This is the correct answer. The core gamer demographic, the hardcore gamers, the gamers who have been playing for 20+ years and watched games continue to evolve over the decades... to these guys, the Wii is taking a step back. The controls are gimmicky. The graphics are no better than last generations. The machine is not capable of handling modern game engines. There may be a handful of games, mostly first party, that are pretty good, but the majority of titles are shovelware. None of this holds the system back, however, since they aren't targetting that core gamer demographic. They are targetting grandmas, soccer moms, people who never really got into games. That's fine. It was a good business move, very successful.
The problem is that the non-gamer demographic is much larger than the gamer demographic. Nintendo's competitors, the ones who targetted the gamers who kept the industry alive the past 20 years, see the success in Nintendo's direction, and start to think "hey... they made something that costs less for them, and is making them all kinds of money... Why are we pumping all this money into making games better and better, when we could just stop trying to improve them, tack on some waggle wands and make more money by selling to casuals?"
Personally, I always supported Nintendo. I've had every Nintendo console... except the Wii. After I supported them for 20 years, as what I would call a hardcore gamer, they decided they could make more money by catering to people who had never played a game before. I wouldn't say I HATE it. I think it's pretty lame of Nintendo to crap on the people that kept them in business for 20 years. I hate the fact that there is a very real possibility of the other guys seeing how well Nintendo's strategy paid off and following their lead.
This is whereIstart to sense that gamers are not gamers for fun and enjoyment and they game for graphics (regardless of whether you agree with me or not, I truly believe most of the industry are graphics whores. This isn't to be cliche, its to say this is what they love to do but not what is important to everyone) and just seeing gaming evolve and be respected. The problem is, games can't evolve until you let everyone in. I won't pretend I'm a 20+ year gamer cause I'm not, I will say however that I think I Know enough about the industry and what I play to see that thehardcore gamers you speak of are shallow and uninterested in seeing something new or seeing change. To see the wii as a step back is fair in a lot of regards. To not see it as any sort of step forward is where I begin to wonder whether you are hardcore or whether you just like games. Shovelware is not an issue, you don't buy it regardless of whther or not it exists. If you will not buy it why do you care. If the whole casual and core devide is true then wondering about what others like completely destroys the point of seperating us. You know what the problem is, the core demographics isn't hardcore, they are the demographic that wants to see games become like movies. There is nothing wrong with that but often times I here how Wii games can't compete and wonder, have you ever followed any wii news? Have yo opened up and looked outside of your dark room?
This threaqd is about why the hate is so deep and if what you say is true than the reason is, core gamers are pathetic children who have the mantra that they shouldn't have to share or respect others. Is this it? You think that all the 3rd parties who haven't supported the wii care about its success? Do you honestly think that? This isn't an argument, it would be if the wii had support but it doesn't, it inherently has done nothing wrong but capture more people. Imatation of the wii won't happen next gen entriely because these publishers and devs don't want to accept the wii. This is the point. What you are propsoing will never happen and if it does, you can't blaqme nintendo for this because the whole industry never gave them a chance. Understand what I'm getting at.
The last part is what makes me sad. Catering to people who never gamed is not bad. Nintendo gave up tech, they didn't give up making top quality games. So are you more interested in tech or playing games. You hate people for sharing your hoby. You are the exact type of hate I am talking about.
Wanting to see an improvement from one gen to the next is not being a graphics whore. I'm not one of those guys that can't stick a ps1/ps2 game in anymore because the graphics don't hold up anymore. If graphics, AI, physics, etc aren't important for games, why don't we all go back to the 8-bit era? WiiSports is not a step forward for gaming. It is a fun party gimmick that quickly loses fun after your friends leave. Everyone I know that has a wii got bored of it after a few months. All of them. They still bust it out when there are people over, but that's about it. Even the casuals who got it let it sit and collect dust when they don't have company, because for them, thats what gaming is. The only thing that the Wii brought to the table is a waggle wand... and in more cases than not, it hurts the gameplay compared to a controller. I played Twilight Princess... and I can tell you that the controls ruined that game. To me, that is not a step forward.
You keep bringing up graphics, but there's more to it. Graphics aren't the only thing that a more powerful processor provides. Towards the beginning of the generation there were a lot of multiplat titles that would come out for PS3/360/PS2/Wii. The PS2 version and Wii version were the downgraded versions (with the wii having waggle controls), and by downgraded I don't just mean graphics. PS3/360 can put more enemies on the screen at once, can handle much more robust physics engines, superior AI. As a gamer, all of these things improve the quality of my gameplay experience. Standing in the middle of my living room and flapping my arms around does not.
Let me say again, because you didn't read it well enough the first time. I don't HATE the wii. Nintendo decided not to support the gamers that kept them going for 2 decades, and thats their perogative. I dislike the Wii. I think it's a rip-off to sell last gens hardware to people with the only thing added being a gimmicky controller that in most cases makes the gameplay worse and not better, but that's just me.
Wow now, I don't think you understand what I'm saying. It seems like my comments (which were incredibly harsh but I think true) bugged you a little. You've turned from making a point to making the same tired excuse everyone uses. Out of curiouslity (because I will not argue with someone who hasn't played there wii in a year, that's silly), what wii games have you played? The controls are a step forward in many ways and a step back in others. If you cannot see why, I will not bother continuing.
Now, you say I keep mentioning graphics (which is false, I mention them once in that post, pay closer attention) and nothing else. When I said graphics whore, I meant tech whore. They care about the technical aspects. I know the argument, PS3/360 allow for greater vision blah, blah, blah. I'm not saying that's wrong. I'm saying that isn't important to everyone who games. What improves your gaming experience doesn't improve everybody elses. That's why I said they are graphics whore, really I should have said tech but I thought I made it clear. But seriously, you started out well but now you're falling into the trap of common misconception.
From this response its clear you do hate the wii. You don't make the comment you just made then say you don't hate it. I'm sorry but like I just said, you are the gamer I am talking about. You hold and inherent hate and I don't understand the logic.
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