Kirby's Epic Yarn
Why would I wan't to play a game that is pretty much exactly just like the previous games in the series. Also, why the sidescrolling levels? What is this, 1995? Why can't it be in a full 3D world. Also, the graphics burn my eyes. to friggin bright.
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Anothers sidescrolling game? Are we still on the SNES? It's 2010 people, keep sidescroling for the handhelds. Also, unless this DKC game is made by Rare I do not care. From what I gather this game is made by the people who did the Metroid trilogy. Which is bad news since the games were terrible. Gameplay seems the same as they did in the first in the series. Graphics look like a PS2 games.
Disney's Epic Mickey
The proof that the Wii is the kiddiest console on the market and a complete joke. People are actually excited for a Disney game? A disney game about Mickey Mouse? The cartoons my father watched as a kid and has now turned into a company releasing nothing related to the character and mediocre CG films and live action television show? People say the developer behind it gives reason for the hype. He is incredibly overrated. The graphics look like something I'd see on the PSP. This game is supposed to cater towards hardcore gamers? wtf are you thinking OP. I'll be surprised if this game sell 100,000 copies.
Conduit 2
Because the first one was so great right? Because FPS work so well with the Wii-mote right? Because the Wii has great online right? Do you sense the sarcasm?
Goldeneye 007 Wii
All I see here is Activision charging you for nostalgia. Graphics look bad, as do the controls. And where is Pierce Brosnan? Nobody is going to by the Daniel Craig version of this. How hard would it to be to make a new and original 007 game? They are j7ust repainting an old and dated car and selling to you new. Rip-Off.
Metroid: Other M
Bad Graphics, check. Bad voice acting, check. Bad controls, check, Team Ninja, of course.
▲ There you go OP. My honest thoughts on those games, in the quote. I'm not trolling, but these are the reasons why I will not be playing these games. Yes, I own a Wii. This is what I truly think.
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