negatively towards racism on a board designed for arguing for and against the merits of different gaming systems. That term has no more place here than any of the banned racial slurs. But, perhaps I misjudged you and being viewed as a pathetic, bottom feeding troll is truly the best you can aspire to.
Civilisations have been calling themselves one form of "Master Race" long before the Nazi's ... if someone takes it that way then its their own fault, it's a satirical joke from Yahtzee... nothing more, nothing less, standard British humour, don't like it? cry to someone else.... fed up of tip toe-ing around people that look for the most offensive attachment for a phrase.. its not like there is a friggin swastika on it.
It's no more offensive than the basement dwelling stereotype, or the bro gamers stereotype or anything. people like you need to get a grip on reality. Probably the same kinda moron that thinks criticising religion is "racist".
My sig is not a badge of honour, it's intentionally provocative because its System Wars related. And, in the world of Science/Biology ... there can actually be a race that is OBJECTIVELY superior to another, this is not racist...
As if the phrase being used to justify slavery and servitude is any better. It is a toxic phrase based on racial degradation. The English language has plenty of words that have been co-opted from their original meanings to become such. The N word use to refer to someone that was stingy or cheap, yet now it's a racial slur. Your ignorance doesn't change it. Yahtzee used it in parody, to make fun of PC gamers, you use it as a source of pride, no different than the Nazis. This is what it means and this is the meaning burned into the world consciousness, your willful ignorance doesn't change that. It's more than the basement dwelling or bro-gamer stereotypes, it's allying yourself with the committers of atrocities and spitting on the graves of the millions that gave their lives to stop it. What you want it to mean doesn't matter. Grow up.
Very true, he should apologize.
As should these children, who clearly support Nazism, hate the Allies and most likely don't believe in the holocaust.
Even Uninspired is taking the p*ss now, I'm not humouring a politically correct to the point of moronic opinion, believe what you like. 600k people are now "racist" because of the words "Master Race" ... PC gone mad.
Really? You take a racist term that was used to justify mass genocide and start a world war costing millions their lives and you put it in your sig as a badge of honor. Now you can't understand why this would cause some anger? It's not hypocrisy to react negatively towards racism on a board designed for arguing for and against the merits of different gaming systems. That term has no more place here than any of the banned racial slurs. But, perhaps I misjudged you and being viewed as a pathetic, bottom feeding troll is truly the best you can aspire to.
Civilisations have been calling themselves one form of "Master Race" long before the Nazi's ... if someone takes it that way then its their own fault, it's a satirical joke from Yahtzee... nothing more, nothing less, standard British humour, don't like it? cry to someone else.... fed up of tip toe-ing around people that look for the most offensive attachment for a phrase.. its not like there is a friggin swastika on it.
It's no more offensive than the basement dwelling stereotype, or the bro gamers stereotype or anything. people like you need to get a grip on reality. Probably the same kinda moron that thinks criticising religion is "racist".
My sig is not a badge of honour, it's intentionally provocative because its System Wars related. And, in the world of Science/Biology ... there can actually be a race that is OBJECTIVELY superior to another, this is not racist...
As if the phrase being used to justify slavery and servitude is any better. It is a toxic phrase based on racial degradation. The English language has plenty of words that have been co-opted from their original meanings to become such. The N word use to refer to someone that was stingy or cheap, yet now it's a racial slur. Your ignorance doesn't change it. Yahtzee used it in parody, to make fun of PC gamers, you use it as a source of pride, no different than the Nazis. This is what it means and this is the meaning burned into the world consciousness, your willful ignorance doesn't change that. It's more than the basement dwelling or bro-gamer stereotypes, it's allying yourself with the committers of atrocities and spitting on the graves of the millions that gave their lives to stop it. What you want it to mean doesn't matter. Grow up.
Very true, he should apologize.
As should these children, who clearly support Nazism, hate the Allies and most likely don't believe in the holocaust.
Fanboys are ridiculous. Sony fanboys talk all kind of nonsense about sales and their pretty fucking crappy exclusives and play creepy Japanese games. Xbox fanboys are all Murican redneck first person shooter and sports fans, while they're not watching Nascar or beating their wives. They all live in the southern United States. Nintendo fanboys are absurd people who won't admit Nintendo hasn't been good since like 94' and are the saddest fanboys of all. But the PC Master race idiot... That's another level. This crazy nerd living in his parent's basement who never takes a shower actually struts around with pride. He thinks he is really smart and all the girls should theoretically love him because of how many teraflops his rig is putting out. He doesn't actually play games. He just benchmarks them and talks shit on the internet. That bastard is the bane of all video gamedom and needs to be put in his god damned place. It get's no worse than that! Xbox fanboys try but they are out of their league. The PC fanboy will go into full PC infomercial mode giving you the hard sale if you even hint at having interest in building a PC. They are psychos. Pure and simple.
yeah i guess you can say im racist towards the lowly xbox and ps. Not the nintendo console though, I have respect for Nintendo and the Wii U, mainly because it doesn't pretend to be something its not.
