"PC Gamers Are Like Racists" "Arrogant Twits" - Michael Pachter

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#151 freedomfreak  Online
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The PCMR thing is beyond lame, yeah.

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#153  Edited By Pray_to_me
Member since 2011 • 4041 Posts

I mean PC is the go to platform for Neo Nazis and Kkk members.

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#154 thepclovingguy
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@Pedro said:
@thepclovingguy said:

I am sorry, grandpa.

Seems like I offended you.

Its OK, grandpa. Times have changed, the youth today has very little respect for their elders.

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#155  Edited By BassMan
Member since 2002 • 18755 Posts

@kozio said:

The problem here is not Pachter but all the websites that pay attention to him and publish his opinions.

The guy is a tool and keeps getting all this exposure. It blows me away how many people give him the time of day. Reminds me of that lawyer Jack Thompson that kept talking out of his ass about video game violence... blah... blah.. blah... He eventually got what he deserved (disbarred). I hope Pachter loses his job too.

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#156 thepclovingguy
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@GunSmith1_basic said:

people sure use like the word 'racist' and branding people with it nowadays

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#157 Cloud_imperium
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@GarGx1 said:
@Cloud_imperium said:
@sailor232 said:
@Cloud_imperium said:


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I've read everything said in that video right here in these forums by console fanboys. Patcher must be the consolites master and commander.


I think he gets his source material from here, it's almost word for word.

Lol. You should also read comments from Cliffy B who took money from M$ and made Gears 2 and 3 Xbox 360 exclusive. When asked why it isn't coming to PC, he blamed piracy and said that PC is good for point and click games like RTS and MMOs, another thing that you hear from Console fanboys from time to time. Pachter and Cliffy B are their gurus, or may be as you said, it's other way around. Lol.

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#158 sailor232
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@Cloud_imperium said:
@GarGx1 said:
@Cloud_imperium said:
@sailor232 said:
@Cloud_imperium said:


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I've read everything said in that video right here in these forums by console fanboys. Patcher must be the consolites master and commander.


I think he gets his source material from here, it's almost word for word.

Lol. You should also read comments from Cliffy B who took money from M$ and made Gears 2 and 3 Xbox 360 exclusive. When asked why it isn't coming to PC, he blamed piracy and said that PC is good for point and click games like RTS and MMOs, another thing that you hear from Console fanboys from time to time. Pachter and Cliffy B are their gurus, or may be as you said, it's other way around. Lol.

Yeah I've never thought much of Cliffy B, he goes were the money is, ragged on Nintendo so hard about having no power but then makes IOS games during the Wii era.

Whatever happened to a bit of humility in people.

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#159 SecretPolice
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@Epak_ said:
@the_master_race said:
@Epak_ said:
@SecretPolice said:

Well, they do refer to themselves as the Master Race so ya know, just sayin. :P

I thought you were a PC gamer... :P :P :P

nope , he's a corporate slave :P

Honestly though, I think he's an Xbone fanboy that's hiding behind PC.

Why I ought tah.. ...Boom, bang pow, right to the moon with both of ya. lol :P

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#160  Edited By HalcyonScarlet
Member since 2011 • 13838 Posts

He's so ignorant, he thinks PC gaming is just about hardware. I'm sorry, moderately more powerful consoles aren't enough to change peoples minds on a console, considering we have near complete open ended options and the cheapest games around, not to mention the highest end hardware available if we want it. And considering consoles at their best match mid range PC hardware, hardware can't be the determining factor.

Plus, like @blue_hazy_basic said, 'who said PC gamers don't have consoles?' I still play my 360 and am always interested in what Nintendo's up to. Sounds like he has a hard on for Playstation and Xbox, like gaming revolves around them. But we can play nearly every Xbox One game anyway. So the real question for PC gamers is, do you want to buy a Playstation for a handful of games, apparently those of us who don't are racist arrogant assholes... Really?

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#161  Edited By deactivated-5bda06edf37ee
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Industry analyst is the lowest job title this planet has to offer. They don't know jack shit about anything, and it's been proven many times.

He's making himself both irrelevant and a clown by calling a whole PC community "arrogant twits". Way to go! I wonder if there's anyone stupid enough to pay for that guys services.

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#162 NFJSupreme
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Lol what a joke. Racism is a real issue dont trivialize it by making such a stupid comparison

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#163 Ant_17
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He is kind of right, and this thread proves it, since they throw the blame back at us console players.

