@navyguy21 said:
Again, read my above posts.
Research why the INDUSTRY regards Sony FANBOYS as the worst. Not Fans, FANBOYS.
For god sake man stop,you are a LEMMING you have argue tons of shit against me before and all were pro xbox on your side,you are on a thread about the PS4 having more AAA games in the last few months vs the xbox one and you tag us as worse because you don´t like it.
Reality is the PS4 has more games period worse fanboy is the one who deny it or slam other who said it.
There is no such thing as Industry standard for fanboys,and certainly sony are not the worse all fanboys are bad,and only blind fanboys who don´t even see their own fanboysm believe the opposing fans are worse.
I don´t have that problem i am a fanboy no point in denying it or lying to my self,is pathetic what some of you will do,and is lemmings in special who simply can´t admit being lemmings the sad part.
@navyguy21 said:
Again, read my previous posts, which you seem to be ignoring.
You are confusing FAN with FANBOY.
I am a playstation fan. @SolidTy is a playstation fan.
YOU and @tormentos are Sony fanboys.
If you are a PS fan i am a die hard lemming dude.
You are always on the MS side of arguments just like now you are trying desperately to convince every one that cows are worse fanboys.
@Xabiss said:
Yes, that is for sure a fact that can be proven. :) And good for them! I really have enjoyed my Pro since buying it and have enjoyed most of the exclusives that have been released. I am still trying to figure out how in the hell Uncharted 4 got a 10. Fun game, but I have played much better games. I would give Nioh or Horizon a 10 before Uncharted 4 it feels more like an 8 right now.
I do feel like Microsoft and Sony numbers do prove that both gaming divisions are doing great and they are both making lots of money which is great for the industry! I hope with Nintendo releasing the Switch there numbers will start to grow now. Would love to see Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo all in the top 5!
And that is ok i don´t think MGS4 was a 10 either and i am a cow,does not change the fact that the reviewer thought so and that the score it receive was that,give the last Zelda game to a COD only kind of gamer and ask him if he believes the game is a 10.
MS money include all its gaming division that mean minecraft on windows phones,tablets PC and even the god damn PS4 man unless you prove to me that MS does not make a damn dime out of property they OWN that is on PS4.
So as a matter of FACT not opinion those profits even include profits made on damn PS4....
Microsoft's Minecraft Rules the PlayStation Store Charts.
Next time you want to put a question mark on an argument be prepare to back it up,you have nothing we know for fact those sales include MS gaming division which we know include other products as well and not just the xbox.
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