even the devs are in damage control :lol: :lol:
"buh buh, who doesnt like variety? :cry: "
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Boohoo we created a generic action platformer, with no online functions or splitsreen multiplayer and Gamespot reviewed it fairly :)Bazfrag
Online play doesn't make a game sorry.
[QUOTE="Insomnaic"]"The crew discusses their "gamespot resistance: fall of man tournament." Ross quickly reminded the rest of the crew that the tournament is now called "the resistance: fall of man tournament with the website whose name we shall no longer mention"
that's pretty pathetic. Yea, if they got this broken up about an 8.8, I guess we can't expect much more.
It's obvious Aaron hit his review dead on, if the dev has to be so insecure about it. It just confirms that minority thinking is superior to mainstream thinking...DXGreat1_HGLHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing right now about R&C that's in the "MINORITY" is the bad reviews for this game, and you claim that Aaron hit the review on the head with this review. So i guess that 90% of the other reviewers are biased towards sony then right??!?!?!?!?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lemmings just made my day
okay folks, we know these devs are extra emotional, so let's just keep that in mind for future reference. they do not take criticism well. they're not professional enough to.
lesson learned.
[QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]It's obvious Aaron hit his review dead on, if the dev has to be so insecure about it. It just confirms that minority thinking is superior to mainstream thinking...ermacnessHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing right now about R&C that's in the "MINORITY" is the bad reviews for this game, and you claim that Aaron hit the review on the head with this review. So i guess that 90% of the other reviewers are biased towards sony then right??!?!?!?!?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lemmings just made my day
Cows say the same thing about low Halo 3 scores.
Oh noes, your hypocrisy has been revealed.
[QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]It's obvious Aaron hit his review dead on, if the dev has to be so insecure about it. It just confirms that minority thinking is superior to mainstream thinking...ermacnessHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing right now about R&C that's in the "MINORITY" is the bad reviews for this game, and you claim that Aaron hit the review on the head with this review. So i guess that 90% of the other reviewers are biased towards sony then right??!?!?!?!?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lemmings just made my day
Some people appreciate a critical review. I'd much rather a reviewer identify and focus on some of the negatives instead of just throwing good scores to big developers. Some reviews don't even mention any downfalls or annoying parts of the game, but no game is perfect!
OMG Someone needs to edit this to fit the GS and R&C review it would be so freakin funny....
its kinda old but it just came to me.
Dam I wonder what they are gonna say to GamesTM about their reviewOUCH 6/10 basically that SMG destroys it
RATCHET & CLANK Future: Tools of Destruction. Verdict 6/10 (dated but enjoyable)
"Better than Vexx, Worse than Mario Galaxy"
"It would be nice to focus on these good points and say that change simply isn't needed, but other recent games that have made their home in this genre have made such a comment impossible. Obviously, we speak of Mario Galaxy, which has shown how platforming can be an attractive and innovative affair, all while still appealing to long-term fans of the series. All this on a platform that should by all rights, not come close to what is possible on PlayStation 3. Mario Galaxy has raised the bar for platformers and there can be no excuses from such a seasoned studio to deliver a stale experience such as this."
[QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]It's obvious Aaron hit his review dead on, if the dev has to be so insecure about it. It just confirms that minority thinking is superior to mainstream thinking...ermacnessHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing right now about R&C that's in the "MINORITY" is the bad reviews for this game, and you claim that Aaron hit the review on the head with this review. So i guess that 90% of the other reviewers are biased towards sony then right??!?!?!?!?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lemmings just made my day
Instead of making fun of Thomas, they should've just scoffed offhis review while saying something like "R&Cgot great reviews everywhere else, we couldn't care less about the opinion of one man and one man only".Yep. Or, Table Tennis challenge.
