Why the heck is this game a 6 again???? Oh man like I expected the atmosphere in this game is AMAZING just like with Alan Wake, but what I did not expect was the action to be so FUN! Its very Max Payneish... I'm still on act one and I'm just taking my time reveling in all of it.
About 22 or 23 minutes in Peter and Danny start talking about Quantum Break. From the way they talk about it there's no surprise Gamespot gave it a 6, sounds like they had problems with both the gameplay and the story.
Might not be a good idea to listen if you're only on act one though.
I dont give a shit what THEY thought. All I know is that me and others around the net are relly enjoying the game.
I love it when a video game comes out and fanboys get their panties in a twist over completely average games that they'll forget in six month's time. You get excited over every little thing the game does.
@R4gn4r0k: Good points, I agree with most of what you said. Enjoying this game a lot, over 10 hours of playtime and I just started Act 3, so I'm taking my sweet time and exploring everything, I don't want it to end lol.
I love this game. Im going through it very slowly though. Im at a one act per day pace. I spent most my time collecting and reading, which is what you should do on a university campus lol. Til the next episode.
@R4gn4r0k: same here just the one. I just got done with act 4, best one yet. The story got real interesting. Ive read a few books on theories of time travel and all that. They have done their research and its just getting better. The choices i am making in the junctions seem to be against the majority of the community. I am definitley going to play thorough again and make different ones too.
This is isnt really a game though. Its an experience, something new. I am glad they took the risk, i hope they are rewarded because, honestly this does feel like the evolution in gaming peoplenwere looking for some years back.
I get that not everyone will welcome it and it certainly will not be changing the shape of every game to come, but it is very cool and i would like to see more from this new type of entertainment
After 2 acts, I agree. Nicely done on taking this combo risk. Thinking back to the review, he wanted more cover: why? I have a bubble shield for a second or 2 when the screen goes red, then I am back to strategically powering through combat; the shooting mechanics issue? It took me all of ten minutes to adjust to it; story isn't always followable? No trouble here.
The combat is designed around not spending a lot of time behind cover, instead using your time powers to get out of a situation a normal human being could not.
So the reviewer asking for more cover is kinda weird.
@kvally said:
CANT GET ENOUGH OF THIS GAME....too damn fun and looks sooo nice.
Brillaint example of what I think the combat is all about. You see he barely spends any time behind cover, and makes creative use of his powers :)
@Alucard_Prime said:
@R4gn4r0k: Good points, I agree with most of what you said. Enjoying this game a lot, over 10 hours of playtime and I just started Act 3, so I'm taking my sweet time and exploring everything, I don't want it to end lol.
Same, I will take my time for this. And it's fun to hunt for easter eggs when they are of this high quality.
Hell I could've told you that but I also thought you already knew that. Yes your saves will transfer to windows 10 since it's tied to your account and this is why I wanted to play the Xbox One version first then PC version on my next playthrough.
Seriously just play the Xbox One version for now and save yourself the agony for not playing the game at all until the PC codes arrives.
Hell I could've told you that but I also thought you already knew that. Yes your saves will transfer to windows 10 since it's tied to your account and this is why I wanted to play the Xbox One version first then PC version on my next playthrough.
Seriously just play the Xbox One version for now and save yourself the agony for not playing the game at all until the PC codes arrives.
Lol...I figured but wasn't sure, I was just so annoyed with the 7-11 day nonsense I didn't think to google or ask about it. But I want to play the damn game, it's all ready to go the my Xbox...so tonight it begins.
Quantum Break is unique, it provide a shooting experience where you choose the outcomes of both good and evil forces within the game, provides you with live-action fun and also tests you to learn all you can about each character.
This all adds up to a successful and impressive project for me, the most important thing I took away is that Remedy have built a game that I wanted to explore and complete, not something every AAA title has achieved.