Even Uninspired is taking the p*ss now, I'm not humouring a politically correct to the point of moronic opinion, believe what you like. 600k people are now "racist" because of the words "Master Race" ... PC gone mad.
Really? You take a racist term that was used to justify mass genocide and start a world war costing millions their lives and you put it in your sig as a badge of honor. Now you can't understand why this would cause some anger? It's not hypocrisy to react negatively towards racism on a board designed for arguing for and against the merits of different gaming systems. That term has no more place here than any of the banned racial slurs. But, perhaps I misjudged you and being viewed as a pathetic, bottom feeding troll is truly the best you can aspire to.
Civilisations have been calling themselves one form of "Master Race" long before the Nazi's ... if someone takes it that way then its their own fault, it's a satirical joke from Yahtzee... nothing more, nothing less, standard British humour, don't like it? cry to someone else.... fed up of tip toe-ing around people that look for the most offensive attachment for a phrase.. its not like there is a friggin swastika on it.
It's no more offensive than the basement dwelling stereotype, or the bro gamers stereotype or anything. people like you need to get a grip on reality. Probably the same kinda moron that thinks criticising religion is "racist".
My sig is not a badge of honour, it's intentionally provocative because its System Wars related. And, in the world of Science/Biology ... there can actually be a race that is OBJECTIVELY superior to another, this is not racist...
As if the phrase being used to justify slavery and servitude is any better. It is a toxic phrase based on racial degradation. The English language has plenty of words that have been co-opted from their original meanings to become such. The N word use to refer to someone that was stingy or cheap, yet now it's a racial slur. Your ignorance doesn't change it. Yahtzee used it in parody, to make fun of PC gamers, you use it as a source of pride, no different than the Nazis. This is what it means and this is the meaning burned into the world consciousness, your willful ignorance doesn't change that. It's more than the basement dwelling or bro-gamer stereotypes, it's allying yourself with the committers of atrocities and spitting on the graves of the millions that gave their lives to stop it. What you want it to mean doesn't matter. Grow up.
Very true, he should apologize.
As should these children, who clearly support Nazism, hate the Allies and most likely don't believe in the holocaust.
Wow, you're like a child. Yes, using racist language makes you look like a racist. Sorry if this concept is too complicated for you to grasp.
Even Uninspired is taking the p*ss now, I'm not humouring a politically correct to the point of moronic opinion, believe what you like. 600k people are now "racist" because of the words "Master Race" ... PC gone mad.
As if the phrase being used to justify slavery and servitude is any better. It is a toxic phrase based on racial degradation. The English language has plenty of words that have been co-opted from their original meanings to become such. The N word use to refer to someone that was stingy or cheap, yet now it's a racial slur. Your ignorance doesn't change it. Yahtzee used it in parody, to make fun of PC gamers, you use it as a source of pride, no different than the Nazis. This is what it means and this is the meaning burned into the world consciousness, your willful ignorance doesn't change that. It's more than the basement dwelling or bro-gamer stereotypes, it's allying yourself with the committers of atrocities and spitting on the graves of the millions that gave their lives to stop it. What you want it to mean doesn't matter. Grow up.
Very true, he should apologize.
As should these children, who clearly support Nazism, hate the Allies and most likely don't believe in the holocaust.
Wow, you're like a child. Yes, using racist language makes you look like a racist. Sorry if this concept is too complicated for you to grasp.
To be fair, while the Nazi's messed up Norse mythology and appears, may have been wrong, there is no debate when it comes to pc gaming. The ability of a pc is well beyond that of consoles, it is objectively superior, above consoles on any proposed hierarchy.
On the other hand, consoles are a closed platform in which nihilistic Publishers literally attempt to steal coin from children. While relevant at one point, consoles have became significantly detrimental, contributing little to nothing positive. As time moves on, as indeed Playstation Now has demonstrated, consoles while eventually be wiped out, a mere Netflix like service in servatutde of pc.
To celebrate pc gaming, is to celebrate gaming. It's open free nature to developers, hardware and software exemplifies all that is great about gaming. People should take pride in it without fear.
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