Man these Sony fanboys are hilarious
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Are console gamers actually going to be happy about getting three new Playstation consoles in five years time?
Or three Xbox One consoles in the same time: Xbox One, Xbox One S, Scorpio.
Come one. The S is an Xbox One. Don't conveniently blur the lines.
Are console gamers actually going to be happy about getting three new Playstation consoles in five years time?
Or three Xbox One consoles in the same time: Xbox One, Xbox One S, Scorpio.
You mean four playstations in five years. PS4, PS4 slim, PS4 Pro, PS5.
Are console gamers actually going to be happy about getting three new Playstation consoles in five years time?
Or three Xbox One consoles in the same time: Xbox One, Xbox One S, Scorpio.
Come one. The S is an Xbox One. Don't conveniently blur the lines.
Pro is still a PS4 too.
It plays PS4 games only. IT IS A PS4 yo.
A PS4 cannot play games at faux 4k, PS4 has a different GPU. They are different systems that both run the same games. By your logic Scorpio, Xbox One S and Xbox One are all Xbox One.
They are, even Phil said so.
Which is it? I made my point. Seems you and your butthurt buddy el tormented have a severe reading comprehension problem.
When your only ammo is calling people with "meltdowns " and constantly dodge the question I've asked, it's blatantly obvious you're the one who needs to take your pills,
Scorpio scares the living hell for some of you cows,especially You Quacknut, but don't you worry, you've got more than enough 3rd party games to play. Especially when your pos PC can barely run Doom 2.
The irony of so many of the cow posts in here when I made this thread 9 months ago before any information about Neo or Scorpio was known, and it was right, and look at their responses...
Also take note this was mid-way through the Xbox One being on the market, the Pro doesn't go on sale for two months and they already want the PlayStation 5 to release, oh how the tables have turned HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Which is it? I made my point. Seems you and your butthurt buddy el tormented have a severe reading comprehension problem.
When your only ammo is calling people with "meltdowns " and constantly dodge the question I've asked, it's blatantly obvious you're the one who needs to take your pills,
Scorpio scares the living hell for some of you cows,especially You Quacknut, but don't you worry, you've got more than enough 3rd party games to play. Especially when your pos PC can barely run Doom 2.
LOL, this guy, you truly are an idiot....
Last time I checked these screenshots I took of UT Alpha and Star Citizen running on my rig look far better than Doom 2...
Are you sure you're not projecting your fail on me?
Are you sure you're not projecting your fail on me?
You and the rest of the cows are projecting your own fail on yourselves.
Yeah, like you just happened to not see this giant fucking picture browsing through this thread to reply to that other guy, holy shit hahaha.
You guys need to learn when to shut the **** up, you say so much dumb shit that it always comes back to bite you in the ass eventually.
The irony of so many of the cow posts in here when I made this thread 9 months ago before any information about Neo or Scorpio was known, and it was right, and look at their responses...
Also take note this was mid-way through the Xbox One being on the market, the Pro doesn't go on sale for two months and they already want the PlayStation 5 to release, oh how the tables have turned HAHAHAHAHAHA!
I don't blame the cows, with all the bad news they've been getting, they would want the Playstation 5 to be unveiled for E3 And it's not just 1 bad issue, it's one issue after the other...They're clinging hard onto the Sony brand, I'm loving
Are you sure you're not projecting your fail on me?
You and the rest of the cows are projecting your own fail on yourselves.
Yeah, like you just happened to not see this giant fucking picture browsing things thread to reply to that other guy, holy shit hahaha.
The irony of so many of the cow posts in here when I made this thread 9 months ago before any information about Neo or Scorpio was known, and it was right, and look at their responses...
Also take note this was mid-way through the Xbox One being on the market, the Pro doesn't go on sale for two months and they already want the PlayStation 5 to release, oh how the tables have turned HAHAHAHAHAHA!
@dynamitecop: Huh? You don't seem to have a grasp on the situation at hand. You really shouldn't have included me in whatever strange obsession you have on release dates of machines that aren't out yet.
All I said was a very factual post below and that post bothered you enough to record the post (along with others who you have generalized as well), and today that very same bland and historically based post made you emotional and happy because of a prediction in 2016?
You asked a question about the far gaming future, and I provided a logical guess. I didn't disguise the guess either:
Usually the lower selling machine initiates an earlier release for their next machine in a 1st to market gambit.
Based on that observation, it seems Xbox 4 will release first.
Jeez, I was just answering based on gaming history...and I had no stakes in what released first. If precendent is broken in two-three years from now, it's not big deal at all. Who f**ckin' cares?
You don't even know what the Xbox release date for Xbox 4 is either. When you consider we have no official and concrete dates for the Xbox 4 or PS5...I'm unsure what you are pseudo-celebrating, but have fun in September 12th, 2016 congratulating yourself on things that haven't happened.
Furthermore, you are counting your chickens before they hatch because you took the time to get happy and it's 2016 dude, you are in a thread which is speculating the release date of a machine we know nothing about. I still maintain my post and it wasn't a big deal when I wrote it.
