@DragonfireXZ95 said:
@Midnightshade29 said:
@brah4ever: You are right. I just bought an nvidia 1060gtx after my amd 7870 died. I wasn't in the market for a video card, but this card a mid range card makes all my old games maxed, nothing I have really pushes it at 1080p (have a 24" 1080p monitor).
I remember buying a voodoo 5 for unreal tornament and quake 2/3, theif, tomb raider etc.. A GeForce 3 for morrowind, kotor and neverwinter nights, vampire the masquerade, half-life 2, farcry, nolf, etc.. A GeForce 6800gt for Oblivion, a 8800gts for the witcher, neverwinter nights 2, stalker and crisis. Then a 9800gt when that died. The 7870 got me to ps4 level. Now with the 1060gtx the benchmarking was fun for a few days but there is no exclusives really that showcase that gen of cards.
Where is the new stalker games (dev is dead). Where is a new Quake, or a new Crysis graphics powerhouse. It seems that most games on pc these days are indies, or multiplayer free to play crap like fortnight or some other millennial trend game, or games I like on pc that don't even require high end graphics (roguelikes and strategy games).
I have been saying this for years though. I remember when pc pushed exclusives like Crysis, Stalker, Gothic, the witcher, Doom 3, neverwinter nights, etc.. that aren't mmos or free to play schemes.
For controller games, I play on ps4, because my tv is huge and games like RDR2, GOW etc, aren't' on pc.
You speak as if games like Star Citizen and Hunt: Showdown don't exist. Not to mention, World War 3 and other exclusives.
Because they are delusional and full of rose tinted nostalgic googles or simple full of crap entirely.
I have been PC gaming already from i386 and experienced all windows versions, most of the generation hardware as i spended fortunes on it. ( think about 10k a year just for PC hardware through the years )
PC gaming back in the day was filled with "there so called indie trash already". But the ones that did work are suddenly seen excellent which made pc gaming so much better. It's just hilarious. It's selective view at best.
Most people bought Quake 3 for the mods, most people bought half life 1 for mod counterstrike, most people bought warcraft 3 for mods that got pushed into it. The base games where all trash. Twitchy fast shooters that are now called fortnite and overwatch It's the exact same concept. But hey lets not talk about those because "free to play trash" or it's populair so lets bash on it just to make a point. Because that point is laughable at best. ( all of these twitchy shooters where clones of eachother back in the day );
Then lets move to modding while we are at it. Modding has never been as easy as now. Buy a game on steam like divinity 2, you can download mods and scroll through them with a click on a button and play the game without doing anything. there are millions of mods on there, there are millions of mods on nexus if you like to do it for older titles. There are programs that even allow you to revamp multiplayer games entirely of older games yourself to make them far more interesting. Those 10 mods that where something interesting back in the day don't even weight up remotely towards it. And that comes from somebody that made mods for warcraft 3 / quake 3 and half life 1 + 2. The modding scene was a absolute joke.
Then crysis and graphical powerhouses. Every single game can be a graphical powerhouse even fortnite, getting a stable 240+ fps is no small feed in that game for super smooth movement on a 240+hz screen. But even besides that the current genetion crysis or graphical powerhouse is star citizen. but the moment you put that game forwards we gotta input another slogan that removes that one out of the equalization entirely. Because somehow far cry / oblivion / crisis where such incredible games, they where hot garbage and received massive backslash already back in the day. Oblivion and there HDR / bloom garbage ( yea HDR has a bit of a history on PC already )
Now with digital market where everybody can make there own games on and sure there is a lot of trash, but that was already the case back in the day with flash games and other vaporware stuff. You had floppy games that you could buy for a buck in shops that where absolute trash but atleast gave you something to do.
Let's not talk about OS back in the days that where massively unstable like trying to balance on a earthquake every time something new came along and you wanted to install it. The trash hardware from 100's of company's that all tried to dig a market on the PC sector which made support a hell. Having to mess around with physical garbage something consoles are still bound towards and terrible support by devs resulted in a lot of issue's and home made crappy scripts to get stuff even to run.
But but gaming back in the day specially PC was so much more better guys. Remember paying 100 bucks for a game or 180 bucks for a n64 game. I do. And that game gave you so much content that if it would have released today you would have refunded it directly.
The problem with people specially on this forum is they have no argument, they have no discussion point they just throw out there garbage and make up so many boundaries to proof there idiocy.
PC gaming has no games because:
1) Indies don't count
2) Online games don't count
3) Multiplayer games don't count
4) Free to play games don't count
5) Games from X country don't count
6) Games that are ported don't count
7) Mmo's don't count
8) RTS and stratagy games don't count
9) Modding doesn't count
10) BC doesn't count
11) Emulation doesn't count
12) Old games don't count in general
And if we still don't have enough ways ways to limit there idiocy we gotta make extra boundaries obviously to make a point otherwise it doesn't work.
1) Graphics, only graphics that matter is what my console does. because we need to keep the chain of stupid going in order to validate our product.
- Resolution only matters if my console does it, if not its a non factor
- FPS only matters if my console does it, if not its a non factor
- Settings only matter if my console does it nothing else
- Screen tech only matters if consoles are capable to use it etc etc.
2) Price "oh look you need a 500 buck GPU to push 4k resolution, but in the meanwhile forget that 4k isn't even remotely needed and that console runs it at sub high settings with dynamic resolutions everywhere with shit framerates", basically they forget the PS4 pro is nothing but a 400 buck gpu upgrade over there old PS4 and isn't even delivering what a 400 buck gpu would on PC remotely.
3) Look i need to spend extra time to fix this problem "which is also a negative, because being able to fix problems without waiting for a week on sony to deliver a patch where you have no control over is somehow better then googling a hot fix yourself and apply it 1 minute later". gotta keep the special Olympics going".
4) Swapping out hardware is also a bad thing, being able to overclock your hardware is also a bad things, Everything that mister console isn't offering really is a bad thing to keep there spirits up.
5) Paid online, let's defend this because paying is better then having it for free because my favorite console does it guys. It's laughable.
6) But but meh exclusives.
There is a reason why sony moved with the PS4 to a PC architecture something xbox360 also did, to keep up and make porting easier to keep support rolling for longer without having to pay developers a truck ton of money to get things going ( aka basically paying the entire port ). This means when you have platforms that are more of the same that games are easier to port over and exclusives naturally make far less sense business wise. Which resuilt on PC having tons of japanese games influx right now, which means a lot of PC games move to consoles without much effort. But this also is a bad thing guys.
You know how i call these people.
It's almost like reading american journalism. Feels the story.
Reality? never heard of it.
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