Well the game is out in a week, so it's about time we all put our cards on the table and make a call; how is this game going to rate when we finally get our hands on it after over five long years in development and two do-overs?
Screens galore, click to make big:
Gamespot Previews
IGN Previews
Gamespot plays the first 20 minutes, complete with video footage.
Also being released alongside the game, Microsoft have put together a Splinter Cell Xbox 360 bundle:
Cool beans.
Finally, some key info:The game features a single player campaign, a two player co-op mode and a series of co-op challenges dubbed 'Deniable Ops'. While Ubi Soft seem determined not to confirm or deny the existence of the game's trademark Spies vs Mercs competitive multiplayer, it seems incredibly likely at this point that the game features no competitve multiplayer modes of any kind.
Releases Dates:
13th April 2010 (North America)
15th April 2010 (Australia)
16th April 2010 (Europe)
Currently billed only to appear on the Xbox 360 and PC, though a PS3 version has been subject to the usual internet rumor mill.
And now for my final thought....
Based on the demo, Conviction isn't really anything like Splinter Cell of old. It controls differently, plays differently and seems to draw its fun and excitement from completely different areas. Whereas Chaos Theory was enjoyable because of its crazy levels of tension and suspense, Conviction instead goes for the action-movie gun shots, killings and explosions route. A great many of the game's core stealth elements have been tossed, with Ubi Soft saying they 'didn't have time' to incorporate them.
I really dont buy that though. Much like the terrible mis-step they made with Rainbow Six Lockdown, i think they've just tried to make a much-loved game more accessible and may have inadvertedly ruined it in doing so. Hopefully Splinter Cell, much like Rainbow Six, will return to form following its outing into the realms of more mainstream appeal, but for now, Ubi Soft appear to have wasted an awful lot of amazing potential in creating a shallow action game instead of a true next-gen stealth experience, as Chaos Theory was when it was released.
In terms of hype, that's a tough one to call as Gamespot never seemed to like Splinter Cell even when it was about as good as a stealth game could possibly be with Chaos Theory. They may actually LIKE its new action-packed coat of paint, who knows?
I'll call it at 7.5 though.
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