@darkangel115 said:
how is that deluded. I never said 4k was a standard. the BD drive on the PS3 made it very expensive while the system itself was less powerful then a 360 (I know cell blah blah, but most games ran better on 360 which is kinda the point) If the XB1S launched at 600 bucks just because it had a 4k BD drive in it, I would say the same exact thing. We are also talking 10 years ago, 10 years ago i wasn't making the money I am now. dropping 900 bucks for 2 consoles was a bigger deal for me. Having to pay extra for a BD drive I didn't want sucked. I still did it cause I'm not a fanboy though lol. Now it's not a big deal to me to drop money like that. Not only that, I have 2 4k TVs and literally 0 native 4k content. If the Pro was a 4k system I'd jump on it day 1, This way I can have the Pro on 1 TV and the scorpio on another. But since it isn't, doesn't make sense to me. I'd be better off trading my XB1 for an slim and buying scorpio next year. The main thing is, I can still play all the exclusives. The only game sony is making I want right now is horizon and I can still play that on my OG PS4.
As far as sales go, when I made that post, it was true, not sure if it is anymore now, probably not, but it was true back then. That's what all the sales reports state, If it's wrong, then so be it but that was the info we all had that the PS4 was the fastest selling and the XB1 was 2nd. Unlike you, If i misspeak, i have no issue saying I'm wrong. You are just sadly a deluded fanboy. You laughed at the lemmings for claiming the XB1 had a 2nd GPU and you were running around saying the pro would be 5.5TF when we all knew it was 4.2, You tried calling me a liar about having a 4k TV i proved you wrong, then you tried saying that upscaled content on it is worse then 1080p, I proved you wrong and yet you still wouldn't admit it. But I'm sure if you ever get a 4k TV you won't mind playing upscaled games on it on your PS4, even though you trashed upscaling for the past 3 years. Thats why you are the delusional fanboy, and I'm just a gamer who likes games
No you downplayed 1080p movies using as argument that it wasn't standard and neither HDMI.
And i had a 1080p TV in 2006 by 2007 i had 2.
You making money or not is irrelevant,back then a blu-ray player was $1,000 a next gen console $400,this time 4k players are $300+ next gen consoles are $299 so basically you save $299,back then buying a $500 PS3 saved you $900 vs a stand alone player + a 360.
The PS3 was much better value oh and i am not counting live $50 which now you pay $60 back then you didn't pay on PS3.
No it never was the xbox one has never ever sell faster than the wii dude stock smoking the good stuff.
No that was this gen the PS4 is the fastest the xbox one was second,over all the XBO is 6th and that is because the 360 had a severe shortage that lasted 5 months.
The PS2,3,and 4th all sold faster than the xbox one on its first year,and the wii as well,and if we go by the 3rd year the PS1 sold faster as well.
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