They would've sounded confident andproud instead ofwhiny juveniles.DireToad
HAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing right now about R&C that's in the "MINORITY" is the bad reviews for this game, and you claim that Aaron hit the review on the head with this review. So i guess that 90% of the other reviewers are biased towards sony then right??!?!?!?!?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lemmings just made my day[QUOTE="ermacness"][QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]It's obvious Aaron hit his review dead on, if the dev has to be so insecure about it. It just confirms that minority thinking is superior to mainstream thinking...Udsen
but when you have the majority of reviews contesting against your bad review, how is that "valid"????!!!!?!? don't forget "lemming" that r&c is still at a 91% at gamerankings and a 90 at metacritics with this "avarage? review so what does that tell ya??!?!?!?!HAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing right now about R&C that's in the "MINORITY" is the bad reviews for this game, and you claim that Aaron hit the review on the head with this review. So i guess that 90% of the other reviewers are biased towards sony then right??!?!?!?!?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lemmings just made my day[QUOTE="ermacness"][QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]It's obvious Aaron hit his review dead on, if the dev has to be so insecure about it. It just confirms that minority thinking is superior to mainstream thinking...Fignewton50
Some people appreciate a critical review. I'd much rather a reviewer identify and focus on some of the negatives instead of just throwing good scores to big developers. Some reviews don't even mention any downfalls or annoying parts of the game, but no game is perfect!
The review itself was fine for the most part, but the score wasn't even close to what the reviewer was implying in the text. 1up were far more critical of the game in their review, but even they saw that a game with good controls, great graphics and great gameplay deserves at least an 8.
Here's the thing as a fan of the R&C games they never really were these earth shattering games. Sure they were fun to play but to me always an 8 game. A GOOD game nothing spectacular. The PS3 version will be no better no worse and a 7.5 is about par to me. WOW so the graphics are Pixar worthy. So what? It's about the game and the game itself is the VERY same I've been playing since the first one nothing new same old song and dance. I'm more shocked over the IGN 9.4 score then the Gamespot 7.5.
People should read the comments after the story. The cows there make the system wars discussions look like a Mensa meeting.
There is a reason that Gamespot is such a huge, popular site whose reviews get to developers when they are not completely positive, it is because the site has at least minimal editorial integrety where many of the other sites have stories that basically range between fanboy and paid advertisement.
The R&C guys no their game got looked at fairly on the site where it counts. So they whine like the Sony based team that they are. They are actually more entertaining than there game.
[QUOTE="Udsen"]HAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing right now about R&C that's in the "MINORITY" is the bad reviews for this game, and you claim that Aaron hit the review on the head with this review. So i guess that 90% of the other reviewers are biased towards sony then right??!?!?!?!?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lemmings just made my day[QUOTE="ermacness"][QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]It's obvious Aaron hit his review dead on, if the dev has to be so insecure about it. It just confirms that minority thinking is superior to mainstream thinking...ermacness
but when you have the majority of reviews contesting against your bad review, how is that "valid"????!!!!?!? don't forget "lemming" that r&c is still at a 91% at gamerankings and a 90 at metacritics with this "avarage? review so what does that tell ya??!?!?!?!I own all 3 systems and a gaming PC, cow.
You do realize every single videogame review is an opinion, right? Oh, I get it, if everyone gives a game a 9 and someone gives it 7.5 their opinion is not allowed. This is a free country, kiddo. And the averages tell me that review sites thought the game was very good, while it still holds no water to Aaron's personal opinion, or mine for that matter.
Sit down, little guy.
How come so many people who say they would have rated the game 8.0-8.5, have a problem with GameSpot's score? It was only .5 away, and on GS that's only 1 increment. Meanwhile we have sites giving the game AAAA scores and that's perfectly fine.
7.5 is a good score, GS gave their reasons on why they disliked some elements of the game and it's up to the reader to decide whether those negative comments affect their purchase. Also, stop comparing GS's score to other websites. They do not use the same review criteria and thus comparing scores means absolutely nothing.
I wonder how many people complaining about the score actually took the review into account when considering to actually purchase the game compared to how many people bought it regardless and just attacked GameSpot to defend their precious game.
[QUOTE="xTHExJUICEx"]Im downloading the podcast right now, I knew this was bound to happen, I cant wait to hear them rip GS a new one :DVyse_The_Daring
Tell me if they cry and throw tantrums like little children, then I'll consider downloading it.
ugh, when they say it they just chuckle and dont even mention Aarons name or GS, if you want to hear it its in the first 5 minutes i think around 4.
People should read the comments after the story. The cows there make the system wars discussions look like a Mensa meeting.