I used words like, "usually", "market gambit", "based on that observation", and "it seems".
My goodness, lol. You asked people to guess, set up some strange vendetta, and I guessed and we're all still waiting on what will happen. Tyrannosaurus Rekt indeed...but on who? That would be you for celebrating so early and shooting out creepy pictures without users permission and 'old e-expressions' (Tyrannosaurus Rekt, lol) regarding gaming.
By your own NyaDC behavior, should I record your hilarious post/actions today and "pretend laugh" and create a strange picture including bland, logical, and informative guesses when the PS5 releases in 2019-2021? Even my post in this thread explained it's highly unlikely we'll see a PS5 in 2018 (based on historical precedent and more importantly financial incentive for Sony), but I'm certainly not worried or emotionally excited about a gaming release/situation that won't happen for years.
I'm shocked you care this much about this stuff man to get so excited (it doesn't seem healthy, especially the part where you seemed to forget what year it is)...Nothing has happened yet, and won't happen for years to come.
lol NyaDC meltdown.
I don't even have to talk to you, I just have to post this and every single time it will shut you down.
The irony of so many of the cow posts in here when I made this thread 9 months ago before any information about Neo or Scorpio was known, and it was right, and look at their responses...
Also take note this was mid-way through the Xbox One being on the market, the Pro doesn't go on sale for two months and they already want the PlayStation 5 to release, oh how the tables have turned HAHAHAHAHAHA!
You're going to be stuck with the PlayStation 4 Pro until at least 2020, soak it in, soak it all in.
Some random analyst, a person who guesses things for a living says something that's founded on absolutely nothing and you take it like some kind of fact.
The Pro doesn't release for two months, and you're already yearning for the PlayStation 5 based upon a single guy making a prediction lol...
Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess.
You're going to be stuck with the PlayStation 4 Pro until at least 2020, soak it in, soak it all in.
Some random analyst, a person who guesses things for a living says something that's founded on absolutely nothing and you take it like some kind of fact.
The Pro doesn't release for two months, and you're already yearning for the PlayStation 5 based upon a single guy making a prediction lol...
Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess.
"The nightmare has only begun my rodent friends" for @quadknight after Sony keeps missing one after the other with the string of bad news...PSN price hike, delays, mods being locked for Fallout, etc.
Yes, my meltdown, me posting things you've said in the past that completely contradict your views now, yep I'm melting down.
You're okay with PlayStation 4 Pro as of now because you're backpeddling to try and save face from the barrage of destruction I posted above.
It's okay to have a weaker console little guy, it doesn't really affect anything, certainly not enjoyment.
Yes, my meltdown, me posting things you've said in the past that completely contradict your views now, yep I'm melting down.
You're okay with PlayStation 4 Pro as of now because you're backpeddling to try and save face from the barrage of destruction I posted above.
It's okay to have a weaker console little guy, it doesn't really affect anything, certainly not enjoyment.
What a meltdown. I can taste your tears through my monitor
What a meltdown. I can taste your tears through my monitor
Here's the thing, what tears? What meltdown? We're in a thread where your camp of buffoons including yourself are crying out for the PlayStation 5 predicated on a professional guesser's prediction.
The very nature of this thread is you and your fellow cows having a meltdown over Scorpio, acting as if the PlayStation 4 Pro doesn't exist and are hoping for a unicorn that doesn't exist.
If you're going to post things like this it works a lot better when you're not the butt of the joke, just sayin', you're a bit rattled so it's understandable that you can't tell when you should post things like this.
What a meltdown. I can taste your tears through my monitor
Here's the thing, what tears? What meltdown? We're in a thread where your camp of buffoons including yourself are crying out for the PlayStation 5 predicated on a professional guesser's prediction.
The very nature of this thread is you and your fellow cows having a meltdown over Scorpio, acting as if the PlayStation 4 Pro doesn't exist and are hoping for a unicorn that doesn't exist.
If you're going to post things like this it works a lot better when you're not the butt of the joke, just sayin', you're a bit rattled so it's understandable that you can't tell when you should post things like this.
You've quoted yourself several times on this page. If that's not a meltdown I don't know what is lol.
"W....W.....W...Wh....What meltdown?!1" LOL
What a meltdown. I can taste your tears through my monitor
Here's the thing, what tears? What meltdown? We're in a thread where your camp of buffoons including yourself are crying out for the PlayStation 5 predicated on a professional guesser's prediction.
The very nature of this thread is you and your fellow cows having a meltdown over Scorpio, acting as if the PlayStation 4 Pro doesn't exist and are hoping for a unicorn that doesn't exist.
If you're going to post things like this it works a lot better when you're not the butt of the joke, just sayin', you're a bit rattled so it's understandable that you can't tell when you should post things like this.
You've quoted yourself several times on this page. If that's not a meltdown I don't know what is lol.