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#164 nintendoboy16
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Sounds more like pro-"Nintendo should be third party" and "hardcore" gamers.

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#165 R10nu
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@Cloud_imperium said:

Lol. You should also read comments from Cliffy B who took money from M$ and made Gears 2 and 3 Xbox 360 exclusive. When asked why it isn't coming to PC, he blamed piracy and said that PC is good for point and click games like RTS and MMOs, another thing that you hear from Console fanboys from time to time. Pachter and Cliffy B are their gurus, or may be as you said, it's other way around. Lol.

At least Cliffy owned up to being a dumbass on that one.

Pachter's stupidity, however, is a bastion.

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#166 deactivated-5ac102a4472fe
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I would wager a guess that this is all about money, and indeed tied to his job.

As far as I know his work is to find electronic entertainment businesses worth investing in right?

Well Obviously he would have a great dislike for PC, the majority of PC gaming IS steam nowadays which is privately owned (and MOOs, and single game enclaves). From Pachters standpoint there is no incentive to try to put many good words towards PC? There is a lot og good incentives to put goodwill towards MS and Sony, which has way more and easily obtainable shares. I think part of the reason why he dislikes Nintendo can also be found in how they handle shares.

With that said, he is no fool, he does make fairly accurate predictions, Of course from an industry standpoint, not for a consumer standpoint, so no he does not know a lot of fan bases. This all seems to me that he is somewhat annoyed at something else, maybe he recently recommended a huge buy in, in Sony? And the reveal of the Pro did leave much to be desired (alhthough maybe now I can play blood borne at a frame rate - not shit-?

Maybe he himself have shares, I don't know if Sonys shares took a hit. Usually when someone goes after a fanbase, it is good to look at the financial reasons why one would do so.

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#167 True_Gamer_
Member since 2006 • 6750 Posts

@uninspiredcup said:

Mr Patchers has a spotty history with pc gamers. The video linked above (probably created by someone of incredible talent) is a good example of pc gamers taking issue, and highlighting clear ignorance outright bordering on corporate propaganda.

Aside from this, looking specifically at his profession, a job to serve the interests of Publisher, an entity who largely see pc gamers as detrimental pirates, actively wanting the consumer to be ignorant and thus ripe for exploitation, it becomes readily apparent where this contemptuous attitude stems from. Not a noble place, but one of self interest.

Due to annoying a corporate snake, pc gamers are arguably commendable.

You seriously believe that after the age of Denuvo there is even a notion of piracy?

Millions of pirates have no football game to play

PES uses Denuvo and its still not cracked after a whole week

FIFA will use too

Piracy is dead stop beating a dead horse

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#169  Edited By GarGx1
Member since 2011 • 10934 Posts

@speak_low: He didn't claim that there are certain people who play PC games that are "Arrogant Twits". He said all PC gamers are arrogant twits. I take great offense to this unfounded personal attack on me and others who do nothing but enjoy this hobby. Sure I can troll with the best of them in here but it never goes outside of System Wars and I never take it seriously, to me it's all light hearted nonsense. However if someone called me a "Racist" or an "arrogant twit" to my face, my reply certainly wouldn't be pleasant, to say the least. Especially in the tone he used it in, he has just insulted somewhere in the region of 200 million people.

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#170  Edited By lamprey263
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I always thought the Master Race thing was always a joke, though kind of a emblematic of the more arrogant PC gamer who aren't all of them. Though, definitely when it comes to gaming preference tribalism, I always thought the PC afforded some amusing circumstance, for instance sure games always carry the best potential on PC, though I imagine many more PC gamers piggyback their pride even though their owns dated PCs might even struggle to keep up with modern consoles.

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#171 turtlethetaffer
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To be fair "arrogant twit" is a pretty accurate description of a lot of die hard PC gamers. Can't say the same for racism but that's because there are apparently five different definitions of it floating around out there, so I no longer have any idea what it is.

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#172 mirgamer
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@GarGx1 said:

@speak_low: He didn't claim that there are certain people who play PC games that are "Arrogant Twits". He said all PC gamers are arrogant twits. I take great offense to this unfounded personal attack on me and others who do nothing but enjoy this hobby. Sure I can troll with the best of them in here but it never goes outside of System Wars and I never take it seriously, to me it's all light hearted nonsense. However if someone called me a "Racist" or an "arrogant twit" to my face, my reply certainly wouldn't be pleasant, to say the least. Especially in the tone he used it in, he has just insulted somewhere in the region of 200 million people.