There is a reason that Gamespot is such a huge, popular site whose reviews get to developers when they are not completely positive, it is because the site has at least minimal editorial integrety where many of the other sites have stories that basically range between fanboy and paid advertisement.
The R&C guys no their game got looked at fairly on the site where it counts. So they whine like the Sony based team that they are. They are actually more entertaining than there game.
listen to the podcast theres no whinning at all.
okay folks, we know these devs are extra emotional, so let's just keep that in mind for future reference. they do not take criticism well. they're not professional enough to.
lesson learned.
My God am I the only one thats listen to the podcast?
[QUOTE="ermacness"][QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]It's obvious Aaron hit his review dead on, if the dev has to be so insecure about it. It just confirms that minority thinking is superior to mainstream thinking...DXGreat1_HGLHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing right now about R&C that's in the "MINORITY" is the bad reviews for this game, and you claim that Aaron hit the review on the head with this review. So i guess that 90% of the other reviewers are biased towards sony then right??!?!?!?!?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lemmings just made my day
I love these kinds of games because of the variety they offer in the gameplay. Jak, Sly Cooper, and the Ratchet series never had you doing too much of any one thing for too long. I really think of that as a positive for any game. Games that don't switch up the gameplay..well they tend to bore me by the time I get to the last few levels. If Heavenly Sword didn't have you switch and play Kai I would've hated it.
[QUOTE="Fignewton50"]HAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing right now about R&C that's in the "MINORITY" is the bad reviews for this game, and you claim that Aaron hit the review on the head with this review. So i guess that 90% of the other reviewers are biased towards sony then right??!?!?!?!?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lemmings just made my day[QUOTE="ermacness"][QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]It's obvious Aaron hit his review dead on, if the dev has to be so insecure about it. It just confirms that minority thinking is superior to mainstream thinking...nicenator
Some people appreciate a critical review. I'd much rather a reviewer identify and focus on some of the negatives instead of just throwing good scores to big developers. Some reviews don't even mention any downfalls or annoying parts of the game, but no game is perfect!
The review itself was fine for the most part, but the score wasn't even close to what the reviewer was implying in the text. 1up were far more critical of the game in their review, but even they saw that a game with good controls, great graphics and great gameplay deserves at least an 8.
On 1up, an 8.5 is "Good", just like on Gamespot. Each reviewer said the game was "Good", but they have different rating scales. Gamespot's is a little more critical numerically.
I think we are now seeing exactly what the PS3 is all about. You are going to get two types of games.
1. Rehashes of old franchises that dovery littlenew except improve the graphics. R&C, MGS, Killzone, etc. Cows are like, it was really good 5 years ago, why not now? It kills me that the devs think the same.
2. New IP's that are dismal. Lair, Genji, etc. Cows are like, 'Just wait, we will get something good soon!'
Have you played R&C? Because I see a few responses (including yours) that think R&C: FToD is the same old stuff, and you are completely wrong. I'm 10 hours into the game and I full heartedly disagree with GS's review, which was reviewed by a guy who seems to only like sports games (which i generally dislike). Gamerankings has it right, and everyone who has played the game more or less agrees with them.
Seriously, don't post bs if you haven't played the game. I don't go around saying Halo 3 has crap gfx and the same gameplay that Halo: CE had. Regardless of whatI hear from a few people I don't put their words in my mouth. People who haven't played the game and say they agree with GS's review simply love saying stuff like "PS3 phails, :lol: their bestest gamez rn't AAA on GS."
(Oh and if you did play the game, then that simply goes for anyone who hasn't, and I'm sorry for pointing you out.)
[QUOTE="BlueBarad"]They should've sent him a review guide. Stonin
The score here was a little on the low side but lets face it, the game isn't really all that now is it. The same applies to RFOM, it is a great game in its own way but at the time it released (a year after PDZ) it didn't bring anything new.
Alot of games arent all that new. Take Halo3 for isntance.
if they're crying like little girls at gamespot review, i wonder what would happen if Yahtzee from zero punctution reviewed R&C.
He'd probably rip them a new one :lol:
UGH, just listen to the podcast....youll be surprised.