"W....W.....W...Wh....What meltdown?!1" LOL
I've quoted myself multiple times because you don't seem to acknowledge when you've shit the bed, here, let me do it again for good measure.
The irony of so many of the cow posts in here when I made this thread 9 months ago before any information about Neo or Scorpio was known, and it was right, and look at their responses...
Also take note this was mid-way through the Xbox One being on the market, the Pro doesn't go on sale for two months and they already want the PlayStation 5 to release, oh how the tables have turned HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Rumored power of rumored console to be stronger after releasing one year following release of rumored power of console releasing in over one year.
Damn. You guys have fun with this game. I'm gonna play NiOh next month. Maybe I'll play some games that are out while I wait.
Rumored power of rumored console to be stronger after releasing one year following release of rumored power of console releasing in over one year.
Damn. You guys have fun with this game. I'm gonna play NiOh next month. Maybe I'll play some games that are out while I wait.
There's nothing rumored about Scorpio's power.
Rumored power of rumored console to be stronger after releasing one year following release of rumored power of console releasing in over one year.
Damn. You guys have fun with this game. I'm gonna play NiOh next month. Maybe I'll play some games that are out while I wait.
There's nothing rumored about Scorpio's power.
Uhh. Where's the white paper?
Rumored power of rumored console to be stronger after releasing one year following release of rumored power of console releasing in over one year.
Damn. You guys have fun with this game. I'm gonna play NiOh next month. Maybe I'll play some games that are out while I wait.
There's nothing rumored about Scorpio's power.
Uhh. Where's the white paper?
They already confirmed the GPU is 6 Teraflops, and they already confirmed it has 320gbps of memory bandwidth.
I didn't bookmark it, I just remember things, if only you did you would probably not say things like that for fear of them coming back to bite you in the ass like they are currently.
Oh, and it took me under a minute.
Rumored power of rumored console to be stronger after releasing one year following release of rumored power of console releasing in over one year.
Damn. You guys have fun with this game. I'm gonna play NiOh next month. Maybe I'll play some games that are out while I wait.
There's nothing rumored about Scorpio's power.
Uhh. Where's the white paper?
They already confirmed the GPU is 6 Teraflops, and they already confirmed it has 320gbps of memory bandwidth.
It doesn't exist yet.
Remember when Sony claimed a bunch of shit about PS3 in advance of its release?
@dynamitecop: lol, you just "remembered" it. Must have been really traumatic for you. I barely remember posts from last week, you on the other hand hold on to all your emotions and memories from SW.
Rumored power of rumored console to be stronger after releasing one year following release of rumored power of console releasing in over one year.
Damn. You guys have fun with this game. I'm gonna play NiOh next month. Maybe I'll play some games that are out while I wait.
There's nothing rumored about Scorpio's power.
Uhh. Where's the white paper?
They already confirmed the GPU is 6 Teraflops, and they already confirmed it has 320gbps of memory bandwidth.
It doesn't exist yet.
Remember when Sony claimed a bunch of shit about PS3 in advance of its release?
Microsoft said what it is in every form of media there is on the internet, they didn't just announce it, they showcased it. It will be 6 teraflops or beyond, what they did cannot be back peddled on and there's no reason for them to do so.
Also, is Microsoft Sony?
@dynamitecop: lol, you just "remembered" it. Must have been really traumatic for you. I barely remember posts from last week, you on the other hand hold on to all your emotions and memories from SW.
Or, I have a great memory and can recall even the most minute or mundane of things, strange isn't it? Some people have a far better memory than you.
Uhh. Where's the white paper?
They already confirmed the GPU is 6 Teraflops, and they already confirmed it has 320gbps of memory bandwidth.
It doesn't exist yet.
Remember when Sony claimed a bunch of shit about PS3 in advance of its release?
Microsoft said what it is in every form of media there is on the internet, they didn't just announce it, they showcased it. It will be 6 teraflops or beyond, what they did cannot be back peddled on and there's no reason for them to do so.
Also, is Microsoft Sony?
These companies are capable of many things. Remind yourself, they "back peddled" on DRM and always online functionality.
Oh, yes.
"... is Microsoft Sony?"
Pertaining to hype tactics, yes.
Microsoft said what it is in every form of media there is on the internet, they didn't just announce it, they showcased it. It will be 6 teraflops or beyond, what they did cannot be back peddled on and there's no reason for them to do so.
Also, is Microsoft Sony?
When did MS say it may be beyond 6 TFLOPS?
@dynamitecop: Sounds to me like you're too emotionally invested in SW. You need to take a break from SW and stop being emotionally attached to your Xbone. You take this place more seriously than any other poster I've come across on SW.
These companies are capable of many things. Remind yourself, they "back peddled" on DRM and always online functionality.
Think what you will, they back peddled due to community outrage of something negatively viewed, not even remotely comparable to back peddling on something positive that you have confirmed to be creating, especially a console itself and its specifications.
Am I sensing a hankering of hope for something lesser? If anything it will be more that what they confirmed it to be, not less.
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