@Ballroompirate: I honestly haven't seen it. And it does seem the least similar out of the recent teen dystopian fiction
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The more I play Majora's Mask 3D, the more I am taken aback at not just how well the game has aged, but at how far ahead of its time it was (though I suspect those two factors are correlated). But seriously, it is amazing when you consider that mechanically or thematically, these game has still not been replicated, and we are fifteen years separated from its release.
Speaking of those themes, though- the more I am playing, the more convinced I am – and heavy Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and Majora's Mask spoilers follow here, so don't click on them unless you have finished the games(this means you, Desmonic):
That Link is dead, and Termina is his own personal purgatory. I mean, it makes sense right off the bat- you consider that everything that he sees in Termina is a bizarre, twisted version of something that he had already seen in Hyrule; everything that he is doing is a macabre echo of what he has already achieved in Hryule as well. Plus the entire three day cycle is Link being trapped in Termina, in his own personal hell in his mind because he is unable to reconcile himself with the fact that he cannot save everyone at once, that he can't be a hero to everybody every time, a fact that he is having trouble facing, because being a hero to everyone is exactly what he accomplished at the end of Ocarina of Time... except then his accomplishments were erased, so no one ever realized he was a hero, and he never got anything for all of his troubles. That empty feeling that came from that deflation of his accomplishment, coupled with Navi abandoning him, and presumably death in the forest right at the beginning of Majora's Mask, led him to this very confused and vulnerable state of mind, a state of mind that he must overcome and reconcile himself with, before he can move on.
The very interesting thing here is how masks come into play here- when Link solves problems in Majora's Mask, he is trying to do everything all at once before the world ends, but he is not solving those problems as himself.He has to disguise himself using his masks, he is always solving the problems as someone else- which, I think, is him gradually coming to terms with the fact, as he saves people over and over again, that even when he is being a hero and solving people's problems, he is not getting credit for them- the people who he was impersonating with his masks are the ones who got the credit. And over time, I think Link is realizing that he does not need the credit or the recognition from being the hero, that the act itself may be enough, thereby facing his biggest problem from the end of Ocarina of Time.
Which leads me to the most interesting mask of them all- assuming we are going for the true ending in Majora's Mask, Link will eventually give all his masks away, before he faces Majora. Majora, in this scenario, I am assuming represents Link's dark psyche- his 'shadow self' so to speak, his resentment, his frustration, his suppressed chaos, and before Link faces his dark self, he wants to be sure that he is doing it himself, as himself, otherwise there really is no point- unless he can overcome his darkness by himself with no aids, he hasn't overcome it at all. And that brings us to Fierce Deity. Fierce Deity is extremely powerful, and probably Link's most powerful and strong incarnation across all Zelda games, yet. It's basically a Ganonization of Link, so to speak, and it is morally extremely suspect. And I think that Link wearing the Fierce Deity mask before his battle with Majora represents him accepting that he is not perfect, that he has issues, and him embracing those issues and the strength gained from embracing those issues, and then turning all of them upon his demons, represented by Majora. At the end, of course, Link beats Majora, and I think he is able to move on from his purgatory, having reconciled himself to his shortcomings, accepting his successes and his failures, and finally finding peace in death,
I think this theory makes a lot of sense- not only is Majora's Mask, already a game about death, littered with references to this idea, but this would explain so much stuff- for instance, the aforementioned everything in Termina being a bizarre dreamland take on things Link already achieved in Hyrule, but modified in almost dreamlike ways (such as how the Ocarina and the Song of Time function differently this time around, as an example). And when you consider this with how Link first gets into Termina in the first place:
It all makes sense. It all makes so much sense, now.
So I think I am going with this. Albeit I don't know if I can reconcile this with the Hero's Shade in Twilight Princess, who is also supposed to be Link, except Link grown up, and in this theory, Link died as a child. But that's the only discrepancy, and viewing OoT and MM together as one work, everything fits together beautifully in this light.
@charizard1605: Oi! I don't read spoilers! That would involve an extra click of the mouse :P
I mean, I almost want you to, because this makes me think it would want you to play the game even more, but the beauty of Majora's Mask is in its ambiguity and coming up with your own explanation for said ambiguity, and I don't want to deprive you of that lol.
After beating Beyond Oasis, I've decided to give Phantasy Star II another shot, using the online guide. It's a lot more enjoyable this way, although I hate having to pick up my seventeen inch laptop to look at a stats table for weapons and armor when I'm shopping.
I could play dota 2 all fucking day and never get tired. It didn't used to be like that, I would play dota like for 1 hour and get all tired and nervous (dota can be super stressful once you really get into it). I don't know why my tolerance has gone up so much.
Fifty Shades was a boring movie. Don't recommend it at all.
But I got a new 40 inch LED Vizio Smart TV!
What were you expecting exactly?
middle aged women being kicked out of the theater for masturbating?
id debate going to a theater to see that.
It's not even his theory, it's just some shitty fan speculation that's been around awhile.
Went on a Virtual console binge, as I was getting Majora's Mask for it anyway, because lol at playing that game on a gross ass handheld. I don't give a **** what they fixed, that game belongs on my tv. In all it's 20 faps, like 100p glory.
Anyway I got myself
-Majora's Mask
-Actraiser (better be good Eroica)
-Megaman X
-Link To the Past
-Final Fantasy 6
-Chrono Trigger
and I got OoT on it last week. Which had me thinking how the **** is Nintendo forgiven for the Wii virtual console SHITTING on the WiiU virtual console. I can semi understand that the WiiU doesn't have neogeo, turbo grafix 16, master system, or genesis games. But the fact that the WiiU's selection for NES/Snes games is slacking behind what options I saw on Wii VC is ridiculous. Nevermind that the WiiU doesn't play 64 games, because reasons.
