@eoten said:
How are they clunky? What makes them feel unnatural?
The manner in which the controls are managed. It does not feel smooth or natural. Using the rocket is definitely the worst offender, L + R + Y to aim and shoot. 😑 There a moments where traversal just works and feel correct, other moments it is not. Combat is a hit or miss. Some encounters are solid others are just clumsy.
@shadyacshuns said:
Bullshit. If Dread is all that, then all games are janky mess that is basically unplayable.
Firstly that statement is just stupid on so many levels.
@jaydan said:
@Pedro: I haven't had issues with the world or navigation myself. The game is labyrinth-like though because it is. The map itself is pretty dense when you start opening up the world, so the map is either useful or disorienting depending on how adept the player is to reading it. The flow has been pretty excellent so far myself. Part of the fun and what I expected and hoped for a Metroid game, is a world like this one, with layered progression when you gain new weapons and abilities.
I'm at my second major boss now and been getting beat for a few tries now. The game definitely has challenge, unlike other mainline Nintendo games.
I have played games that are labyrinth like but at least there was some semblance of direction. I don't need to know how to get somewhere but I should know where the game expects me to go, even if its a round about path (which is very common in games). Don't get me started on those hidden blocks that require the player to just random shoot for progression. There is core navigation to any game. This allows the player to progress naturally until their progression is hindered. This game relies on the map very very heavily. I am map searching and pathing way too often. I guess the reality that I have played other games that has done it better is hindering my experience.
As for the two bosses I have fought so far. 😖 Strong ideas and weak implementation. It doesn't build on the experiences that the player has engaged prior to the encounter. It just feels like, "here, boss fight". There are strong elements in the game but I it doesn't meld nicely as far as I am concerned. I wonder if would have felt the same way if I played Metroid Prime for the first time today? 🤔
@shadyacshuns said:
I've never read such absurd and false criticism as that from any of the reviews, articles or players until now. @Pedro isn't exactly neutral when discussing the Switch to begin with either. He said the system would fail within a year when it first came out, and has consistently talked negative about every aspect of the system and its games.
Nobody here or anywhere thinks the game is perfection warmed over, but let's at least try to be intellectually honest about our complaints.
Seems like you are more focused on me than discussing the game. I am enjoying your agitation from my comments. 😂
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