[QUOTE="-Serpahim-"]About you not caring, you act like you have to click on those 4-5 threads. Just dont click on them! By clicking on them and posting in them, you are helping to keep them bumped thus prolonging their life spans. So by coming in here and whining you are acutally making the situation worse. Ignore them and let people that care about them post in them. I mean, do you go into a stranger's house and complain about his furniture? Obviously not, because you are under no obligation to be in his house, therefore u are under no obligation to even look at his furniture. (and if you do walk into stranger's houses and complain about their furniture...u have issues :| )
Secondly I have sum things i would like clarification on. Are you saying that Its ok to discuss Insomniac's opinions because they are not paid to give opinions , but its not ok to discuss gamespots review because they are paid to review games?
I don't care if you want to discuss GameSpot's review, that's fine. Comments like Aaron Thomas is *** and needs to be fired or attacking his blog however is something else entirely. As well, in System Wars we have decided to use GameSpot's reviews to judge games. Arguing that GameRankings only counts when a game you were hyping flops on GS is sad. If you are using these forums, you already agree to use GameSpot's reviews when determining the gamescore.
Why should I care if there are threads talking about porn or threads talking about racism in System Wars? Well because it litters the forum and is unpleasant to the people posting.
What you said about people calling Aaron a ---- i agree but how is that any different from people calling insomniac cry babies or as Udsen so elequently put it "Insomniac is a bunch of hooting babies." Since you are taking the moral high ground, you should be condemning those guys too and telling them to discuss in a mature manner instead of name calling. And as for the whole flop thing, I think you are misunderstanding the whole arguement here. The majority of cows are not debating whether its a flop here. They are commenting on the fact that Lemmings are calling R&C a crap game due to the 7.5 review. We agreed on System Wars that the GS score was all that mattered when it came to seeing if a game flops or not, but no where did we say that ONLY GS scores mattered. So while its fact that the game flopped, its not fact that the game sucks. And the majority of reviews seem to think that its a great game and as you so clearly put it " They are professional reviewers that review games as objectively as possible and provide reasons for their scores." So its completely acceptable for people to use Gamerankings score to debate whether R&C is a good game, but no whether it flopped on GS. And to be honest, very few people are claiming that it didnt flop on GS. But many are claiming that the GS review was flawed and they should be allowed to discuss that.
As for your last little paragrah, all i have to say is that we have mods for a reason. They will take care of all the stuff they deem to be trash and unacceptable. Your job is thrive within the community not to fight crime (in a matter of speaking... :P ). If you really have a problem with this, PM or email a mod and ask them to do sumthing about it instead of Exacerbating the situation.
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