And the best part is most of that 200 million PC gamers (probably more) don't even have any notion of any sort "System Wars" going on, much less the PCMR title. And the ones who do, generally know its for shits and giggles on the forums and generally own multiple systems anyway. Personal experience, in my close group of friends that I've been gaming for years with, they know of PCMR in the most vague of understanding at best case or in the worst, a "Huh?" response if I mention it to them.

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#173  Edited By Midnightshade29
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@wolverine4262 said:

This sounds like something Donald trump junior would say...

More like shillary or the turds over at that marxist sjwGaf forums.... you know hillary's recruiting site. And the "basket of deplorables" nonsense she spews with her bullcrap. Didn't want to bring politics into this but you already did.

As for Pachter the dude is being a tool.. and looking for attention. Tired of victim status and attention being a currency. Tired of the left and media calling everyone who isn't hard left racists, and blah blah blah, just to stop debate when they have no facts or the facts point to them being wrong.....

Wish we could go back to the damn 80s-90s-2000s when we were all just having fun and shit wasn't so serious.

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#174  Edited By jhonMalcovich
Member since 2010 • 7090 Posts

Who the hell is this Michael Patcher and why should I care about what he says ? PC MASTER RACE ALL THE WAY. Peasants am cry ))

Microsoft and Sony this gen literally be like

Peasants feel betrayed by their beloved companies this is why so much sault/thread

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#175 madsnakehhh
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Hey...for once...he is actually 100% right!!!

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#176 Midnightshade29
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@GarGx1 said:
@Coolyfett said:
@robokill said:

Racism, like cop violence, is misconstrued and massively overestated.

You sound comfy and white

Racism goes in all directions

Yep... Unless you go by gender/racial/marxist studies bullcrap Orwellian definitions that puts everybody in collectivist categories and generalizes everyone as a monolith. (their definition - Racism = power + privilege, which is basically there way of saying everyone with white skin tone is a racist just because there are more of them).

The real definition is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Every one is an individual and responsible for their own actions. You don't blame a group of people for the actions of one or a few...it's bullshit!

And guess what, Oppression doesn't exist in America... it hasn't for quite a few decades now. You need to go to the middle east, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, you know hard core socialist /communist countries where the government elite rule over everyone and even tell them where to work, gives them tin shacks to live in, and supplies everything for them in minuscule quantities the same in poverty... Equality for the masses... no $1000+ pc setup there.

Wish people would stop thinking in collectivist mindset. We are not monolithic groups, that's divide and conquer right there.

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#177 jhonMalcovich
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Wow people do really not know what an actual definition of racism is LOL

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#178 jhonMalcovich
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@freedomfreak said:

The PCMR thing is beyond lame, yeah.

Yeeeah you console gamers may complain all you want, but we won't stop using it lol because it's hilarious and makes console gamers super mad XD

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#179  Edited By intotheminx
Member since 2014 • 2608 Posts

I only game on PC and its not due to an elitist attitude. It's simply because I do not like what Sony has to offer on the exclusive front and MS is all about play anywhere now. There is no need to have a console(for myself). The PC Master Race shit is dumb. However, their are benefits to PC gaming.

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#180 intotheminx
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@BassMan said:
@kozio said:

The problem here is not Pachter but all the websites that pay attention to him and publish his opinions.

The guy is a tool and keeps getting all this exposure. It blows me away how many people give him the time of day. Reminds me of that lawyer Jack Thompson that kept talking out of his ass about video game violence... blah... blah.. blah... He eventually got what he deserved (disbarred). I hope Pachter loses his job too.

I thought Patcher's actual job was outside of the gaming industry? I assumed he did these predictions for fun and such. I wouldn't go as far to wish ill will.

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#181 xantufrog  Moderator
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Well, statistics will show: 9/10 racists have indeed used a PC at some point in the last month.

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#182 jhonMalcovich
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Even Hitler himself is mad at PC Master Race LOL This video is from 2013 and it's still well on point

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#183 R4gn4r0k
Member since 2004 • 49137 Posts

@freedomfreak said:

The PCMR thing is beyond lame, yeah.

Same with console gamers trying to claim supperiority,

Same with console gamers always shitting on PC gaming, like Pachter does all the time. So many developers do this all the time.

Yeah, you'd think there is a reason why people stick to that lame PCMR moniker.... Hmmm.