Finished act 1 last night. So far I'm liking it and would probably agree with the six score here. Gameplay is good although the controls are sometimes off. The graphics look great in stills but in motion leaves a lot to be desired. The ghosting and the grain filter look terrible to me but overall pretty good looking. The tv show is actually pretty cool so far. More opinions after act 2.
The inclusion of Toto in the soundtrack and the news article which states the Joyce parents organized the Riverport Multiple Sclerosis walk is a massive win to me. My mom has had MS for over 50 years.
Loving the cast of the game so far Shawn Ashmore (Jack), Dominic Monaghan (Will) and Aidan Gillen (Paul). Paul is hands down one of the best made characters in a game in a very long time. I love the moments in this I'm thinking to myself did i just encounter a glitch when all it was is a time bubble, also got to love the bullet slow motion that would make Neo jealous.
I think Jack Joyce has infinite pistol ammo because the actors in the TV series do too xD
Anyway, looking up to the sky when time broke and stopped for a while, it's a real neat view: it's like this broken glass, kind of. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a Stephen King novel... but I'm playing a game, and watching a TV series. LOL Saw a first time stutter today: the ship in the drydock falling over, seeing all those tiny pieces constantly shift forwards and backwards in time was really impressive. The design that went into the time mechanics is a true feat from a audio and visual point of view.
At a certain point you had stuff absolutely frozen in time, stuff that was shifting forwards and backwards in time in a real jerky manner, and then you had Jack Joyce and others who could move semi-conventionally. It's really great to see all of that come together.
Another thing I'm really loving is all the text you can find in game... In a game like Skyrim I just brows through a lot of the text I pick up.
But in this there is some real interesting stuff... or just plain ridiculous. Like an employee sending his Screenplay to Monarch about a guy name Bruce... and he gets hold of a time travel knife. It was just so absurdly funny and such a poor attempt at telling a story that I spent ten minutes just reading that. Bruce's reaction to most of the stuff going on is "Okay" and there is actually a time travel mini story in there.
And I also read some interesting theories in Williams texts which can be found near his time machine.
So glad to see such positive impressions. Seems that the game is underrated.
Or property rated, there is nothing wrong with a 6/10 or a 78 on metacritic, those would be good scores in mediums that have actual standards.
The thing is, in our medium below 80 on MC is considered an average game, it's stupid but true, hell even a 6 is considered "bad". That's why personally i don't care about MC score, there are some solid reviewers like Jeff Gerstmann whom i value their opinion the most.
I feel like I'm going to have dreams about this game after watching the first episode. Ive never seen a mix of gameplay and live action done this well before, ever. I am really treating this live a TV series and letting each act sink in. Talk about taking gaming to new heights.
So glad to see such positive impressions. Seems that the game is underrated.
Or property rated, there is nothing wrong with a 6/10 or a 78 on metacritic, those would be good scores in mediums that have actual standards.
The thing is, in our medium below 80 on MC is considered an average game, it's stupid but true, hell even a 6 is considered "bad". That's why personally i don't care about MC score, there are some solid reviewers like Jeff Gerstmann whom i value their opinion the most.
By shitty gamers who overread everything. 78 is still considered green and positive on Metacritic.
6 on this website is "fair". It means the game is aight, it's okay, it's fine. It's not good, it's not great, it's a bit above average, so it's not bad. Which is fine if a game is just that, it would mean it's still fun, might just be a bit too shallow or doesn't come together, which from what I've seen of the TV Show and how it's supposed to play in the story, is pretty fucking jarring and thus made pointless. Jeff's review is technically no disagreement, but it's a planet with billions of people, disagreement is going to happen?
GTA4 is like a 90 something on metacritic, that game is a fucking piece of shit by measures that go beyond being subjective and entering someone denying fact territory. So I'd argue some of the blame goes on the gaming community for giving way too much of a shit about the number, and not enough about what the game is, what the criticisms were, and see if all that matters to you.
