Indeed, it's Reckoning's gameplay that keeps rising to the top for me, because it's just so much better and far beyond what its WRPG contemporaries have done. It's arcadey, to be sure, but when you compare it to the three popular fantasy RPGs of our time -- Skyrim, Dark Souls and Dragon Age -- Reckoning easily out****s all of them in the gameplay department. The competition isn't even remotely close in any respect.
Reckoning simply has the most action packed, veristile combat ever in a RPG. Not even Demo Souls/Dark Souls can match the pure gameplay of KoA:R.
The combat in Skyrim is miserable. If games like Bayonetta and God of War are on one end of a spectrum, games like Skyrim are so far on the other end that they have fallen off the spectrum and actually can not even see the spectrum from where they are.
Amalur is the polar opposite. The combat system in Amalur is fast paced and incredibly deep. I'd say the way this game handles ****choice is one of my favorite things about the title. There are three skill trees, might, finesse, and sorcery. As you level up you earn talent points and can invest them into any branch you like. So far pretty standard stuff. The twist is that throwing points into these trees will slowly unlock hybrid ****s. For example, I started off in sorcery and chose a pretty standard wizard type **** I got a bonus to my mana pool and that sort of thing. Then I started putting points into finesse and I unlocked a couple of hybrid ****s. Now I'm a spell casting rogue with magic blades! I get a bonus to blade weapons and a boost to magic damage. There are tons of these hybrid ****s encompassing all the various combinations of talent points and trees. So as you play the game and shuffle your points around you can also be cycling through different ****choices each with their own bonuses and special powers.
Skyrims combat is simply a joke. Really it's combat might as well been from 2 gens ago cause it certainly feels like it belongs there. KoA:R is the future for RPG games in terms of combat and will be the sleeper hit of this year.
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