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#184 mirgamer
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@jhonMalcovich said:

Even Hitler himself is mad at PC Master Race LOL This video is from 2013 and it's still well on point

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haha the last part got me good...

"Praise be to Gaben".

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#185  Edited By AnthonyAutumns
Member since 2014 • 1704 Posts

@GoldenElementXL: Patcher just backpedalled in a NeoGaf post.

Patcher's glorious backpedalling (link to NeoGaf)

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#186 deactivated-5acbb9993d0bd
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@jhonMalcovich said:
@freedomfreak said:

The PCMR thing is beyond lame, yeah.

Yeeeah you console gamers may complain all you want, but we won't stop using it lol because it's hilarious and makes console gamers super mad XD

I know right, the fact that console fanboys get so upset about it just makes it all the more entertaining... you know the truth hurts when you have 50% of this thread saying "Patcher is actually right PCMR are scum" ... meanwhile most of the PCMR communuty are just joking around discussing PC gaming and pointing out ignorant crap.. brilliant.

Keep being butt hurt peasants, or you know, walk off your inferiority complex like a normal well adjusted person.

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#187 nathanbats
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Yes,but not all of them.50% are cool and the rest of them aren't(in my experience).

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#188 speedfog
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Get those illegal cows out of my country!

Can we stop posting about this guy? Worst fortune teller ever

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#189 Guy_Brohski
Member since 2013 • 2221 Posts

The term "Master Race" reaks of racism. I actually agree with Pachter for once.

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#191 PinchySkree
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Most people can't even spell his name right, when it's written right there.

ctrl + f "patcher"

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#192  Edited By GarGx1
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"I think PC Gamers are like racists"

"PC gamers are arrogant twits"

From the video, in his exact words

"I just don't think that much of PC gamers"

What part of any of those quotes suggest he has a problem with only a small section of the PC gamer community?

The man is bottom feeding scum.

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#193  Edited By uninspiredcup
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Mr Pachter is going by statistics indicating most are pirates, it's difficult to argue with that.

He's quite right to view them lowly, his job is to support Publishers (and in general the medium), data has shown the majority of pc gamers don't - while simultaneously palming themselves of as some sort of "elite", when most Publishers barely treat them as second class.

I mean, the proof is in the pudding (as they say). Objectively, FPS is a superior genre on pc, it was born there, so, by all rights that should be the platform.

It's a console genre now, anyone claiming otherwise is living in magical land. The lack of support is part of that reason.

So when he says "I don't think that much of pc gamers", he's basically echoing what much of the industry thinks - except he's actually brave enough to say it than put on a farce.

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#194  Edited By andrew01093
Member since 2012 • 115 Posts

@GoldenElementXL said:


“I think PC Gamers are like racists; they only like there own kind and they have no interest in venturing out and mixing with other races. PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do,”

"PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do," continued Pachter with his explanation of why PC gamers wouldn't be tempted by Sony's new PS4 Pro.

"However if you were an Xbox owner and you’ve always wondered what it's like to be a PlayStation owner, this is a great opportunity.

After all of the terrible predictions, this is what will finally end his career.

In all fairness he might be somewhat right. PC Gamers do say they're the elite and every other gaming platform is worse and below their standard. Most are extremely cocky toward are sorts of other gamers. It's all about their "rig" and how powerful they can make it.

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#195 GarGx1
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@andrew01093 said:
@GoldenElementXL said:


“I think PC Gamers are like racists; they only like there own kind and they have no interest in venturing out and mixing with other races. PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do,”

"PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do," continued Pachter with his explanation of why PC gamers wouldn't be tempted by Sony's new PS4 Pro.

"However if you were an Xbox owner and you’ve always wondered what it's like to be a PlayStation owner, this is a great opportunity.

After all of the terrible predictions, this is what will finally end his career.

In all fairness he might be somewhat right. PC Gamers do say they're the elite and every other gaming platform is worse and below their standard. Most are extremely cocky toward are sorts of other gamers. It's all about their "rig" and how powerful they can make it.

He's "sort of right" to blanket accuse over 200 million individuals as "Racists" and "Arrogant Twits"? Yeah, ok, sure he is. I really hope he spills a cup of lukewarm coffee over himself, ideally in public.

If he came out and said similar about PlayStation, Xbox or Wii U fans he'd be pilloried in public before being burned at the stake. Fortunately for him, most PC gamers don't follow websites like this or read The Daily Star.