Why the heck is this game a 6 again???? Oh man like I expected the atmosphere in this game is AMAZING just like with Alan Wake, but what I did not expect was the action to be so FUN! Its very Max Payneish... I'm still on act one and I'm just taking my time reveling in all of it.
About 22 or 23 minutes in Peter and Danny start talking about Quantum Break. From the way they talk about it there's no surprise Gamespot gave it a 6, sounds like they had problems with both the gameplay and the story.
Might not be a good idea to listen if you're only on act one though.
I dont give a shit what THEY thought. All I know is that me and others around the net are relly enjoying the game.
Why the heck is this game a 6 again???? Oh man like I expected the atmosphere in this game is AMAZING just like with Alan Wake, but what I did not expect was the action to be so FUN! Its very Max Payneish... I'm still on act one and I'm just taking my time reveling in all of it.
About 22 or 23 minutes in Peter and Danny start talking about Quantum Break. From the way they talk about it there's no surprise Gamespot gave it a 6, sounds like they had problems with both the gameplay and the story.
Might not be a good idea to listen if you're only on act one though.
I dont give a shit what THEY thought. All I know is that me and others around the net are relly enjoying the game.
Then why do you keep asking why they gave it a 6?
Good question. Why should we just believe your impressions and ignore others?
I find the game good thus far, maybe a 6 was too, but in the end its one guys opinion. That's why I dont give a shit what they score Uncharted 4, I'm playing it too.
Why the heck is this game a 6 again???? Oh man like I expected the atmosphere in this game is AMAZING just like with Alan Wake, but what I did not expect was the action to be so FUN! Its very Max Payneish... I'm still on act one and I'm just taking my time reveling in all of it.
About 22 or 23 minutes in Peter and Danny start talking about Quantum Break. From the way they talk about it there's no surprise Gamespot gave it a 6, sounds like they had problems with both the gameplay and the story.
Might not be a good idea to listen if you're only on act one though.
I dont give a shit what THEY thought. All I know is that me and others around the net are relly enjoying the game.
Then why do you keep asking why they gave it a 6?
What I meant was that we should not care what the reviewers think because me and others are enjoying this game which is why I said, "Why the heck is the game a 6 again???"
Why the heck is this game a 6 again???? Oh man like I expected the atmosphere in this game is AMAZING just like with Alan Wake, but what I did not expect was the action to be so FUN! Its very Max Payneish... I'm still on act one and I'm just taking my time reveling in all of it.
About 22 or 23 minutes in Peter and Danny start talking about Quantum Break. From the way they talk about it there's no surprise Gamespot gave it a 6, sounds like they had problems with both the gameplay and the story.
Might not be a good idea to listen if you're only on act one though.
I dont give a shit what THEY thought. All I know is that me and others around the net are relly enjoying the game.
Then why do you keep asking why they gave it a 6?
Watched that also. As I commented there, Brown might be terrible strategically with this game because he claims you must run and hide to wait for powers to recharge. I'm playing it, are you? I use a power, shoot, another, shoot, bubble shield not run and hide, powers recharge, choose next target begin again. He sucked at the game I'm guessing.
Just got to act 3 part 2. Loving this game right now. The graphics.... Let me just say it is the best graphics I've seen on a console game yet. This is the first game of the gen that has literally wowed me in graphics. Just beautiful, shows how much power the X1 really has. Also the physics, the attention to detail is stunning. The story and TV show have me enthralled. ( so far) very surprised and impressed with how the tv show has hooked me. The gameplay is a blast, manipulating time and experimenting with the powers is fun as Hell. I don't see how the Hell this game got a 6 here and definitely can't see how it got 4s at some review sites. This game is amazing guys. Also loving the AW Easter eggs lol.
The frame time issues are far better on higher hz monitors 120/144 etc thanks to the game only having double buffer vsync, explains why I never had such noticeable issues as some posters around the interwebs
Just finished it definitely not worth a 6 sure I wish there was more shoot em up sections but other than that loved the game and cant wait to replay it to see the differences.
