-Joinable Factions: Rebels with branching path quests (Stormcloaks) and Riverwood Tavern Warrior Clan.
-Pickpocket skill provides greater RP opportunities and much more realistic thievery for thieves.
-Myriad options for face-paint.
-Even minor NPCs have much more complexity and depth compared with Oblivion.
-You can persuade various random NPCs to accompany you and they feel like fleshed out, interesting companions.
-There are six different stages to crafting items. The first two are: Refining crude ore and Assembling materials.
-More realistic alchemy labs.
-In addition to alchemy ingredients there are also reagents.
-Some spells can be learned by reading spell tomes, while others can be bought from merchants.
-Hand to Hand attacks have a much improved gravity and physicality.
-There are more ways to complete quests.
-Lockpicking mini-game is improved.
-There are bards in the game.
-You can choose not to spend perk points each level, and hold onto them instead.
-During Character Generation you can add laugh lines to your character.
-There are dozens of sliders for character creation.
-Aurora Borealis is confirmed.
-You can have animal companions.
-Bosmer "Animal Allies" Racial Ability confirmed.
-Glow Worms confirmed.
-Killable Bees and insects confirmed (you can harvest bees from beehives).
-Fast Travel costs money.
-Perks do not stop at level 50.
-There are more types of poison.
-Bosmer are immune to most types of poison.
The more I hear about Skyrim the more hyped I get! Animal companions, Fast travel costs money, hand to hand is improved, more realistic thievery, bards, more lively NPC's, NPC's can become partner's, hand crafted dungeons and loot, Skyrim is fixing a lot of problems that plagued Oblivion, and then some. I'm looking forward to playing Skyrim...WITHOUT MODS, and yes, it's playable without mods ;)
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