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#196 deactivated-5acbb9993d0bd
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@nintendoboy16 said:

Sounds more like pro-"Nintendo should be third party" and "hardcore" gamers.

Ever considered applying for the mental gymnastic league?

If anyone fits that bill its the insular nintendo fanboys that don't want a larger audience playing their games, and then saying "the games wouldnt be the same" ... translate the same sort of reasoning to a stereotypical british white town that voted for Brexit and suddenly the language is very similar.

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#197 deactivated-5acbb9993d0bd
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@andrew01093 said:
@GoldenElementXL said:


“I think PC Gamers are like racists; they only like there own kind and they have no interest in venturing out and mixing with other races. PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do,”

"PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do," continued Pachter with his explanation of why PC gamers wouldn't be tempted by Sony's new PS4 Pro.

"However if you were an Xbox owner and you’ve always wondered what it's like to be a PlayStation owner, this is a great opportunity.

After all of the terrible predictions, this is what will finally end his career.

In all fairness he might be somewhat right. PC Gamers do say they're the elite and every other gaming platform is worse and below their standard. Most are extremely cocky toward are sorts of other gamers. It's all about their "rig" and how powerful they can make it.

Yes, you will find this with any "winning side" ... as I've already said, people who think the community is more "cocky" than how PS4 fans are with Xbox fans ... are right, but they are have inferiority complexes, objectivly, on paper, and by the ammount of games, and what the platform can do, the PC platform is by far the most varied, offering all sorts of quality, offers many features and options not available on the consoles...

^ the above statement is ALWAYS taken negativly by peasants with inferiority complexes... because "f*ck objective behaviour, I LOVE MY CONSOLE SO THEY ARE ARROGANT SCUM" ... then they turn around and go "HAH XBOX CANT DO 1080P ON BATTLEFIELD only 980P!!!! PS4 IS THE BEST!"

Anyone crying about PCMR is a tool and a hypocrit, especially ANYONE who goes onto a forum called SYSTEM WARS.

I just can't grasp the stupidity of it all.

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#198 DocSanchez
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He's the latest in a long line of imbecile Gaming journalists/developers for which gaming seems an actual chore to them and the majority of their audience (and therefore customers) are beneath them. Happy to make money from games but consider themselves conscientious weapons dealers instead of artists/reporters.

And they wonder why they lose trust and respect. He is an analyst. Who is his audience now?

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#199 asylumni
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@MBirdy88 said:

Anyone crying about PCMR is a tool and a hypocrit, especially ANYONE who goes onto a forum called SYSTEM WARS.

I just can't grasp the stupidity of it all.

Really? You take a racist term that was used to justify mass genocide and start a world war costing millions their lives and you put it in your sig as a badge of honor. Now you can't understand why this would cause some anger? It's not hypocrisy to react negatively towards racism on a board designed for arguing for and against the merits of different gaming systems. That term has no more place here than any of the banned racial slurs. But, perhaps I misjudged you and being viewed as a pathetic, bottom feeding troll is truly the best you can aspire to.

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#200  Edited By deactivated-5acbb9993d0bd
Member since 2012 • 12449 Posts

@asylumni said:
@MBirdy88 said:

Anyone crying about PCMR is a tool and a hypocrit, especially ANYONE who goes onto a forum called SYSTEM WARS.

I just can't grasp the stupidity of it all.

Really? You take a racist term that was used to justify mass genocide and start a world war costing millions their lives and you put it in your sig as a badge of honor. Now you can't understand why this would cause some anger? It's not hypocrisy to react negatively towards racism on a board designed for arguing for and against the merits of different gaming systems. That term has no more place here than any of the banned racial slurs. But, perhaps I misjudged you and being viewed as a pathetic, bottom feeding troll is truly the best you can aspire to.

Civilisations have been calling themselves one form of "Master Race" long before the Nazi's ... if someone takes it that way then its their own fault, it's a satirical joke from Yahtzee... nothing more, nothing less, standard British humour, don't like it? cry to someone else.... fed up of tip toe-ing around people that look for the most offensive attachment for a phrase.. its not like there is a friggin swastika on it.

It's no more offensive than the basement dwelling stereotype, or the bro gamers stereotype or anything. people like you need to get a grip on reality. Probably the same kinda moron that thinks criticising religion is "racist".

My sig is not a badge of honour, it's intentionally provocative because its System Wars related. And, in the world of Science/Biology ... there can actually be a race that is OBJECTIVELY superior to another, this is not racist...