[QUOTE="xTHExJUICEx"][QUOTE="Udsen"]Hey Insomniac, go make more mediocre FPS' and weak platformers.Udsen
Ignorance is strong in this one.
Just listen to the podcast, I dont think theyre loosing any sleep over it.
[QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"][QUOTE="ermacness"][QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]It's obvious Aaron hit his review dead on, if the dev has to be so insecure about it. It just confirms that minority thinking is superior to mainstream thinking...ermacnessHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing right now about R&C that's in the "MINORITY" is the bad reviews for this game, and you claim that Aaron hit the review on the head with this review. So i guess that 90% of the other reviewers are biased towards sony then right??!?!?!?!?! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lemmings just made my day
Because it's not what you want to hear, you'll go as far as questioning his ability to do the job he's worked hard for. You're damn pathetic.
No wonder they have ice cream socials at insominac. They have a bunch of 12 year olds working for them. Nice.heretrix
Yeah, their twelve year olds because one of the review makes 0 sense. Because some review docvked them for Variety? Thats stupid, and they aren't twelve year olds for saying how stupid that is. The twelve year olds are the ones that don't like them saying this.
[QUOTE="Udsen"][QUOTE="xTHExJUICEx"][QUOTE="Udsen"]Hey Insomniac, go make more mediocre FPS' and weak platformers.xTHExJUICEx
Ignorance is strong in this one.
Just listen to the podcast, I dont think theyre loosing any sleep over it.
They singled out Gamespot because of their review. Sounds like babies. "Just listen to the podcast" "UGH JUST LISTEN 2 TEH PODCAST" No, noob. Insomniac is a bunch of hooting babies.
[QUOTE="Bazfrag"]Boohoo we created a generic action platformer, with no online functions or splitsreen multiplayer and Gamespot reviewed it fairly :)redneckdouglas
Online play doesn't make a game sorry.
I agree, but unless there are Goldeneye style challenges or some reason to replay a game then i prefer games with at least split screen mp to justify the £40. Plus this is the next gen, Online is now a standard. Even Nintendo are waking up to this.*off topic slightly- NOTE TO CAPCOM- replaying the same game in a different outfit is not replayablity
[QUOTE="Fignewton50"]Wow, it's one guys opinion. Too bad, get over it. Non-Seq
Yes. Aaron Thomas has a personal agrievance with Ratchet and Clank.
Once upon a time Ratchet had his dirty way with Mrs Thomas, Aaron's mother, and Aaron has sworn vengeance ever since. Now, his day has come.
There's a difference between opinion and bias.
[QUOTE="Non-Seq"][QUOTE="Fignewton50"]Wow, it's one guys opinion. Too bad, get over it. Newnab
Yes. Aaron Thomas has a personal agrievance with Ratchet and Clank.
Once upon a time Ratchet had his dirty way with Mrs Thomas, Aaron's mother, and Aaron has sworn vengeance ever since. Now, his day has come.
There's a difference between opinion and bias.
fix your quote.
And there is something wrong with it. His grievance isn't against Ratchet and Clank itself, it is against the PS3.
No wonder they have ice cream socials at insominac. They have a bunch of 12 year olds working for them. Nice.heretrix
Wouldn't it be great if Dennis Dyack, David Jaffe and Insomniac all got together to create a game? They would be able to whine about every single review, preview and blog reply regarding their game.
[QUOTE="SergeStorms"]People should read the comments after the story. The cows there make the system wars discussions look like a Mensa meeting.
There is a reason that Gamespot is such a huge, popular site whose reviews get to developers when they are not completely positive, it is because the site has at least minimal editorial integrety where many of the other sites have stories that basically range between fanboy and paid advertisement.
The R&C guys no their game got looked at fairly on the site where it counts. So they whine like the Sony based team that they are. They are actually more entertaining than there game.
listen to the podcast theres no whinning at all.
[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]okay folks, we know these devs are extra emotional, so let's just keep that in mind for future reference. they do not take criticism well. they're not professional enough to.
lesson learned.
My God am I the only one thats listen to the podcast?
Maybe you are. The podcast doesn't make these comments suddenly vanish.
Just because they didn't say the stuff on a podcast doesn't mean these words aren't their own, now does it?
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