Went on a Virtual console binge, as I was getting Majora's Mask for it anyway, because lol at playing that game on a gross ass handheld. I don't give a **** what they fixed, that game belongs on my tv. In all it's 20 faps, like 100p glory.
Anyway I got myself
-Majora's Mask
-Actraiser (better be good Eroica)
-Megaman X
-Link To the Past
-Final Fantasy 6
-Chrono Trigger
and I got OoT on it last week. Which had me thinking how the **** is Nintendo forgiven for the Wii virtual console SHITTING on the WiiU virtual console. I can semi understand that the WiiU doesn't have neogeo, turbo grafix 16, master system, or genesis games. But the fact that the WiiU's selection for NES/Snes games is slacking behind what options I saw on Wii VC is ridiculous. Nevermind that the WiiU doesn't play 64 games, because reasons.
Nintendo is forgiven for that? I've seen nothing but shit flung at the fact that the Wii U VC isn't even yet on par, let alone better.
In fact, I don't think i've even seen the most rabid fanboys defend Nintendo's digital policies. Which are undeniable shit. There is no acceptable excuse for N64 not being on Wii U VC.
@lostrib: Don't. @Ballroompirate just has bad taste >.>
The book is better than the movie but at least the film is better than majority of book to films out there.
Went on a Virtual console binge, as I was getting Majora's Mask for it anyway, because lol at playing that game on a gross ass handheld. I don't give a **** what they fixed, that game belongs on my tv. In all it's 20 faps, like 100p glory.
Anyway I got myself
-Majora's Mask
-Actraiser (better be good Eroica)
-Megaman X
-Link To the Past
-Final Fantasy 6
-Chrono Trigger
and I got OoT on it last week. Which had me thinking how the **** is Nintendo forgiven for the Wii virtual console SHITTING on the WiiU virtual console. I can semi understand that the WiiU doesn't have neogeo, turbo grafix 16, master system, or genesis games. But the fact that the WiiU's selection for NES/Snes games is slacking behind what options I saw on Wii VC is ridiculous. Nevermind that the WiiU doesn't play 64 games, because reasons.
Actraiser is legit.
And that OST is so good too.
@Ballroompirate: Wait, there's a book? O.o? #TheMoreYouKnow!
You still have bad taste though :P
Yea been reading the book with the GF.
Also don't be jelly of my superior taste in things :P
I've been too busy with Pokemon ironically enough to fully enjoy MH4. I need to look up a beginner's guide to the game before really getting into the craze.
I also managed to snag another 600+ coins for my Club Nintendo account thanks to dear friends. I was able to get New Super Mario Bros 2 for free since I already got the physical swag I wanted from the site. I still have another 400 or so coins to register so I'll probably binge on more 3DS VC games. Still wish I could get SNES games on the platform.
Just sold flipped my MMN3DS for $750. Rofl, rofl, rofl, just rofl. I love desperate Majora's Mask fans.
The thrill of taking down a giant ass monster in Monster Hunter 4 never gets old.
Cool, I wish Nintendo allowed the 3DS to be played on the TV. I would buy one. There was a monster hunter game on ps2 that I enjoyed so I would like to try them out again. Also fire emblem caught my attention.
Man, Last of Us is just soo good. If the AI wasn't laughably bad, it would be ace. Definitely one of the best games I've played in a while. Totally late jumping into the game since it's been out for a while, but glad I waited to play it on PS4.
Megaman X is amazing, brilliant, lovely, and all kinds of awesome, and I'm dejected with myself that I waited this long to play it. I could listen to the music in this game all day.
Damn man.. I mean I can relate. I'm used to being late to the party on some great games. Gotta say I'm surprised you're just now getting around to this one though, it's definitely a classic.
Better late than never.
****, just thinking about it makes me want to play it again.
The thrill of taking down a giant ass monster in Monster Hunter 4 never gets old.
Cool, I wish Nintendo allowed the 3DS to be played on the TV. I would buy one. There was a monster hunter game on ps2 that I enjoyed so I would like to try them out again. Also fire emblem caught my attention.
If you have a Wii or Wii U, you could try Monster Hunter 3/3 Ultimate
Damn man.. I mean I can relate. I'm used to being late to the party on some great games. Gotta say I'm surprised you're just now getting around to this one though, it's definitely a classic.
Better late than never.
****, just thinking about it makes me want to play it again.
Only Megaman game that I ever owned was Megaman Dr. Willy's revenge for gameboy, which I played on my snes via super gameboy (because the whole champ dislikes handhelds thing goes way the **** back). That game was hard as **** for me as a kid, fucking elecman stage. SNES was all about dat Super Metroid, Mario games, and dat der wrasslin games. Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble arcade game. Good times.
Megaman X I been wanting to try, but I figured I should have played and beaten Megaman 2 before hand (since that's like a wildly popular one for that series), and I always wanted to get into them because of the sequelitis episode Egoraptor did. Gotta say that intro stage, still fucking genius. Also been playing Vectorman bro, no fucking sympathy from that game either man lol, I miss this type of shit in video games. They can make games pretty dope these days, but they don't make them like this. Need to get me that super nintendo controller for the Wii. So I can play the genesis game with the superior gamepad :]
@Stevo_the_gamer: same here, i played it on PS4 first and loved it. the only criticism i could level at it would be that I dont want to play it again. If you think back, quite a lot of time is spent literally just walking and talking. the moving pallet / ladder sections would not be enjoyable to try again. I am happy with my memory of the game as a one time playthrough, i dont want to spoil it.
Yeah, those sections lost their novelty real fast -- but I didn't mind the walking bits. It was a good narrative throughout the game. I hope they can make a sequel, because I would much rather have a Last of Us 2 then another Uncharted.
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