@bldgirsh : @ parkurtommo
Let me re-attempt to explain my point. The statistics quoted by the original poster are raw numbers. While true, they are not very useful for any serious analysis due to their broadness. Thus, they are useless for any meaningful discussion. My point in mentioning poorer nations versus wealthier ones is that, if we are to discuss said statistics, we need to understand the meaning behind the raw numbers. This is not an attack on PC gaming or an attempt to bolster the consoles' usefulness, it is simply an attempt to have a discussion that goes beyond platform fighting. If we analyzed the OP's post, then we could get to the crux of why different types of gaming appeal to different types of people and use said discussion to think of ways to bring more people into different gaming platforms, including PC. A quick analysis of PC gaming:
1) Far more people play on PCs due to their greater availability.
2) Many people play free to play games due to the lower financial barrier to entry.
2a) Said barriers are both the free price and not needing expensive hardware to play the most profitable games.
3) If PC developers would build PC games so that the mid to mid-low graphical settings could run on Intel's 5k series integrated processors, there would be far greater demand for PC games, which would lead to more people purchasing PC games earlier in their lifecycle, which would lead to greater profit margins for standard purchase AAA releases.
4) Number three above leads to publishers seeing the greater profit margins on standard releases, thus the free to play push lessens and PC gamers get more choices and earlier releases. It could even lead to games like GTA V being released on PC first, which, thanks to lower distribution costs and no platform holder tax (unless using steam), would lead to even greater margins and even more AAA PC games.
5) This upward cycle would then lead to more investment into PC hardware, such as NVidia's current small PC push coming this Christmas, which leads to more PC gamers, leading to more investment in software and hardware, etc.
Hopefully, I've fully explained the purpose of wanting to drill down into the meaning of the raw numbers quoted in the original post. Also, please remember that someone questioning the validity of something isn't an attack. Genuine questions are needed for true discussion to take place.
Have a great day and Happy Gaming! :)
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