@Grey_Eyed_Elf said:
@davillain-: I hate that saying "its fun with friends"... Its fun being with a group of friends in a empty room let alone a game.
I think these survival game developers are exploiting this realisation that it doesn't matter about the content or quality of the game just give them a interesting sandbox with a theme and then say in the trailer "you make your own story!"... Its funny and sad at the same time.
I remember when ARK came out and everyone was going crazy for it, I had a 1070 at the time and couldn't get it to run smoothly... The game was glitching a LOT, there is no story or missions just a empty map where you can build something and watching it get destroyed by others or you can be the one destroying what others have built and I sat back in amazement that this is what people like and play daily?... And their answer is but you can play with friends and there are dinosaurs.
Oh well.
I get what you're saying but for me it's different with SOT, it's not just about an empty game that's fun just because you have friends in it, rather the entire way the game functions benefits greatly from people co-operating with each other. A lot of the mechanics are built around that premise, and this game does it very well.
For example yesterday I was playing with a random crew and while we were sailing, we saw a storm approaching and a ship on the far right side of the screen. Fortunately, I was able to spot the ship with my binoculars because it was far away, and made the quick judgement call the change course to the opposite side and go to a different outpost to unload our 4 chests... anyways long story short is I basically took command and acted like the captain, shouted orders to the others what to do and they listened, they brought up the sails, etc and the mission was a success....I was actually surprised they listened to me, It was an awesome feeling of co-operation, and I think this kind of scenario is what they are calling "emerging gameplay", there is no UI or progress indicator dictating everything you need to do, it's up to you and every voyage has been different for me so far.
The day before I Was playing with another crew where already another person was acting as the captain, and my role was different, I was in charge of clearing the water from the bottom decks and that session had completely different things going on and we snuck up on another boat at night and rammed it, then unloaded canons on it point blank, they never saw it coming, and mostly it was due to the great direction the other captain I Was playing with. Reading some of the negative comments from people who played this game, I get the feeling a lot of people did not play it enough and didn't try out several scenarios like that with good crews, for me that is the main gist of the game, these experiences.
I will say that this game is definitely for people who enjoy those types of cooperative scenarios, I do not recommend this game for people who just want to play it solo, you will miss a huge part of its design.
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