So glad to see such positive impressions. Seems that the game is underrated.
Or property rated, there is nothing wrong with a 6/10 or a 78 on metacritic, those would be good scores in mediums that have actual standards.
The thing is, in our medium below 80 on MC is considered an average game, it's stupid but true, hell even a 6 is considered "bad". That's why personally i don't care about MC score, there are some solid reviewers like Jeff Gerstmann whom i value their opinion the most.
Didn't he shit on this game more than everyone else?
couldn't finish it after all last night. just have the last part of act 5 to do. its feeling like a 7.5 - 8 from me at this point.
You're way ahead of me. I'm starting act 3 after school today. Fun game so far. Nothing world shattering but a fun game to play.
I got my copy early on saturday so had a few days head start. I agree, its a decent game, the TV show thing is well made and it works as a unit. the actual combat is great, i will miss the abilities in uncharted 4.
I hear ya. That's one of the things, after playing the game I am in complete disagreement with Peter Brown on. Watching him on the Lobby complain about movement feeling like you have 20 lb weights on your legs, needing to run and hide to recharge powers I was like WTF? Do you strategize? I'm not saying a player wont dip behind cover, but the bubble shield and strategic use of powers easily affords me an opportunity to zip around and pick my spots in combat without this need to "run and hide".
So glad to see such positive impressions. Seems that the game is underrated.
Or property rated, there is nothing wrong with a 6/10 or a 78 on metacritic, those would be good scores in mediums that have actual standards.
The thing is, in our medium below 80 on MC is considered an average game, it's stupid but true, hell even a 6 is considered "bad". That's why personally i don't care about MC score, there are some solid reviewers like Jeff Gerstmann whom i value their opinion the most.
By shitty gamers who overread everything. 78 is still considered green and positive on Metacritic.
6 on this website is "fair". It means the game is aight, it's okay, it's fine. It's not good, it's not great, it's a bit above average, so it's not bad. Which is fine if a game is just that, it would mean it's still fun, might just be a bit too shallow or doesn't come together, which from what I've seen of the TV Show and how it's supposed to play in the story, is pretty fucking jarring and thus made pointless. Jeff's review is technically no disagreement, but it's a planet with billions of people, disagreement is going to happen?
GTA4 is like a 90 something on metacritic, that game is a fucking piece of shit by measures that go beyond being subjective and entering someone denying fact territory. So I'd argue some of the blame goes on the gaming community for giving way too much of a shit about the number, and not enough about what the game is, what the criticisms were, and see if all that matters to you.
It's not just gamers tho, i rather blame it on the reviewers, obviously it's the websites' policies that has established this odd perception among the community. There's no pre-defined system that says like "alright "7" means a good game" or "3/5 means a great game", every website has its own shady system and when this turns into MC score, it becomes a mess , literally a fucked up score that really doesn't mean anything. Yeah reviews are inherently subjective but this subjectivity is so highlighted in our medium than like Cinema. The same guy that reviewed QB, reviewed FO4 and gave it a 9 , is the game really a 9? even with all the flaws that he mentioned, it can't possibly be a 9, or MGS V on IGN got a 10 with two major flaws that the reviewer himself mentioned, then how the hell it got a 10? ! Another example, Gameinformer, i can pretty much say a "7" on gameinformer means an average game, i can't recall the last time they gave a game any score less than 7 and that's a major website.
This whole "number" thing is just a damage to the industry, this MC score is a mess and i agree with you on gamers being at fault here for giving too much credit to numbers but it's established this way and this is the current perception.
So by having a legit review scale, this score can have some credibility to it. And overall, one should read the reviews ....but many don't.
Hope other websites follow the footsteps of Eurogamer and Kotaku and get rid of this number thing ....aaaand we see the demise of MC (which ain't gonna happen lol)
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