@mr_huggles_dog: Ok i am fed up with your nonsense.
Do you know where console revenue is coming from? Gta cod and fifa, not the last of us. There are a select few franchsies that make money the rest DONT. They just DONT infact yoshida has said it only 4/10 sony exlusives are sucessfull.
It all has to do with budget and profit, so when a game is made it has to make money, thats why you keep seeing sequels and not alot of new ips.
More money are made from the games above on pc than most multiplats.
The industry is changing, sony has fully embraced indies and f2p because they make money.
As for developers sticking to consoles? Nearly everything is released on pc and released at teh same day. If pc doesnt make money then why do developers release their games on pc? Eg: killer is dead and enslaved or brutal legend came to pc after all? Why? Becuase pc is making money for those games thanks to steam when consoles do not.
Pc gaming is growing, games will sell more in the future.
As for rockstar? Rockstar North does the console version with the highest userbase to cover up their insanse development budget, its like cod only higher. They need as many sales as possible. Since gta 3 they first made the ps2 version then port to pc and xbox. With gta iv more people had x360s so they made both versions and pc got a crap port by rockstar torronto. On the other hand max payne 3 which was made by rockstar vancouver got a pc version. Infact rocktar new england ported bully to pc and x360 and rocktar leeds took team bondi's la noire and ported it to pc. So the reason gta v or destiny is not on pc is techinical and not by choice. Mgs v coming to pc.. pc is getting the games and not "Begging" for console exlusives as you say. In a year or so pc will have every console game released on pc
As for waiting? did you get witcher? nope did ps3 got witcher 2? nope. But lets go back to begging, console gamers still begging for bayoneta 2. Not happeneing because the game belongs to nitendo.
In related news pc gets ryse and dead rising 3.
So i cant really see how pc's position is anything short of amazing.
As for the "master race" aside from being a meme that console gamers take seriously. Pc actually does get everything and does everything better, so i dunno, jelly much?
@jg4xchamp: agreed. Its not likey you gonna get to play everything... or have the money to buy all the systems... and dont forget 3ds it has good games too. The truth is you cant get everything, there isnt enough time in the world to play them anyway
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